篇一 :Legally Blonde,律政俏佳人英文影评

Legally Blonde zhouJun class2 In western countries the blonde suffer prejudice that they are lacking in intelligence and brilliance regardless of their outside beauty. Elle, the heroine of the movie “Legally Blonde” who has made great efforts to prove herself not a girl like that, eventually changes the world.

Elle, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers. All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”. At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner. She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in the L’SAT test to her wishes. Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony. During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.

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篇二 :《律政俏佳人》观后感


学院:地质科学与工程学院 专业:地质工程







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篇三 :律政俏佳人英文影评

Legally blonde

Legally blonde is the movie we have at the beginning of this term. Although ,itfits into the niche market ,I still have some thinking about it. The main reason is I am also a girl.This film is a typical American story .The directorRobert Luketic use comparison to say hard work can make success and the first impressions are not always correct.

Elle woods, the heroine of this film, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers. All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”.At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner. She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in the L’SAT test to her wishes. Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony. During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.

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篇四 :Review of Legally Blonde律政俏佳人观后感

Review of Legally Blonde

It’s a movie about a charming girl Elle Woods’ story. As far as I’m concerned, Elle set up a good example for us youth. She’s not only beautiful and charming, but also confident and justice. She knew what she pursued and fought for her goals. Her special characteristics is just something we youth lack but plays an important role on the way to success.

What impresses me most is her positive attitude towards life. When Warner found that his view on Elle was false, he wanted to date with her again because she was not only beautiful but also intelligent. As we all know, Elle refused him without hesitate for she didn’t love this idiot any longer. Absolutely, she made a correct decision. Faced with all kinds of trouble and difficulty, she kept on her way and eventually achieved success in study.

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篇五 :律政俏佳人观后感


姓名:张哲 班级:采矿工程2013-1 学号:201301030138

看了电影《律政俏佳人》,受到很大的启发。也许又是美国的一个励志片吧。女主角艾莉伍兹过着无忧无虑的生活,可以说她是应有尽有。她是一个来自热带夏威夷的女孩,女大学生联谊会会长,她是一个天生丽质的金发碧眼美女。同时艾莉伍兹正在与学校中最酷的男孩华纳恋爱,并一心一意想做他的新娘--华纳亨廷顿三世夫人。 可是,华纳却因为有一个出身名门,同样跟自己有着哈佛法学院上学资格的韦安女生决定抛弃艾莉伍兹。当艾莉伍兹问其理由的时候,他说:“你除了金发碧眼的美貌外实在没有什么可吸引人的。”

我在想,爱你的时候,你的什么都是美貌的,不爱你的时候,你的任何都是多余的东西。看着在餐厅中的艾莉伍兹听到这个消息的时候,失态的样子。不禁有些心酸。后来的艾莉伍兹也曾经彷徨过,也曾经怀疑过,也曾经想要放弃。然而,也许是这个小的插曲,激起了她的斗志。 她觉得自己应该做点什么,而不是享受自己现在的生活。她报考了哈佛的法学院。决定要赢回华纳的心。当时她的老师也不看好,她这样的选择,甚至许多人认为她疯了。她遇到了很多的困难,她遭受了很多的嘲笑,讥讽。结果呢?哈佛的法学院,朝她敞开了欢迎的大门。她获得了新的成功。 刚进法学院,这里与她以前的舒适环境简直是天壤之别。艾莉有生以来第一次必须进行一场战斗,为了她心爱的人、为了她自己。甚至是华纳的未婚妻韦韦安的挑衅,甚至是第一次,因为没有回答出教授的问题,而被赶出课堂,但是她没有退缩,她都很勇敢的而聪慧的应对了,这也促使她最终取得了超出所有人想象的胜利。 在做实习生的时候,维护了一个律师的尊严,也

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篇六 :律政俏佳人观后感


美丽、自信是她的代名词。洒脱、随性是她生活的表达方式。坚持、努力是她坚强意志的体现。这样一个优雅而美丽的时尚女孩用她活出自我的方式不仅使自己的生活充满了乐趣,也感染到他人去体验生活的非凡之处。羡慕,是我对女主角埃尔最真实的情感表达。 并不想大篇幅地去介绍整部电影的内容,我只想在我留有深刻印象的几个方面浅谈我的感受和看法。


