篇一 :GRE issue 范文

Should all faculty spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach, as the statement suggests? In response to this question, as far as I am concerned, I quite support that some of our school faculty do involve themselves in some kind of practical working outside school, an irony tower, if possible under the condition that time is no problem for them. And I will give my reasoning with corresponding examples as follows.

As we know, knowledge is derived from the practical reality which means life within and without the scope of school life is a huge and innumerous knowledge pool. As a teacher, if he or she can digest new knowledge from their truly experiences outside school, obviously, it may return them inspirations, not only for innovative thoughts of a latent new theory or technology, but rather a meaningful teaching method they can use to give lessons to their students. On the one hand, practical training can make our teachers better and more deeply know the background of some theory, which you may find it hard to understand merely through the books. Consequently, it is possible for a teacher to generalize the theory or to innovate a totally new theory as well as it is easier to save your students' suffering with the understanding of the obscure knowledge on the books with your real experiences. On the other hand, the function of knowledge cannot be limited within a narrow scope of books inside the school or library. What we hope is to utilize the knowledge into practical problems occurring now and then here and there, to give impulse to the progress of our society and make contributions to benefitting the human being.

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篇二 :gre北美范文issue篇(详尽分析)










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篇三 :gre写作issue 范文

20、32 、129

Subject: Students should choose fields of study which more likely lead to jobs

1. Today’s parents attach too much importance to the job prospects of their children’s education.

2. However, empirical evidence suggests that young people are more likely to succeed in a career that

interests them.

The statement that students should base their choice of study on the availability of jobs is generally incomplete and inaccurate in my viewpoint. Admittedly, when choosing the field of study, one should take career expectation into consideration. Whether jobs in a field are available is not predominant in the decision of study fields. Instead, one should focus more on intrinsic interest and talent and decide which field to study independently.

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篇四 :gre issue 108 范文

Some people claims that critical judgment of work would be meaningless if it is not provided by experts. HOWEVER, I think experts are not always so discernible which indicates we could not discriminate

opinions of experts. Moreover, dilettantes and neophytes sometimes may give more critical judgments than so-called experts.

The definition of 'expert' is not explicit enough for us to discern real mastery and unexceptional success. Although most critics recognize extraordinary scientists like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein as expert or master, and although some titles of academic organizations, such as professor of MIT or Nominee of Nobel Prize, could mark some exceptional illuminati, the hasty judgment on distinction between

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篇五 :特别好的GREissue类范文


艺术的目的:According to what Freud 弗洛伊德 has said art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust贪欲, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. Concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one


1. oldest definition of the function of the arts is that they provide pleasure(娱乐)

2. present us with insight into what is eternal and universal(理解人性)

3. can be denoted表示 as "expressionism"- the artist's use of a medium to express unique passion and insight(作为表达方式)

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篇六 :新GRE作文题库:issue:introduction 6种的区别

新GRE作文题库:issue:introduction 6种的区别 以下是小编为大家搜索综合整理有关新gre作文题库,issue


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


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篇七 :新GRE作文_issue模板

新GRE _Issue模板


? 指令1: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


1. 题目中的事实或观点是否在特定的条件下成立?如果是,我如何认可它们?

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篇八 :GRE作文AW-Issue高频提纲及优秀范文汇总by czjiao

130"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."



a) 儿童的社会化对于社会的未来很重要,儿童的社会化培养了儿童生活自理能力,基

本的知识与技能,为价值观,道德的形成奠定了基础。比如孩子在游戏总表现出来的勇敢,领导,协作,诚实,与通过。如果人们由于不当的社会化导致了antisocial, 未来对社会只会造成危害

b) 但是社会的未来不仅仅决定与儿童的社会化,还有许多其他因素,卓越的领导人改

变了社会的命运,Mahatma Gandhi改变了印度社会的命运,但是他的成功源自内心对自由的信仰,而不是来自出身印度上流社会的社会化。罗斯福Roosevelt虽然从小受残疾的影响没有很好的socially developed,性格也古怪。但是依靠New Deal给美国社会注入了强大的动力。

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