篇一 :五年级上册快乐读书屋五空山鸟语




( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 崎 岖 飒 爽 熟 悉 嬉 闹


崛( ) 嬉( ) 峦( ) 喙( ) 倔( ) 嘻( ) 恋( ) 缘( )


婉转—— 悦耳—— 灵动——

嘹亮—— 顽皮——


熟悉—— 灵活—— 轻快——

顽皮—— 静默——


) ( ) 撒 禁

) )

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篇二 :读后感读后感读后感读后感


《宇宙与人》这部影片汲取了现代天文学、物理学、生物学、地质学、人类学和生命科学等诸多学科的最新研究成果,运用了大量科学数据、图像和实例,揭示了宇宙奥秘的真相,解答着一个个令人类曾经迷惘的问题。让我深刻领悟到了生命和人的自然本质。 在这部影片里,我们不仅能更仔细、更清晰、更完整地去观察这个创造了人类的物质系统,而且还能弄清楚这个物质系统是怎样操作的。这部影片中,我们可以看到人类是如何被创造出来的,可以了解这浩然的宇宙有着多少我们所不知道的神秘色彩。以前总是很疑惑,为什么人类的产生会与马克思的唯物精神有关系,可是在这部影片中,我们可以发现,人类的诞生是物质一点一滴的积累,通过一次又一次的量变从而形成的质变过程,一次次的进化,都为我们展现了唯物主义中,物质第一性的观点。从没有生命到产生地球这个生命星球,再到诞生了生物,诞生了人,上百亿年的宇宙物质运动的种种细节都被前所未有地"缝合"起来,并且始终追究着人类的存在和这些物质运动之间的千丝万缕的头绪。我们不难发现,事物都是联系的,这个世界上并没有一个可以单独存在的个体,事物之间都存在着不可分割的联系。一点一点的量变的积累,一次一次质变的飞跃,才造就了我们人类如此辉煌的今天。

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篇三 :Alice’s A4爱丽丝梦游仙境英语读后感外语读书卡电子小报成品好书推荐手抄报模板读后感板报



Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a

work of children's literature by the English

mathematician and author, the Reverend

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the

pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a

girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole

into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque

figures like talking playing cards and

anthropomorphic creatures. – January 14, 1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was a British author, mathematician, Anglican clergyman, logician, and amateur photographer. Although he was a mathematician,he is best known as the author of Alice's adventures in wonderland (1865) and Through the looking glass (1872),children's books that are among the most popular of all time.They are distinguished as satire and as examples of verbal wit.

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篇四 :Alice’s A3爱丽丝梦游仙境英语读后感外语读书卡电子小报成品好书推荐手抄报模板读后感板报



Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work

of children's literature by the English

mathematician and author, the Reverend Charles

Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym

Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named

Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy

realm populated by grotesque figures like talking

playing cards and

anthropomorphic creatures. 14, 1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was a British author, mathematician, Anglican clergyman, logician, and amateur photographer. Although he was a mathematician,he is best known as the author of Alice's adventures in wonderland (1865) and Through the looking glass (1872),children's books that are among the most popular of all time.They are distinguished as satire and as examples of verbal wit.

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