篇一 :整理版Emma Watson演讲稿

Emma Watson-- He For She

Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the He For She campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September2014.

Today we are launching a campaign called “He For She.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality—and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible.

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篇二 :Emma Watson 沃斯论坛演讲

Emma Watson沃斯论坛演讲

Since HeForShe launched in New York last September, I think it would be fair to say that my colleagues and I have been stunned by the response.

The HeForShe conference was watched over 11 million times, sparking 1.2 billion social media conversations, culminating in the #HeForShre becoming so popular that Twitter painted it on the walls of its headquarters. And men from almost every country in the world signed up to our commitment.

Everyone, from Desmond Tutu to Prince Harry to Hillary Clinton to Yoko Ono have or contacted us since September 20th. Everything from marathons being run, merchandise being created, 15-year-old boys writing to national newspapers deploring female discrimination, young girls collecting hundreds of signatures – it’s all happened in the last four months. I couldn’t have dreamed it, but it’s happened. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for your support.

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篇三 :Emma watson——my favorite super star

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to give you a speech here today, my topic is: my favorite superstar. She has just graduated from the Brown University, one of the member of the Ivy League, she is encyclopaedic Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. She is Sam in The Perks of being a wallflower. Yes, she is Emma Watson, one of the most popular superstar around the world.

When I think about her, I think of a watch, a classic swiss watch with a fantastic appearance, a firm and full inner and the long-lasting charm that it gives out to us.

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篇四 :Emma Watson refuses to be gagged by

Actress Emma Watson has refused to be silenced by online trolls threatening to leak nude photos of her following her powerful speech on gender equality at the UN last week.

Watson’s plea for men to join the fight for equal rights for women has sparked a flood of pledges across the world, including from fellow celebrities and politicians. "I hope we can all finally change laws and mentalities in order to establish what is nothing more than common sense," Watson posted on her Twitter account on Tuesday.

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篇五 :Argumentative Essay on Automation Technology Change and Its Consequences

Argumentative Essay on Automation: Technology Change and Its Consequences

Automation is the substitution of self-operating machinery or electronics for manual or animal effort to support or control a broad spectrum of processes. Examples range from automatic teller machines, to robotic farm tractors, to securities transactions, and beyond. Henry Ford's use of the conveyor belt to produce Model T Fords in the early 1900s was a precursor to today's assembly lines that feature robotic assembly stations and automated inventory control, testing, and defect detection, all of which can be quickly reconfigured to accommodate variations of car models. Information technology is a form of automation used to process data, transmit information, or handle transactions, such as to order merchandise, buy or sell securities, or make hotel reservations.

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篇六 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇七 :Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1. Describe the pictures

2. Deduce the purpose of the artist of the pictures.

3. Suggest counter-measures.


本题的题目是一组图,其中上下两幅图形成了鲜明的对比。考生需要抓住的细节包括年代的差别(分别是19xx年和19xx年,相隔约一个世纪)、渔船数量的差别、海洋中鱼的数量差别。这时只要简单地加以分析就可以发现,画图者的意图是警告人们,如果人类继续无节制地开发自然资源,那么总有一天自然资源将会彻底枯竭,最终威胁到人类自己的生存。考生需要分析画图者的本意,并提出相应的解决措施。 这里需要再次提醒的一点是,在第一段描述图中内容时,要用过去时来说明两个不同年代的情况。

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篇八 :Analysis on the Causes of the Break of Father's American Dream in The Triumph of the Egg (中文版)



——舍伍德·安德森《鸡蛋的胜利》解析 《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国著名的小说家舍伍德·安德森传世佳作之一。舍伍德·安德森生于美国俄亥俄州卡姆丹镇,后移居到克莱德镇,而且他的很多小说就以克莱德镇为背景进行创作,《鸡蛋的胜利》就是其中一篇。舍伍德·安德森能洞悉人们是如何追求美国梦的,也明了他们梦想是如何破碎的。在这篇小说的主人翁是“父亲”,一个本性天生乐观、热情,后来变得习惯性地沉默与失意的男人。安德森通过对“父亲”由原来胸无大志到后来雄心壮志再到最后梦想破碎的简单的描写,点明了本文的主题:美国梦的破灭;而文中的“鸡蛋”则可以说是美国梦的化身。那么,美国梦到底指什么呢?是什么刺激了“父亲”美国梦的产生?有时什么使得他的美梦破产了呢?本文将针对这些问题对《鸡蛋的胜利》进行解析。

首先,我们来探讨一下什么事“美国梦”?所谓的美国梦是指一种信任只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤恳、勇气、创意和决心迈向饭桶, 而非依附于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通畅这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。在《鸡蛋的胜利》一文中,“父亲”的美国梦就是出人头地,能有所成功。所以,为了实现他的美国梦,他展开了他的冒险之旅:养鸡和开饭馆。但是,因为各种各样的原因,两个计划都失败了。一系列沉重的打击使得“父亲”的激情彻底消退,这也标志着他的美国梦彻底破灭。

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