篇一 :有关友谊的英文名言警句

1.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


2.A friend in need is a friend indeed.


3.To preserve a friend three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.


4.When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.


5.A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.


6.Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.


7.A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.

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篇二 :常见的关于友情的英语名言


A friend in need is a friend indeed..


A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

人生没有朋友, 犹如人生没有了太阳。

A friend is a second self.


Between friends all is common.


A friend to all is a friend to none.


Both together do best of all.


A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.


All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.


A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your

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篇三 :关于友谊的英语名言


A friend indeed is a friend in need.

A friend shares the good times and helps out by listening during the bad times.

If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky."

A friend is a person who knows what you are saying, even if you're not talking.

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

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篇四 :关于友谊的英语名句

、a bosorn friend after brings distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.

2、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟。 ——Benjamin Franklin

3、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

4、A friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过

5、Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任,就没有友谊。——Epicurus

6、A friend indeed is a friend in need.患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友.

7、A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。

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篇五 :有关于友谊的英语名言

Friendship Quotes

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.

Elbert Hubbard

A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity. Robert Hall

A friend to all is a friend to none.


A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely.

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篇六 :关于朋友的英语名言

Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.

——Oscar Wilde



A true friend is one soul in two bodies.




Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.

——Publius Syrus



Publicity attracts friends, prosperity attaches friends, but adversity is the acid test of true friends.




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篇七 :激励朋友的英文名言



1. ''Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by

the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.'' - Mark Twain

2. "Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful." -

Brian Tracy

3. "Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful

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篇八 :英文版名人名言(亲情友情爱情)


A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.

(D.C,Fisher, American female novelist)

母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。(美国女小说家 菲席尔.D.C.)

All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer)

所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(俄国文学家 托尔斯泰.L.)

All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother. (Abraham Lincoln, American president)


As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them. A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. (O,Hare Noel, American writer)

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