篇一 :马晓芳(卤水读书报告)



盐湖是一种咸化水体,通常是指湖水含盐度w(NaCleq)>3.5%(大于海水平均盐度)的湖泊,也包括表面卤水干涸、由含盐沉积与晶间卤水组成的干盐湖(地下卤水湖)。盐湖中沉积的盐类矿物约达二百种。目前,人类已经从盐湖中大量开采石盐、碱、芒硝和钾、锂、镁、硼、溴、硝石、石膏和医用淤泥等基本化工、农业、轻工、冶金、建筑和医疗等重要原料。 关键词:盐湖,卤水,矿物

Development and utilization of salt lake

resources in China


Salt lake is a XianHua water bodies, usually refers to the lake salinity w (NaCleq) > 3.5% (greater

than average sea water salinity) lake, also includes the surface brine dries up, made up of salt deposit and the intercrystalline brine dry salt lake (underground brine lake). Salt lake salt mineral deposit in about two hundred kinds. At present, the humanity has a large number of mining rock salt and alkali from salt lake, glauber's salt and potassium, lithium and magnesium, boron, bromine, saltpeter, gypsum and medical silt and other basic chemical industry, agriculture, light industry, metallurgy, construction, and medical. Keywords: salt lake, brine, the mineral

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篇二 :1frdggygtyrfhrjytuedtttttttttttttttttttttttttgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


2、认识珍惜时间的重要性,能好好抓住机会,认真学习,为明年高考做好准备。 教学过程













甲:同学们,现在请闭上你们的眼睛,仔细听一下,你们听见了吗?这是时间的声音。 甲:接下来,请汤维炜为我们朗诵诗歌《时间》。








乙:现在请有收集关于《珍惜时间》故事的同学为我们讲述一下他们所收集的故事。 节目二:

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篇三 :The Characters of the Journey to the Center of the Earth

The Characters of the Journey to the Center of the Earth


Student number:2010710418

Title: Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Author: Jules Verne

Pages: 410

Genre: science fiction

In the Journey to the Center of the Earth the author narrated such a

adventurous story to us: Professor Von Hardwigg occasionally got a small

scarp of parchment from a yellow-leaved book, and found that their predecessor

had had a journey to the center of the Earth .So Professor Von Hardwigg determined

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篇四 :Analysis on the Causes of the Break of Father's American Dream in The Triumph of the Egg (中文版)



——舍伍德·安德森《鸡蛋的胜利》解析 《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国著名的小说家舍伍德·安德森传世佳作之一。舍伍德·安德森生于美国俄亥俄州卡姆丹镇,后移居到克莱德镇,而且他的很多小说就以克莱德镇为背景进行创作,《鸡蛋的胜利》就是其中一篇。舍伍德·安德森能洞悉人们是如何追求美国梦的,也明了他们梦想是如何破碎的。在这篇小说的主人翁是“父亲”,一个本性天生乐观、热情,后来变得习惯性地沉默与失意的男人。安德森通过对“父亲”由原来胸无大志到后来雄心壮志再到最后梦想破碎的简单的描写,点明了本文的主题:美国梦的破灭;而文中的“鸡蛋”则可以说是美国梦的化身。那么,美国梦到底指什么呢?是什么刺激了“父亲”美国梦的产生?有时什么使得他的美梦破产了呢?本文将针对这些问题对《鸡蛋的胜利》进行解析。

首先,我们来探讨一下什么事“美国梦”?所谓的美国梦是指一种信任只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤恳、勇气、创意和决心迈向饭桶, 而非依附于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通畅这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。在《鸡蛋的胜利》一文中,“父亲”的美国梦就是出人头地,能有所成功。所以,为了实现他的美国梦,他展开了他的冒险之旅:养鸡和开饭馆。但是,因为各种各样的原因,两个计划都失败了。一系列沉重的打击使得“父亲”的激情彻底消退,这也标志着他的美国梦彻底破灭。

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篇五 :Marilyn Monroe Biography 玛丽莲梦露简介 Marilyn Monroe captivated the world with her beauty

Marilyn Monroe Biography 玛丽莲梦露简介 Marilyn Monroe captivated the world with her beauty, glamour, and unabashed sex appeal. 玛丽莲梦露用她的美丽,魔魅和毫不加以掩饰的性感征服了整个世界。 Born with mousey brown hair and the non-distinct name of Norma Jean Mortenson, Marilyn re-invented herself and rose to fame in the 1950s portraying bubbly, sometimes ditzy and always curvaceous blonde bombshells in Hollywood films. 曾生就一头老鼠灰的头发,有着不起眼的名字诺玛.简.贝克的玛丽莲,由于在19世纪50年代初的好莱坞电影中不断塑造肤浅呆滞但无疑都是性感美女的角色而声名鹊起。 She overcame a childhood of foster homes, an absent father, and a disturbed mother to become a model, singer and award-winning actress. 她在一家接一家的寄居生活中度过了童年时光,童年记忆里没有父亲,只有一个精神失常的母亲,然后长大成为了一名模特,歌手和名演员。 But her sex kitten persona left her pigeonholed in shallow roles and alone. 但是她天生性感尤物的形象把她局限于出演肤浅银幕角色中。 Having sacrificed her first marriage to pursue an acting career, the failure of her second marriage to baseball great Joe DiMaggio would be blamed on her demanding career and increasing sexual image. 在追求演艺事业的过程中她牺牲了她的第一次婚姻,第二次与棒球健将乔·迪·马吉奥的结合也因她演艺事业和日益热辣的形象宣告终结。 Her third marriage to playwright Arthur Miller ended when career frustrations, self-doubt, and depression began to consume her. 她的第三次婚姻对象是剧作家阿瑟米勒,在她的事业低潮、自我怀疑等负面情绪开始影响她的时候也走向了终途。 Marilyn Monroe is a 20th century icon representing the glamour, sexuality and tragedy of fame in Hollywood. 玛丽莲梦露作为20世纪偶像,代表了魔魅、性感,同时也是好莱坞的悲剧代表人物。

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篇七 :The Joy Luck Club conflict and reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures答辩陈词

Good afternoon, all the appraiser committee members. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to attend the oral defense. I am Xieyuan from the 2012 transferred students and my supervisor is Lihui.

With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly six month's hard work, I have finished my paper. I will briefly introduce my thesis and welcome any suggestion.

The title of my paper is The Joy Luck Club - conflict ? reconciliation of Chinese and Western cultures. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.

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篇八 :托福范文 In order to solve the problem in the present and future, it is necessary to...

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? In order to solve the problem in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

There are many important factors that may influence the success, but none of them can guarantee the successful outcome. Also, the understanding of the past is the same as those so called the 'secret of success', but in my opinion, to understand to past means you have better chance to win than you don't.

First, the understanding of the past can at least prevent you from making the same mistakes. We all have made some mistakes in our life, some of the people may remember and learn from the mistakes, others would just ignore them and may fail again for the same reason in the future. For example, I have a friend who didn't get a good result in his college entrance examination because he played the computer games at that time. After he went to the college, which is not a good one, he decided to stop playing the computer games. But unfortunately, he started to play again when he was going to attend the GRE, so he failed again. If he can learn from his past experience and work hard, he may now get his master degree. So it's very important to understand the past and not to fell into the same river twice.

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