篇一 :土木工程专业学生面试自我介绍



四年的学习教育,培养我成为一个敢于承担责任,对人真诚,具备很强的环境适应能力,对待生活乐观积极,拥有吃苦耐劳精神的青年. 在校学习期间,我热爱社会主义,拥护中国共 产 党和他的领导。




因此,我将在今后实践中虚心学习,不断钻研,积累工作经验,提高工作能力。 我知道贵公司向来很重视人才的引进和培养。而我具备较好的知识结构和自学能力.所以我自信有能力胜任贵单位的工作。若被贵单位录用,我将会在自己的岗位上踏实工作,勤奋学习,并以良好的拼搏精神在这个集体中实现自己的价值。

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篇二 :土木研究生面试自我介绍

大家好,我是来自兰州交通大学博文学院土木工程专业学生张明合。很高兴能够被贵校研究生院校录取。我非常喜欢我所学的土木工程专业,“不断超越自我”是我的人生格言。我认为一个完整的结构工程可以分为三个阶段:规划、设计和建造。结构设计能决定结构的最佳比例,并计算出构建所需的结构部件和详细资料。这是结构工程中要求技术含量最大、精确度最高的一个阶段,但必须与规划和建造这两个阶段结合起来,脱离任何一个步骤都不行。一个成功的设计者,在初步设计中就应考虑到各方面因素,并为之后所可能产生的问题做好准备。特别情况下,任何建筑物的结构设计首先包括确认应考虑在设计内的建筑物所抵抗的荷载和其他设计条件。然后是分析(或计算)内在总的受力(压力 剪力 弯矩和扭矩)压力 应力 挠度 和荷载产生的反作用力,温度,收缩 徐变 和其他设计条件。最后是构件的 配量 材料选择 和连接使其可以充分抵抗设计条件产生的效果。评判详细的比例是否是渴望得到的结果表现在知识积累原理 模型测试 和 特殊的经验)直觉和判断。这是我对土木工程专业一些看法和理解。谢谢大家!再见! Everybody is good, I come from Lanzhou Jiaotong University abundant literary academy civil engineering college major Zhang Minghe. Very happy can by your school graduate student colleges and universities enrollment. I like the civil engineering specialty which I study, “superego is my life maxim unceasingly”. I thought that a complete structural engineering may divide into three stages: Plan, design and construction. The structural design can decide that the structure the best proportion, and calculates the structural element which and the detailed material the construction needs. This is in the structural engineering requests the technique content to be biggest, a precision highest stage, but must with plan and constructs these two stages unify, is separated from any step not to be good. A successful designer, should consider in the preliminary design various aspects factor, and the question which possibly produces after the institute prepares. In the particular case, any building's structural design first includes the confirmation to consider the load which and other design conditions the building resists in the design. Is the reacting force which the analysis (or computation) the intrinsic total stress (pressure shearing force bending moment and torque) the pressure stress amount of deflection and the load produce, the temperature, the contraction continuous variation and other design conditions. Finally is component's metering choice of material and the connection enables its to be possible to resist the effect which fully the design conditions produce. Judges the detailed proportion whether is the result which the hope obtains displays in the knowledge storage principle model test and the special experience) the intuition and the judgment. This is I to the civil engineering specialized views and the understanding. Thanks everybody! Goodbye!

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篇三 :精选土木工程专业毕业生自我介绍与技校生求职面试自我介绍合集




四年的学习教育,培养我成为一个敢于承担责任,对人真诚,具备很强的环境适应能力,对待生活乐观积极,拥有吃苦耐劳精神的青年. 在校学习期间,我热爱社会主义,拥护中国共 产 党和他的领导。




四年中,我加入了青年志愿者、参加了学校党校培训,这些经历,不仅增强了我吃苦耐劳、自理自立的能力,还提高了我与别人合作与交往的能力。 此外在大学期间的学习生活中和一定量的社会经历,使我养成了冷静自信的性格和踏实严谨的工作作风,并赋予我参加社会竞争的勇气。

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篇四 :土木工程、工程管理专业考研复试英文版自我介绍

Personal introduction

Good afternoon, dear professors, I am very glad to be here for this interview.

My name is XXX , I come from Nanjing Jiang Su Province. I’m an optimistic person, outward, easy-going and rich in curiosity. I've finished my undergraduate education at Civil Engineering college , Southeast University. When I was a young boy, I have always possessed a deep fascination with design and construction. Therefore, without doubt, four years ago when I needed to choose my major at college, I decided to study Engineering Project Management and aimed to become a civil engineer in the future. Motivated to build a solid foundation for this goal, I'm striving for obtaining a key to your prestigious university.

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篇五 :东南大学土木复试英文自我介绍


Respected Professors, Good morning! It's my honor to meet you here. Now please allow me to give a brief self-introduction.

My name is ***,a 22 years old boy coming from **, **Province. 4 years ago, I entered school of civil Engineering of southeast university with hope .And now, I am trying my best to obtain an opportunity for further study in this beautiful University.

Generally speaking, I am a student with diligence andgreat deligence and perseverance.In the past three and a half years, I havelearnt some basic knowledge of civil engineering.To enhance practical ability,I have alao taken every chance to participate in various activities, such as Student Research Training Program,Structure Innovation Competition.All of these have not only broaden my horizons but also stimulate interest. My passion in civi engineering is the reason why I choose to receive the postgraduate educaton.

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篇六 :土木专业考研复试自我介绍

Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors!

I feel so glad and excited to meet all of you here. My name is Li Yunyong, 23 years old. I an a civil engineering major from North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. During my university days, I have built up a solid foundation of my major and comprehensively improved my abilities in communication, organization, teamwork and so on.

I am a persistent坚持不懈的 person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an outgoing and easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around. And at the same time, I’m also a man of responsibility and team spirit责任心和团队精神. In my spare time, I like doing some sports. Basketball and jogging are my favorite. They keep me in good health, full of energy and optimistic towards life.

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篇七 :面试中的自我介绍







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篇八 :面试时简洁个人介绍



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