篇一 :英文读书报告格式范文

英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的格式

1. Introductory Paragraph

The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.

The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name.

The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher.

The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book.

Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.)

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篇二 :英文读书报告撰写格式

1.字体均为Times New Roman








4. 报告字数为1000---1500字。



The Book report

Book reports may be required by teachers who want to know whether their students have read the books assigned and how well they understand those books. If they are not required, students may as well write one or two for themselves, for writing book reports helps students to improve their reading comprehension and their ability to analyze and evaluate books. Moreover, it is very good written practice.

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篇三 :英语阅读读书报告格式

Reading Report

for Extensive Reading Course

(Times New Roman一号加粗居中)

(分两行,Reading Report单独一行,中间空一行)



Term: 2010-2011-2

Name: Li Ming ()

Date: Apr. 21, 2011

(Times New Roman, 四号,居中,两端对齐,段前0.5)


(Times New Roman, 四号,居中,加粗)

(title 与body之间空一行)


(正文每段缩进四个字符,小四,行距1.5,Times New Roman)


班级 英语1103班 姓名 田小星 学号 1101901307 成绩

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篇四 :英语读书报告要求及范文(1)


There is no standard form for a book report. However, every book report should contain the following four parts:

1. Identification. Give the title and author’s name. If the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. Give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.

2. Classification. A word or phrase early in your report helps the reader keep in mind the type of book on which you are reporting; mystery, biography, humor, adventure, and so on. Your reader can then mentally compare it with similar books he has read.

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篇五 :大学英语读书报告格式及范文



Reading Report

Name:    Class:                         

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篇六 :哈姆雷特 英文读书报告

The Analyze of Hamlet

Abstract: the king of Denmark passed away and his wife married his brother who is the king now a few days after the funeral. The prince Hamlet is told that his father was killed by a viper until one night he met the old king’s spirit who told him that his uncle is the murderer. So he decides to revenge. He could have many chances to kill his uncle, but he always heisted to do it. At last, in the duel with his girlfriend’s brother, he sees through his uncle’s trickery and kills him.

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篇七 :英语课读书报告格式

Book Report Styles and Other Forms

Style 1 -- Summary/ reaction

Style 2 -- Draw a picture. Artistic/kinesthetic/visual.

Style 3 -- Your own questions. Analytical skills. Also encourages learners to preview the book.


Style 4 -- The book and you. Intrapersonal.

Books Read Summary Sheet

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篇八 :怎样写英文读书报告

How to Write a Book/Reading Report?

Teachers love to assign book reports. Did you ever wonder why? Sure, you could think of it as a cruel attempt to force you to read. But it might be a little more than that!

Your teacher's goal is to broaden your understanding of the course. That is what Reading Report do!

What Is Included in a Book Report?

Book report content will vary according to learning level. Middle grade-level book reports will provide the basic details about a book, a summary of the plot, and some comments regarding the student's opinions and impressions.

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