篇一 :英文情况说明 江宁爱卫办

The Statement of Jiangning District, Nanjing City on Applying to Rejoin Alliance for Healthy Cities

Respected Alliance for Healthy Cities:

Jiangning District of Nanjing City has applied and joined Alliance for Healthy Cities in 2010. After joining, Jiangning District was always following the regulations, performing its duties and promoting the development of healthy city. While due to the work change of related employees, this issue has not been finely connected, which resulting in membership fee arrears during 2012 to 2015. The above led to Jiangning District’s retreating from Alliance for Healthy Cities, for which, we regret deeply.

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篇二 :[英文版] 暗黑三情况说明书

Diablo III Fact Sheet

Diablo III is being developed as the definitive action role-playing game, and a true continuation of the Diablo series. Players will create a hero from one of five distinct classes, such as barbarian, witch doctor, or wizard, each equipped with an array of spells and abilities. As these heroes adventure through rich and varied settings, unraveling an epic storyline and engaging in combat with hordes of monsters and challenging bosses, they’ll grow in experience and ability and acquire items of incredible power. The game takes place on Sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy. Unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants, Sanctuary was saved some twenty years ago from the demonic forces of the underworld by a few brave and powerful heroes. Most of those warriors who directly faced the armies of the Burning Hells -- and were fortunate enough to survive -- went mad from their experiences. And most of the others have buried their haunted memories and pushed the horrors from their thoughts. In Diablo III, players will return to Sanctuary to confront evil in its many forms once again.

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篇三 :电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英)

便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics

使用说明书 User’s Manual

专注于完美音质的追求…… Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit…


Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice.

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篇四 :英文产品说明书

Spiral chute

1、 product description

Spiral chute is integrated spiral separator, spiral chute, shaker, centrifugal concentration machine characteristics of the equipment, mining, mineral processing is the best equipment, especially the seaside, riverside, sand beach, the stream of placer mining is more ideal. The product has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple installation, covers an area of small, simple operation, stable ore beneficiation, clear, large processing capacity, high efficiency enrichment ratio high, high recovery rate, reliable operation characteristics. Have weight light, moisture-proof, rust-proof, corrosion resistance, of the feeding quantity and concentration, particle size, quality of volatility adaptability is strong, no noise.

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篇五 :如何阅读药品英文说明书

maximum 最高(大)的

normal 正常的


ability 能力

activity 活性

distribution 分布

excretion 排泄

action 作用

clearance 廓清率

effect on 对…的作用

function 功能,作用

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篇六 :中考英语作文范文给朋友写电子邮件介绍健身房的基本情况

中考英语作文范文给朋友写电子邮件介绍健身房的基本情况 你的朋友Dennis想到你常去的健身房锻炼身体,写一封电子邮件给他,向他介绍健身房的基本情况。电子邮件的开头部分已经写出。其余部分应包括以下内容:




You want to know about my gym.

The gym is”In Shape”...



You want to know about my gym.The gym is“In Shape”... The surrounding there is pretty well, they have all kinds of exercises machines, such as walker, etc... and of course you could take a warm bath after your exercises.

here is the schedule of it:

Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

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篇七 :英文说明书常见错误

Having just taken delivery of the above, I have just spent around three

hours trying to get it to run correctly without stopping. Luckily, I have

some experience of model two stroke engines, so was able to get it to

eventually run correctly.

I do not expect other Customers will be so fortunate.

In order of problems ;

1) Slapping a "5" on the instructions and overwriting the 4 that was

underneath does not constitute a revision to the Manual

for a ML-72TFGT043, model SH10010085-V1. (I assume V1 is a revised model)

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篇八 :英文药品说明书翻译技巧

2.2.5 缩写词的应用频繁

在药品说明书中英文的缩写词应用比较频繁。例如:ABPC 是amipicillin 缩写,意思是氨卡青霉素,U=International unit 国际单位;Kg=kilometer 千克等等。

总之,对药品英文说明书的翻译是一种趋势,是促进经贸发展的动力,而且也将会成为一项“严肃而且专业性很强的工作”。具备坚实的翻译理论基础知识,掌握基本语言特点及翻译的技巧,正确理解和翻译药品说明书并不是一件难事。药品说明书作为一种专业科技应用文,应当秉承严谨,专业的精神,准确理解,忠实表达,务求实效。架起患者,生产者,医生之间的桥梁,使医患双方都能得到彼此有用的信息,药品使用关乎生命,译者责任重于泰山。 3 参考文献

1 南京药学院编 英汉药学词汇 人民卫生出版社 1984

2 刘奉连等主编 常用进口药品简明手册 人民军医出版社 1989

3 英汉医学词汇编写组 英汉医学词汇 人民卫生出版社 1979

4 刘中之编 简明英汉医学缩略语词典 科学技术文献出版社 1982

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