篇一 :乔布斯传读后感(英文版)

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the former chief executive officer and cofounder of Apple. Also, people consider him as one of the most brilliant and successful entrepreneur in the past decades. Apple achieves a series success under his wise leading, which makes people curious about knowing his secret and everything. Apple and their products including Iphone and Ipad have changed peoples’ attitude toward electronic devices. Moreover, they change the way of our routine life, more and more people are regarding Apple products as one part of their life. Apple achieves a series success under his leading, which arise people’s curiosity to his everything. What drive them different and change the world. One of the significant elements is Innovation and creation. Employers in apple are indeed the people who think differently with others so that their products are revolutionary and perfect in current time. Steve Jobs shows us seven principles of innovation in his book The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. In this essay, I will explain and take some examples for each of them.

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篇二 :《史蒂夫乔布斯传》读后感英文版

'Steve Jobs' book review

Today, I introduced the book, will let everyone know such a person: he brought us the iPhone, iPad, iMac, redefined the PC and cell phone; creates iPod and iTunes, revived the entire music industry; establish the Pixar, created a miracle of digital images; the company set up in their own garage now the market value has reached about 700 billion US dollars; becoming the world's most valuable company; and if it is not because of the fault of the board of directors forced him to leave the Apple, he will rule the entire electronics industry. He, once again changing our lives, again and again changing the world. He is Steve Jobs.

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篇三 :乔布斯传英文读后感


I was experiencing the feeling of paradox after reading the book. I felt my eyes wet when I read his stories, about how Mr. Jobs was able to overcome the challenges in life. These are challenges that I, you, and a lot of us will never encountered, but I understand how it must feel to be in the middle of the situations, and how it must feel being hopeless. This understanding has led me to the being moved by Steve Jobs’s braveness and persistence. The power of his dream had proved beyond anything, illness, unfairness and death. He continued to love his career even after being diagnosed cancer, and used his power and strengths to change the world by changing how all of us see it.

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篇四 :乔布斯传,英文版,笔记,20xx.1.4


Jobs dismissed this. “There’s some notion that because I was abandoned, I worked very hard so I could do well and make my parents wish they had me back, or some such nonsense, but that’s ridiculous,” he insisted. “Knowing I was adopted may have made me feel more independent, but I have never felt abandoned. I’ve always felt special. My parents made me feel special.” He would later bristle whenever anyone referred to Paul and Clara Jobs as his “adoptive” parents or implied that they were not his “real” parents. “They were my parents 1,000%,” he said. When speaking about his biological parents, on the other hand, he was curt: “They were my sperm and egg bank. That’s not harsh, it’s just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more.” ? [indi'pend?nt]

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篇五 :乔布斯传读后感




乔布斯的独特力量,来源于他的独特童年。他生于美国加州硅谷,1955年,恰好是美国baby boom的时代。她妈妈生他时,估计还是个不懂事的少女,在50年代,单亲家庭或选择流产都是一件不光彩的事情。于是,乔布斯被一个中产的家庭给协议领养,他养父是个是一名机械工程师,他在二战之后搬到了旧金山。

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篇六 :《乔布斯传》读后感



说到乔布斯,我想很多人都是和我一样,都是通过ipone才知道它的父亲。 去年的十月初,苹果发布了他们公司的第五代iPhone,而就在发布会的第二天,一大早我就在腾讯新闻上看到了乔布斯逝世的噩耗。在我还无法靠自己赚钱买一部iPhone的如今,乔布斯的死的确让我有些许遗憾。了解苹果的人都知道,每一件苹果发布的产品或者系统软件,都包含着乔布斯的心血,也只有乔布斯才让苹果的产品如此地完美无缺。


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篇七 :《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》读后感


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篇八 :乔布斯传读后感




现实扭曲立场(reality distortion ability),这个特点我理解的不是很深刻。就觉得是能说,黑的说成白的,假的说成真的,有一些“骗”的意味在里面。乔布斯给世界顶级的员工布置艰巨的任务,大家都觉得无法完成,但乔布斯就说大家一定可以完成的,最后事实证明,乔布斯是正确的,也因为他给了大家信心。这个特点和营销有一定的关系,或者说是交流,说服别人。乔布斯不是万能的,但他总能让他需要的人来为他做事。最经典的就是他对可乐公司的卡斯利说的话,你是想卖一辈子糖水,还是想改变世界?最终成功的说服卡斯利加入苹果。类似的情形,他说服很多顶尖人才来为苹果工作。

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