篇一 :有趣的手机app 英语演讲稿

What did you do with your phone everyday? Watch movie or play mobile game? Use wechat or browse weibo? You spend a lot of time in these matters, but you learn nothing. Why don’t you find some interesting and useful applications? I will show you three interesting and useful applications.

No.1 Yingyuliulishuo(英语流利说)

It’s an application about English learning. It can help you avoid mute English and speak English fluently. There are substantial study materials about daily life, business work, tourism and entertainment and others. You can choose different lesson on your own will. And it has the different difficult degree, you may choose according to the present level. The most important part is this app can improve your pronunciation. When you repeat a sentence, maybe your pronunciation weren’t standard. The word will become red or black.

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篇二 :英语1分钟演讲稿 (有趣的)关于学生上课睡觉的话题:sleep in class

You won't be surprised to find many students sleep in class today, especially in the math class. When the class is over, we can see many people wake up all together.

Many of them say that they actually don't want to dream in class at all as it's such a shameful thing to dribble when the teacher is solving an equation.

In fact, students always fall asleep unconsciously.

Some of the students maybe go to bed late, but I think they could still stay active if the teacher chooses to interact rather than keep cramming only. Now the schedule in our university is so tough that there's always too much to learn in a single class. There's no time to take a deep thinking, no chance to communicate, no need to take notes since there're sides to download. Then what to do in a 2-hour-class? Listen to the teacher without thinking, students will soon begin daydreaming.

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篇三 :中英文幽默演讲


2007-08-23 15:34:00 本文已公布到博客频道校园·教育分类



作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。 As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences. One, that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep. And two, that I talk so long they can’t stay awake.


作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。 As a speaker, he has often been compared to Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. When he finishes his speech, there is also sorrow, tears and mourning ---- especially by the program committee.

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篇四 :英语演讲幽默开场白



As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences. One, that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep. And two, that I talk so long they can’t stay awake. 创新句子:你们或者睡觉,或者不睡,只要不打呼噜,我就接着讲。


As a speaker, he has often been compared to Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. When he finishes his speech, there is also sorrow, tears and mourning ---- especially by the program committee.

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篇五 :简要英文分析《唐顿庄园》中英式幽默(5分钟英文演讲稿)

Luo Chaoqun-分析《唐顿庄园》语言幽默

Have you ever watched American sitcoms, such as the Friends or The big bang theory? Do you know the common element in those programs? In my view, they are all full of laughter, because you may be easily tickled by some scenes or words.

But when it comes to British television series, it’s hard to hear your laughter. A huge number of people may hold the point that British are serious and rigid, they don’t have much humor. In fact, only think actor’s dialogues again and again can you seize the British humor.

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篇六 :幽默英语演讲小短文(2分钟的)

As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

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篇七 :英语演讲稿

My School Life

Good afternoon teachers and classmates,I’m glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “My School Life” I love my school.I think my school is really cool.Let me tell you about my school life. I go to school five days a week.I'm there eight hours every day.School is a big part of my life. My school day is long.My schedule is so full.

My teachers are excellent.They help me to improve.They are very patient and kind. My classmates are good friends.We often study together.We always help each other. We are like a team.We play games and enjoy activities.We laugh and have fun at school.

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篇八 :英文演讲稿





徐工,我来了,不管前方的路多么崎岖,我都要与你并肩前行,不离不弃。 徐工,我来了,我要和你一同迈向成功大道。


XCMG in eyes, Dream at heart

When I was a child,I have heard this a slogan "XCMG XCMG, I wish you

success! "This slogan spread throughout the north and south of the motherland, until I really go into it, understand it, integrate into it, and fully appreciate the rich cultural heritage of XCMG. XCMG is what a great business ! I am impressed in front of one by one sparkling gold Xugong and sigh.

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