篇一 :中英文年终总结



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篇二 :中英文年终总结 (2)

20xx-20xx学年上半学期工作总结 时间过得真快,眨眼间又到年终总结的时候,此时是我们总结过去、展望未来的最佳时刻。这一学期来,我们在中英文朗读协会这个大家庭中成长着、发展着、探索着,真的是有所进步、有所收获。我们回顾过去,既是为了更好地汲取经验和教训,更是为下届的工作奠定更好的基础。这一学期我们中英文所做的工作,总体说来还是比较成功的,取得了显著的成绩,得到了我院领导及广大师生的认可。 下面就我中英文演讲朗诵协会在本学期的社团活动,做总结性回顾:

一. 完成社员招募,组建社团部门。




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篇三 :英文年终总结写法

The end of the year is often a time of many events -- wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping holiday presents. This article presents something you can give to yourself -- something that you can get done during the holiday lull or over some vacation days -- a quick and easy process for examining what you've accomplished in your career this year and where you want to go with it next year.


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篇四 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and

sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

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篇五 :英文版工作总结

Work summary

I’m XXX, a graduate student from XXX University. My major is Electrical Automation. I will graduate in July next year. Before I applied for graduate study, I worked in XXX for over a year, I have some design experience in my last job, As an intern, I came to XXX in November 17. Counting on my fingers, I have stayed here for about four weeks. In here I make a brief summary for this four weeks practice work.

First of all thanking you for giving me this internship opportunity, I had a chance to begin my career in advance, at the same time; I took part in the two weeks’ training about XXX. During the training, I was inquisitive and tried to improve myself. Every day I seriously record the knowledge our teacher

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篇六 :20xx年英文版的年终总结

英 文 写年终 总 结

个人的年终总结和工作的年终总结会有所区别,一起来看看该怎么写、要包含哪些内容吧! Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

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篇七 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

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篇八 :英文版的年终总结



Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

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