篇一 :做duty report的模板文件

请各位做morning presentation的同学参照以下的模板来做,让自己的整个发言更规范。

Good morning everyone! It’s a great honor for me to do the morning report today. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is …… I am originally from ….(此处说明你的出生地籍贯). I am from College of ………. I like ……. and …..(说明你的爱好)。

The topic of my duty report today is ………. ……………….


(如果你的演讲中有比较难的生词,你要先给大家讲解这些生词) Well, before moving on to the news report, first, I’d like to explain to you some difficult new words or phrases in it, in order to make it easier for you to understand it…(给听众读单词和其中文词义,一遍即可,不用太快,让听众有时间尽可能记住这些词的意思) ………….

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篇二 :duty report

Good morning everyone! It's a great honor for me to do the morning report today. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is I am

originally from Shenzhen. I am from College of information engineering. I like watching movies and reading.

The topic of my duty report today is my journey during the National Day. Well, before moving on to the news report, first, I'd like to explain to you some difficult new words or phrases in it, in order to make it easier for you to understand it.

Now, my duty report today. During this National Holiday, I spent several days on board together with my parents. The voyage is from

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篇三 :duty report


My name is WangLing,my English name is Lucy. I’m 7 .I’m in Class 1 Grade 2.

I like many colors. I like red ,yellow ,blue and green, and I like blue best.

I like many animals, such as pandas, monekeys, dogs, lions, 我喜欢很多小动物,如熊猫、猴子、小狗、狮子等。他们是我的朋友 animals:cats ,dogs.ducks,frogs, elephants and so on..,they are lovely , They are my friends andI like them very much.

My school is very good one,There are many teachers in my school. I like Miss Liu,Miss Ling and Miss Wan,they are good teachers.

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篇四 :English Duty report

Duty report

Name: Tang Hong Song


Department: Management institutions

Date: October 28th 2013

Response to: “life without father”

Good morning everyone, It is my honor to be here to share my topic about “life without father”.

According to recent statistics, some west countries are becoming an increasingly fatherless society, especially in American; there are about 40 percentage children, who have not father. If the state is going on, what it means to the society and country.

What the society will be like, If the life without father. Firstly, children, who without father, will be discriminated by others. Secondly, the single mother’s life is filled with stress. What is worse, the social moral will be lost, and the rate of crime will be growing rapidly. It is not only a family problem, but also a social problem.

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篇五 :Duty report

1.Guppy belongs to tropical fish, 4 ~ 5 cm length, is one of the most easy to raise tropical freshwater fish. Its rich colors, shapes and exuberant fertility, destinations for the family of tropical freshwater fish breeding. Especially the offspring of breeding, there will be many and its mother species in different colors, shapes, produce.


2.黑玛丽鱼 Black molly


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篇六 :新闻英语 duty report注意事项和最新模板

准备做duty report 的同学必须注意以下事项, 照规定办理:

1. 对于选择的完整新闻稿件要做删节,字数在300字左右,不要太长,类似于编写新闻的

摘要(summary)。太长会让听众失去兴趣,注意力分散。删节的原则是:去掉一些细节太多的内容,或者难字词太多的段落。保留新闻中最新最重要的内容(新闻的5要素)。 可从新闻的最后几段开始删起,因为不重要的内容总在最后面。新闻中引用别人话的段落不能保留太多,因为会分散听众注意力。只保留最重要核心的引用语。

2. 新闻选材原则: 内容最新,比较有趣,贴近生活,不要太过于专业化,要能吸引听众。

3. 幻灯片制作注意事项:

a. PPT一般4页就足够了,不能再多。(每一页的具体内容请参照公共邮箱中其他已做过


b. 幻灯片中对新闻内容的展示,不能是原新闻内容的简单复制和堆砌(不能把原文大段大段的句子拷贝到幻灯片),需要对原新闻内容重新整合,按原始段落顺序总结归纳出其主要内容,高度浓缩,挑出新闻中的短句和重要词组,按条目编号,逐条列出来,用一页幻灯片展示就行了(因为读新闻时,不方便同时用手去频繁翻页)。

c. 新闻中的生词最好是以词组和意群为单位列出,方便大家更容易理解新闻,也只用一页展示。

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篇七 :Topic on duty report

A Guide to Chinese Culture Part One: The and the people

1. The Capital and the National Flag, Emblem and Anthem

2. Administrative Divisions and Nationalities and people

3. Language and Characters, Surnames and Given Names

4. Why is China Called China

Part Two: Philosophy and Religion

5. Confucius and other Great Thinkers in the Warring States period

6. Lao Zi, ZHuang Zi and Daoism

7. Chinese Buddhism

8. The Four Books and The Five Classics

Part Three: Literature and Arts

9. Myths and Legends

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篇八 :dutyreport

Duty Report

Hello everyone,today I want to share with you an extraordinary day of mine last week.

It fell on last Saturday.It was a muggy, gloomy and slothful day. There were not many people on the streets and buses were almost empty.It was 10 o’clock in the morning. My father still didn’t get up,while my mother was surfing on the internet as usual.Everything in my family was so tranquil just like every Saturday I spent at home after I’ve come to university.The door of my room was shut mutely and about 10 minutes later it would be opened by my mother and then my cell phone was ringing.

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