篇一 :英语作文电影《20xx》观后感


After finishing the movie 2012, a character left a deep impression on me. The character is Yuri, the Russian billionaire. Although he is not the leading role in the movie, the character is portrayed very real in my opinion. According to the dialogues in the movie, we can know a lot of him.

He was an excellent boxer in the past, so he has a strong body. He also works with a good brain, so he can own great wealth. Now we can say Yuri is a successful man in business.

When disaster comes, a man true self is showed out obviously. In the whole process of escape, he is always very resolute. After getting the message that the No.3 boat is without hope, he strikes managers down and leads all the people running to the No.4 boat. At that time, he shows his good judgment. So in terms of ability, Yuri is an excellent man.

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篇二 :英语观后感作文

Dear teacher,

This Friday, we saw a very wonderful movies in oral English class, named water world in the future.

The content of the film is : In 2500, because of the earth's polar ice melt,the world becomes a vast ocean,people only live in the water. A lonely sea Walker came to the island, with a jar of dirt exchange water and tomatoes. At that time, the soil is extremely precious things. When he was preparing to leave , there is a conflict between him and the people on the island. The islanders found him a long gills and webbed variants, so they shut him up. While residents of the island want to kill this person , the island suffered pirate attacks. Sea walker is extraordinary and brave,rushed out of the Island.

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篇三 :英语观后感作文







Life of Pi Feedback

Sent drifting boat, The zebra broke his leg and loss of self-defense capability hyenas eat. The female

baboons However hyena cruel enraged hyenas have also been killed. Before all the fierce battle bray awakened the sleeping tiger, jungle, the tiger swallow the hyena. The last remaining faction wisdom to escape under the jaws of death and confrontation with the tiger.

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篇四 :一堂英语议论文写作课的观后感


----- 长边中学 陈丽蓉 近段时间,有关英语考试改革的话题引起了社会的热切关注。英语新课程改革已实施多年,但受到中考与高考“指挥棒”的影响,大部分英语教学还是把掌握英语语言基本知识和基本技能放在教学目标的首位,即过分重视语法知识和词汇知识的讲解和传授,而忽视了对学生实际运用语言能力的培养。英语考试改革旨在降低英语考试比重,但更重要的是改变英语的教学方式。作为英语老师,我们应该顺应时代的要求,把“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的习惯和形成有效的学习英语策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。”摆在教学目的的第一位。



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篇五 :老友记 英文作文

Good morning everyone, this semester we watched an American situation comedy, first season of friends, which is about a group of friends in New York. It is so popular that receiving a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations.

The first season introduces the six main characters: Rachel Karen Green, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Francis Tribbiani, Chandler Muriel Bing and Ross Geller. These friends have different character and experience, enriching the comedy. Some one likes Rachel Karen Green, for her courage to purse the happiness and the successful change from a girl living without worrying anything to a strong independent woman. Some one likes the character, Phoebe Buffay, who is very optimistic although she experienced poverty and being abandoned.

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篇六 :《老友记》观后感




其实友情和亲情都属感情范畴,有时候很像,真正的感情应该是经得起考验的。很多朋友或情侣因为误会而分道扬镳是很可惜的。在重大事件面前,我们应该本着宽容的态度,给对方一个解释的机会。有的时候当涉及到利益的时候,朋友就不再了,其实没有人天经地义要为你做什么,要考虑你的利益,除了父母,不要对别人要求太高,每个人都有每个人的难处。在友情或爱情中,不要为了回报去做你不愿意做的事情,如果你这么做了,当因各种原因没有回报的时候,就会产生怨恨,做你能做的,做你想做的,要有>勇气说“不”。真正的朋友是不会因为一件小事就分道扬镳的,如果发生这样的事情,那只能说明你们还不是真正的朋友,互相可能还不够了解,或者两个人的价值观有冲突。跟宽容大度的人做朋友,你的心胸也会变得越来越宽广。最后再点评一下Friends中的人物,时尚感性的Rachel,有洁癖凡事井井有条的Monica,很有个性的Phoebe,超喜欢恐龙的古生物学博士Ross,爱讲冷笑话的Chandler,和傻傻的贪吃的Joey。每个都鲜活生动,各有特点,都很可爱。 《>《老友记》观后感》

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篇七 :Friends 英语作文

My good friends are Jessica, Nancy. What the most interesting thing is that we are different signs and types but I get along well with them very well for many years.

Jessica is a typical Aries, which is a fire sign. Desire, initiative, courage and action are words which best describe her. She is filled with intense curiosity. Impulsion and strong willpower are her biggest individuality. In the period of middle school, she suddenly fell in love with writing novels and made the decision of creating great works. Though the teacher and her parents were opposed against her behavior, she didn’t give up and insist on writing. No she often contributes to some magazine, I support her forever and believe that she will succeed one day.

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篇八 :英语作文——My friends


I have met so many friends in my college life. They have exerted enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive friends is my roommate, Li Ming.

In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Ming did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness. I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother supporting the whole family. Finally, under great pressures, he balanced his life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row.

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