篇一 :百句最新英语好词好句摘抄大全

1、Life is a test and this world a place of trial.人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。

2、addition and subtraction: knowledge to increase life, trouble will decline;

Friendship will increase, resentment to decrease; A heart to heart to decrease, increasing; Increasing confidence to promise to decrease,; ) to increase quantity to jealousy, diminishing. Steps to increase to decrease, alcohol and tobacco. 生活加减法:知识要递增,烦恼要递减;友情要递增,怨恨要递减;善心要递增,灰心要递减;自信要递增,失信要递减;肚量要递增,妒量要递减。脚步要递增,烟酒要递减。

3、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyments; not only about survival. 生活是一串快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。

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篇二 :摘录英语好词好句

1. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


2.If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.


3.Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间

4.Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.


5.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

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篇三 :中英文作文经典好词好句好段摘抄大全



1 】 have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have womb agile; The eyes have god, the look line to sharp; Arm strength, make moves to the punch; With rhythm, steps are to light.


2 】 life is a song, sing the life rhythm and melody; Life is a road, extend the footprint of the life and hope; Life is a cup of wine, full of life and mellow sorrow; Life is a mass of linen, interweaving the trouble with life and happy; Life is a picture, and describes the life experience of red, green, blue; Life is a fire, burning vision of life and to dream.

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篇四 :新概念英语好词摘抄

Has request for sth, beggar knocked at my door.

He calls at every house,always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. Keep guard at the door, It has belonged to our family for a long time,She struck the keys too hard and two of the

strings were broken, sail from the port, a young man waved to me,firm could not afford to pay such large salaries, You will enjoy your stay here, pay the bill, sell out, hurry to the place, be driven away by noise, throw the bottle into the sea, He started to complain about this wicked world, was interrupted by a knock at the door, It contained $50, I paint a lot of pictures, children often appreciate modern pictures, I'm hanging this picture on the wall, crept into their tent,They all leapt out of their sleeping-bags and hurried outside,The stream wound its way across the field, he has had trouble with motorists, This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers, refused a strange request from a businessman, The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home, some people rowing on the river, children kicked a ball very hard, it went towards a passing boat, The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water, there weren't any in sight,He saved money for years,employed seven hundred,The temptation to steal is greater,handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible,When she was arrested, was caught in a storm,expected the bicycle to be found,While the battered car was moving away,Olympic Games will be held,designed,complain about the weather, asked for a bedside,doctor answered the phone, he was inquiring about a certain patient,,in a tight black dress,she was busy eating,When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. it cleared the mountains by 400 feet, I am 100 per cent honest now!', but it was not returned to him, he had been confined to the wooden box,the doors had been blocked,rest for a while,searching out the hole,A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below,At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space,put out a big forest fire,dropped it on to the wires,The snake then wound itself round the wires,When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire,busy mixing butter and flour persuade her to ring, Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep,They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon. taking part,It sped downhill,mentioned,claimed a number of victims,training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.

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篇五 :英语好词好句摘抄

英语好词好句摘抄 1、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

2、Life is a lane but it is a rotative course.生命是单行道,但是一个循环的过程。

3、A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. ----Bohn 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择了。

4、A happy family life is a wonderful asset for any one.快乐的家庭生活对每个人都是很大的一笔财富。

5、Without music, life is a journey through a desert.没有音乐,生命就如荒漠之旅。

6、Life is a line segment, the intersection after the separation.人生就是线段,交集后分离。

7、Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。

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篇六 :★好词摘抄大全★


虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 满面红光

满头银发 目光炯炯 双目如潭 火眼金睛 浓眉大眼

慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽 衣着得体


眉开眼笑 破涕为笑 捧腹大笑 笑逐颜开 满面春风

洋洋得意 和颜悦色 悠然自得 容光焕发 神采飞扬

气势汹汹 神情沮丧 愁眉苦脸 没精打采 泪流满面


心花怒放 满心欢喜 归心似箭 心旷神怡 心潮起伏

心悦诚服 心事重重 忧心忡忡 心如刀绞 悲痛欲绝

怒火中烧 心惊胆战 心慌意乱 心急如焚 心灰意冷


勤奋 刻苦 认真 专注 钻研 踏实 勤恳 虚心好学

发奋苦读 脚踏实地 不耻下问 精益求精 刨根问底 废寝忘食 手不释卷 如饥似渴 持之以恒 一丝不苟


聚精会神 全神贯注 屏息凝视 目不转睛 专心致志

津津有味 掩卷沉思 神情专注


天真烂漫 无忧无虑 自由自在 幼稚可笑 挺胸碘肚 牙牙学语 嘻嘻哈哈 你追我赶 抱头鼠窜 逃之夭夭 穷追猛打 乱作一团 鸡飞狗跳鸡犬不宁 自以为是 屏声息气 尖声尖气 指手画脚 油腔滑调 撒娇卖乖 东跑西颠 爱不释手 忍俊不禁 呆头呆脑 愣头愣脑 玩耍嬉戏 装聋作哑 装腔作势 装模装样 若无其事 调皮捣蛋 满身泥浆 追来逐去 大发脾气 吵闹不休 舞刀弄棍 瓮中捉鳖 胸有成竹 得心应手 随心所欲 左右逢源 欢呼雀跃

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篇七 :英语好词好句


As soon as I got home ,I began to do homework.


Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.


The naughty boy made faces at the new teacher.


In my eyes, all the things in the school were so wonderful that the school was simply a beautiful garden to me.


The first class begins at 8 o’clock in the morning.


While the teacher was teaching, all the students were taking (making) their notes carefully.

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篇八 :英语好词好句

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. bail out 保释(某人),帮助(某人) bargain away 廉价出卖,轻易放弃 with a beam of welcome 笑脸相迎 bear on sth/concerning of sth 涉及,和。。。有关 for the time being 暂时,目前 be bent on sth/doing sth. 一心想做某事

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