其次让我觉得十分了不起的就是她那份坚强的意志与不服输的韧劲。虽然她最初想考哈佛法学院只是为了追回自己的前男友,但我并不认为考入哈佛法学院对于一个学服装设计专业的人来说是一件容易的事。但她做到了!这难道不是只有坚定的意志的人才能做到的吗?虽然一开始她并没有专注于学习,而导致别人甚至是前男友的轻视。但她那份不服输的韧劲起作用了,她疯狂地投入到学习中,很快便得到了教授惊讶和带有赞赏的目光。现今大部分人在与别人做比较显得略差时,总会不服输地说“我以后一定会超过某某”,或者说“我以后一定比某某强”。但又有谁为了目标奋斗呢?又有几个人能真正的坚持下来,笑到最后呢? 最后让我留有映像的便是她做人的气派。在面临是选择拥有在律师楼长久实习的机会,还是选择帮朋友保守住秘密时,她毅然选择了后者,于是她便得到了对手的尊重。在面临是选择与薇薇安针锋相对还是与薇薇安握手言和时,她选择了后者,于是她便得到一位密友。在面临选择屈服于教授的淫威而保障未来,还是选择凭自生的努力拥有一份事业时,她再一次选择了后者。于是她有了美好的人生。现在屈服于黑暗的现实中而活的悲哀的人数不胜数,只有极少数的人活的像埃尔一样。对于憧憬未来的人来说不是很无奈吗!!!

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篇七 :《律政俏佳人》观后感




论文题目 课程名称 学生姓名 所在专业 所在班级 邮 箱 课室号及时间 指导教师 日期


法律与电影 吴婷婷 食品科学与工程


1750993418@qq.com 主校区(218) 栾东







据说,金发美女也是社会偏见的受害人群,洛杉矶姑娘艾丽 (瑞茜·威瑟斯彭)就是个活生生的例子。她是个人见人爱的俏佳人,女生联谊会的主席,活泼健康的阳光女孩,大学的校花,一个女孩想要的,她全都有了,照理说不该再有烦恼。可就因为她是天生的金发美女,麻烦就来了。

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篇八 :律政俏佳人观后感

Legally Blonde Feedback

Legally Blonde is a really fantastic and profound movie, I enjoying it very much,And I derive loads of harvest.

Legally Blonde" Although youth campus Films are classified, but the discerning eye will definitely look at it as inspirational film. Because they were in their prime heroine Al considered mediocre boyfriend who were abandoned, then vowed to Harvard Law School for the purpose of obtaining, knuckled down to study, and finally got his wish. But also through their own efforts and coincidence of the opportunity to become a quite famous lawyer. This is the inspirational film routine, sparking many aspiring hormone, although its style is not like "The Shaw shank Redemption" so serious, heavy, and with an almost spoof means to attract moviegoers heartfelt laughter. We made no secret of Al's favorite, because her body exudes an irresistible charm, that smile like the sun's vibrant campus in the slightly boring, such as a touch of beautiful landscape, melting hearts of countless people's indifference. Her passion is everywhere, dress enchanting, charming manners, who bring out those sanctimonious hypocrisy. Her enthusiastic treat a friend, there is no effort, even her boyfriend's new girlfriend finally bury the hatchet with her. The most important lies, her self-confidence, which is the most valuable elements of inspirational films. Al self-confidence, and sometimes for no apparent reason, even with a blind impulse of the suspects, such as into Harvard, she had no academic foundation, but her self-confidence: I want to enter! So he entered. She wants to save her boyfriend's heart, though the heart is no longer, but she self-confidence, have demonstrated, do not fall behind (but really a change of heart when her boyfriend, she do not, because it is attracted by her accomplishments). As a fledgling student parties hired by lawyers, no experience does not matter, she was confident! So won the case - confident, no time discouraged , this spirit is the spirit of optimism in today's society need this, so Al smile flew the hearts of thousands of people to become the goddess.

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