篇一 :带英语的学生评语

1.你踏实、稳重、有礼貌;由于平时讲话很少,使得你在班里好像不太显眼,可你却时刻起着模范带头作用,给同学们作出表率。你学习较勤奋,课堂上那双求知的大眼睛总能把老师深深地感动!难能可贵的是一直以来你都能坚持这样做!因为你深深的懂得:Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .(有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。)加油,希望能早日看到你的成功!

2.你真是典型的乖乖女,跟你的同龄人相比你几乎是没有缺点。你比其他同学更能严格要求自己,渐渐的你变得勇敢了,当失败来临时,你没有自怨自艾,你勇敢地站了起来,面对学习的挑战,你没有半点退缩,凭这一点你让老师感动了很久。你是一位典型的新生代学生!感谢你的父母教子有方!送你一句泰戈尔的名句,祝愿你在今后学习生活中越飞越高!The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear

unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.(人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。)

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篇二 :英语老师给学生的评语

英语老师给学生的评语 1新年寄语 吴进兴 平时你少言寡语,但你待人有礼貌,为人诚恳,团结同学,好学上进,老师知道你始终在不懈努力,在此希望你再接再厉,多讲究方法,把成绩高的更好,加油吧, No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。

2新年寄语 阮伟清你是个聪明上进心很强的男孩,你尊敬老师,团结同学,待人有礼貌,虽然你上课发言还不够积极,字写得还不够端正美观,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。加油吧,"只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针",你一定会成功的!Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求,则无所获。

3新年寄语 朱琼滨你是我们班上的"小才女",优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:"天才出于勤奋",老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,进一步提高英语,成为一个更出色的你。The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 BEST WISHES FOR YO

4新年寄语 李洁玲 你是一个品学兼优的好学生,待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,每当课堂上看到你专著的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,你聪明灵慧,总是有与别人不一样的好办法、好主意,这将助你走上更成功的道路。让我衷心为你祝福:你的明天会更美好。Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。

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篇四 :学生评语—英文版


学生评语—英文版You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future. You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study. You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future. You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future. You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life. You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome. You are a clever girl. I appreciate your handwriting so much. Wish you make more improvement on your study. You are a humorous boy. You may have some difficults on English, I hope you will make more progress in later day. You are a sunny boy. You are very active on class. Pay more attention on English grammar. Work harder and you will make more progress. You are an open-minded boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you make more improvement on English study. You are a hardworking girl. You have a gift for English study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Wish you a fantastic future. You are a straight-forward boy. I appreciate your creativeness on class. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day. You are an earnest and hardworking girl. Your English is very good. I hope you can take part in more class activities. Wish you a terrific future. You are a shy but hardworking girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you are the best. You are an honest boy. You are good at running and jumping. Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics. You are an excellent boy. Your school performance is very good. Pay more attention on English study. Wish you a successful future.You are a clever girl. You have a good memory. I enjoy your activeness on calss. I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine. You are an intelligent boy. You have the ability on language learning. Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major. You are a diligent boy. You leave me an impression of hardworking. Hope you can achieve your dream. You are an ambitious boy. You are a good leader. You have an innovational mind. Hope you will achieve your dream. You are an attractive girl. You leave me an impression of quite. Wish you have a sweet life. You are an aggressive girl. Try to communicate with your classmates on studying. Wish you make more progress in later day. You are an energetic boy. You have a dream, and I hope youn can achieve your dream by hardworking. You are an out-going girl. You give me a sense of optimistic and sunny. Wish you be happy everyday. You are a mild girl. You show your tender feelings to others. I hope you can be more strong to face any difficult.You are a gentle and shy boy. I hope you can pay more attention on studying. Wish you be more open-minded and have a successful life. You are an easy-going boy. You are very active in daily life. You leave me an impression of serious. Wish you a happy life. You are a hardworking girl. Maybe a little naughty sometimes. Try to be more independent. Wish you a successful study. You are a frank boy and a dream-follower. Wish you step into your ideal university.  You are an industrious girl. Try to be more mature in daily life. Believe yourself. Best wishes. You are an optimistic boy. Keep this mind and stick to it. Your life will be full of sunshine. You are a knowledgeable girl. Reading is an excellent way to broden your view. Stick to your dream, you will success. You are a smart boy. Though you have some troubles on English study. I wish you can get a good performance on all subjects. You are a well-educated girl. You have a broad mind. Wish you achieve your dream.You are a serious and hardworking girl. Maybe a little shy. Try to open your mind to the world. Best wishes. You are an honest girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident. You are the best. You are a brilliant girl. Try to be more energetic on study. Wish you a wonderful future. You are an out-going girl. Your handwriting is good, but need more practice. Practice makes perfect. Believe yourself. Best wishes to you.

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篇五 :英文学生评语



You are an intelligent and hardworking model from whom everyone can learn. Perseverance is the guarantee for you to make steady progress. Hard work is very important in our life. May all your wish come true


You are so easy-going and sincere that every classmate can get along well with you. We are pleased to see you have made so much progress. Work harder and you will make greater success.

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篇六 :学生评语-英文版

You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep

impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your

handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future.

You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much

for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.

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篇七 :英语班学生评语

优秀: 1. 你的勤奋和努力是班里出了名的。上课总能看到你坐得端正的身影,听到你清脆的嗓音。学习,工作你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正,成绩稳定,大家也很喜欢你。当然在学习过程中要善于总结经验教训哦!继续加油吧!

2. “真人不露相”这句话用在你身上最合适了,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,努力,上进的心,再加上你的聪明,才智,你记单词,学新知识都特别快。瞧你,这一学期进步多快!要是你还能在大家面前大声地表达,那我们就更喜欢你了。加油吧,I believe you can!

3. 斯文秀气的你,写得一手漂亮的字。你的作业本总是那么干干净净,整整齐齐,使老师总是看了一遍又一遍。你是个优秀的孩子,总希望将每件事做得更好,你的努力使你的成绩一直名列前茅,老师真为你感到高兴。

4. 你是个聪明、活泼而且非常可爱的小男孩。兴趣广泛、知识全面、思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的词汇量是多么丰富,你的回答是那么与众不同,简直棒极了。老师相信,只要你坚持努力,会取得更大的收获,相信你能将英语讲得和说中文一样棒。

5. 你是我们班的小才女,小小年纪就已经考完了剑桥三级,金章,银章,还有小学英语一级考。这要归功于你的努力与好学。老师送你一句话: 山外有山,楼外有楼。不要自满,不要停留。

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篇八 :英语老师给学生的评语SS

1新年寄语 吴进兴 平时你少言寡语,但你待人有礼貌,为人诚恳,团结同学,好学上进,老师知道你始终在不懈努力,在此希望你再接再厉,多讲究方法,把成绩高的更好,加油吧, No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。

2新年寄语 阮伟清你是个聪明上进心很强的男孩,你尊敬老师,团结同学,待人有礼貌,虽然你上课发言还不够积极,字写得还不够端正美观,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。加油吧,"只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针",你一定会成功的!Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求,则无所获。

3新年寄语 朱琼滨你是我们班上的"小才女",优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:"天才出于勤奋",老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,进一步提高英语,成为一个更出色的你。The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 BEST WISHES FOR YO

4新年寄语 李洁玲 你是一个品学兼优的好学生,待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,每当课堂上看到你专著的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,你聪明灵慧,总是有与别人不一样的好办法、好主意,这将助你走上更成功的道路。让我衷心为你祝福:你的明天会更美好。Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。

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