篇一 :幼儿自我介绍







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篇二 :幼儿园自我介绍


自 我 介 绍

zūnjìnɡdeɡ?w?ilǎoshīqīnàidexiǎop?nɡyǒují尊 敬 的 各 位 老 师,亲 爱 的 小 朋 友 及 ɡ?w?ishūshūāyíy?y?nǎinǎimen

各 位 叔 叔 阿 姨、爷 爷 奶 奶 们:


你 们 好! 我 叫 李 莱,小 名 鑫 鑫。zìdàsānbānjīnniányǐjīnɡmáosuìlezàib?自 大 三 班,今 年 已 经 7 毛 岁 了,在 博 yìshùy?u?ryuándùɡu?desānniánshíɡuānɡlǐ

艺 术 幼 儿 园 度 过 的 三 年 时 光 里,我h?xiǎop?nɡyǒumenyìqǐxu?xíxīnzhīshízhǎnɡ和 小 朋 友 们 一 起 学 习 新 知 识,掌 xīnběnlǐnɡzàibānzhǔr?nfùdàlínlǎoshīh?新 本 领,在 班 主 任 付 大 林 老 师 和 lǎoshīdexīnqínzāip?ixiàwǒbùduànch?nɡzhǎnɡ老 师 的 辛 勤 栽 培 下,我 不 断 成 长 bùzàishōuhu?xīnzhīshíp?iyǎnɡhǎoxíɡuànde步,在 收 获 新 知 识 ,培 养 好 习 惯 的 shíbiànd?ɡ?nɡjiāzìqiánɡzìlìzìxìnɡ?nɡ时,变 得 更 加 自 强、自 立、自 信、更 huìleàizìjǐàijítǐàitār?nch?nɡw?i会 了 爱 自 己、爱 集 体、爱 他 人。成 为 r?nh?lǎoshīxīnzhōnɡdehǎobǎobǎo

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篇四 :小学生自我介绍卡片








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篇五 :幼儿园自我介绍

Hello, everyone. My name is Solo. I’m six years old.

My birthday is in May. I want a bike for my birthday. My teacher’s name is .She is a good teacher!I like her.

I have a good friend. His name is Newt. He’s got two big eyes .I like him.

what color do you like? I like blue. My pencil case is blue . And I like to go to school.

I like you. Do you like me?

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篇六 :幼儿自我介绍






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篇七 :幼儿园小朋友英文自我介绍


my name is Qisijie ,

my pet name is Dandan.

I am 5 years old,

in the top class in a kindergarten.

I like Singing and dancing,

when father and mother come home from work, I show them.

I like to eat candy,

so I have tooth decay.

Now, I brush my teeth twice a day against tooth decay. Little kids,do not to eat too much candy.

I like the white winter.

In kindergarten, I build a snowman with my friends.

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篇八 :幼儿英语自我介绍


Hello, everyone ! Nice to meet you ! My name is Grace, I’m five years old. I’m a happy and lovely girl. I have a happy family, they’re my daddy, mommy, grandpa, grandma and me . I love them very much. My favorite color is green, and my favorite animal is rabbit. My hobby is singing, dancing and playing, so I have many friends. This is me, do you like me ?

二、故事(一): I want to sleep

Today, I will show you a story---I want to sleep. It’s a nice summer night. It’s time to go to bed, but Teddy wants to play. He goes outside. It’s dark and very qiuet. Teddy sees a little squirrel. ‘hello, little squirrel !’ ‘ hello, Teddy ,let’s play ! The little squirrel shakes his head. ‘No, I’m sleepy, I want to sleep!’ Then Teddy sees many friends ,and wants to play with them , but they all want to sleep. It’s very dark now , the moon and stars are sleeping. Everyone is sleeping now ,Teddy goes back home , sits on his bed. ‘what should I do ?’ Teddy’s mommy pats him on the head. ‘Time to go to bed, Teddy !’ Teddy says good night to mommy and closes his eyes, falls asleep....

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