篇一 :英语信件范文-申请信




Sample 1


20 March 20##


Dear Sir,


I was very interested in your advertisement in today's edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.


I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.

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篇二 :英语申请信范文



Dear sir,

I'm more than glad when I get the news that HONGKONG University will have independent recruitment in mainland. Of course,Iwould like to apply for taking part in the exams of your school.

Please allow me to give you my brief reference. My name is Liu yang, from Zhaoyang high school in Chongqing.I am a sixteen-year -old boy,who is studying in senior

3. My advantage is that I'm sociable ,easy--going and good at communicating with others. Above all I have made many friends and I can do well in a

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篇三 :求职申请 英语作文范文

大学英语四级作文之申请信(求职信) (2009-06-03 18:30:30)


标签: 分类: 英语学习



1) 说明写作目的。表明想要获得什么工作或学位,介绍自己,为什么写信。若是应聘工作则还需说明何时何地从哪里获得该职位的招聘信息(对公司评估广告效应非常重要)。所有这些可以用一句话概括。

2) 介绍相关工作经历及本人个性,以表明你可以胜任这个职位。包括教育背景、工作经历、个人能力及成就。还可根据情况简单介绍个人爱好和兴趣。注意:所有这些内容均应与应聘工作或学位有关系。介绍背景时,选词遣字既不过分渲染,又不过分谦虚。要给人留下既充满信心又态度诚恳的印象。

3) 表示感谢和期待,恳请招聘单位对自己的申请给予优先考虑,留下联络方式及对对方表示感谢。因为求职信是在请求别人考虑你的申请,考虑给你机会,所以礼貌语气是必要的,也是重要的。

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篇四 :考研英语申请信写作介绍及经典范文






[Directions]: You are a student of Huabei University,. Write an application to get a scholarship for your graduate study in another university in America. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,using “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

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篇五 :英语申请信

申 请 信

1. Introduction (概述)

申请信的类型:求职信(毕业求职,简历)、申请就业、申请调动工作、辞职、报考国外大学等信函。其格式与普通书信格式一样,需有事由标题、信头日期、信内地址(封内地址)、称呼、正文、结尾客套语(敬语)、签名等栏目。注意求职信中,写信人必须将自己的详细地址、电话号码写在日期之上方,以便对方与你联系。称呼要得当。申请信要简单明了,常分开场白(opener)、正文(body)和结尾(close)三个部分。开场白不用客套话,应开门见山,说明你的写信原因、兴趣等。注意如系求职信,正文应强调自己的学历和工作经历。如系申请其他事项,应着重说明理由。如系求职信,结尾段应表示希望参加面试;如系申请其他事项,结尾应提请关注和早日办理。结尾敬语之前常加上“I would appreciate your early reply.”(如蒙早日赐复,则不胜感激)之类的客套话。

2. 各种类型的申请信

1.求职信(Applications for Job)

2.申请调动工作( Applications for Transferring Post )

3.申请辞职(Application for Resignation)

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篇六 :考研英语小作文申请信范文



Applying for the Position of Assistant for Marketing Project Manager


You are a senior of English for Business. A German company in China is recruiting an assistant to marketing project manager, which requires a good command of English and knowledge in German especially. Write a letter of about 100 words applying for the position, introducing yourself and asking for an interview. You needn’t write the address. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, using “Wang Lin” instead.

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篇七 :英语写作——申请信

An Application Letter

Huang Hao

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China, 100084

March 16, 2013

Mr. Yamamoto Kenta

Butterfly Technical Center

Butterfly Corporation

Saitama, Japan, 999999

Dear Mr. Yamamoto Kenta:

I am interested in applying for the R&D staff in Butterfly Technical Center. The skills and knowledge developed from academic learning and working experience support my candidacy for this position.What’s more, I am a loyal user of Butterfly’s products.

As you can see from my resume, myGPA of professional courses is 91.99, which is ranked top three in my major. I am confident that Ipossess the essential academic background for this position. In addition, I have done the SRT (Student Research Training) in sophomore about modified polymerwhich significantly developed my research skills. Besides, I have practiced in DHS (Double Happiness Sports) for two monthslast summerwhere I acquired primary skills and experience of rubber manufacture.

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篇八 :英语申请信

Xitucheng Road,#10

Beijing University of Posts and

Telecommunications,BJ 10087

April 28,2012

Li dong, Head of the Ministry of Personnel

BaiDu Inc

Shangdi 10th Street, #10

Beijing, Haidian 100085

Dear Mr Li:

Please accept my application for the summer internship listed on your company’s website. Currently I am a junior at the University of Posts and Telecommunications,with a major in Co-munication Engineering.

Over the past three years I have got a lot of expertise on co-mputer. And from the Experimental courses arranged by our institute,I have gained experience about software debugging. I can use C++ programming language skillfullly. Certainly I wouldglad to work on software. As I use all Microsoft applications, such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Ps of Abobe Company flexibly, I think I also could competent other ralated jobs. I want to steel myself through working in the summer internsh-

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