篇一 :互联网留学网:英国留学ps范文


  英国留学申请会计与金融专业PS范文:Accounting & Finance personal statement会计与金融专业个人陈述。

  Since studying Business at GCSE level and Economics at AS level, I have developed an interest in the role of finance within businesses. Alongside my studies at school, I have also taken inspiration from my involvement in my father‘s part-time business. I have helped deal with some financial aspects of this business, including banking and completing annual accounts, from which I have developed several skills in working with figures and the ability to accurately handle, organise and analyse information. From this experience, I am intrigued to learn more about finance and accounting.

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篇二 :英国留学个人陈述ps怎么写?



在申请英国大学的过程中,个人陈述作为文书中最重要的一部分,学子们必须足够重视。英国留学:个人陈述怎么写?我们的英国留学专家为您详细介绍。 要想写好PS,首先要知道PS的机构、写作手法及内容。





通过一件事情引出全文,来展现该事件中自己的特点和能力,这是国外学生常用的形式。 3、第三种是专业式

主要自己研究背景来展现自己的专业研究能力,主要是针对本科生申请研究生阶段的PS。 PS从形式来说就是总分总模式,一般分为开头、主体和结尾三部分。

中间部分围绕主题层层展开,详叙文字,填充内容,展现自己; 开头部分要足够吸引人的眼球,先声夺人,能够吸引人继续读下去,同时点明主题;

结尾既要回扣主题,又要提供最后的“透视”,但是不要仅仅对前文进行重复,也不要添加新东西。 从内容方面而言,最基础的是必备6W,即回答六个“为什么”,即为什么选择这个专业,为什么选择这个项目,为什么选择这个学校,为什么适合这个专业,为什么适合这个项目,为什么适合这个学校。 围绕这些话题,将文章展开完善起来,内容精彩、观点独到。

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篇三 :温馨tips教你写好英国留学ps




1. 首先你需要列一张成就表,把你获得的成就一条不拉地写在纸上;当然,如果你没有,那就算了。


3. 一个引人注目的开头是必须的!你需要吸引别人有兴趣读下去!

4. 你可以向读这篇PS的老师表达一下你的强烈意愿,他也许、可能、大概会感受到你的热情,而拒绝你~~开玩笑啦~~

5. 你需要表现出你非常想去那个大学的意愿!千万别说你们大学只是我的备胎罢了~~如果你真这样做了~~亲,恭喜你~~拒信等着你呢。

6. 有了引人注目的开头,一个令人印象深刻的结尾更是必不可少了!需要让老师记住你这篇PS,继而记住你!

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篇四 :香港英国研究生自述信写作要点 ps


文案部使用文件 2011-5-18


一、 关于国内就读院校的概述

1. 学校的排名


2. 专业的排名


二、 关于本人情况的概述

1. 各科成绩在学校中的排名(包括校、系、班的排名;GPA,平均分)

2. 在考试成绩上有没有需要解释的地方?比方说大学成绩一直很优异但GRE成绩却不怎么理想;


3. 自己最初是如何对目前所专业感兴趣的?又是如何加深了对这一学科领域的认识?在这一领域


4. 在校期间从事了哪些助教、助研、社会实践、暑期工作?通过这些活动在什么方面得到了提高


5. 描述一下自己品格,比如诚实、可靠、刻苦等以及禀性上的优势。

6. 具备什么样的特殊才能,如分析能力、领导才能和交流才能?

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篇五 :英国文学史 PartII:Renaissance(with answers)

I. Multiple Choice

1. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _______________.

A. science B. philosophy C. arts D. humanism

2. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the line from one of Shakespeare’s _________________.

A. comedies B. tragedies C. histories D. sonnets

3. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare‘s Sonnet 18?

A. The speaker eulogizes (praise) the power of the sun.

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篇六 :英国文学史及选读 PartV-Romanticism(with answers)

I. Multiple Choice

1. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?

A. Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels. B. Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.

C. Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.

D. In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.

2. “And where are they? And where art thou,

My country? On thy voiceless shore

The heroic lay is tuneless now-

The heroic bosom beats no more! ” In the above stanza, “art thou” literally means_____.

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篇七 :PS英属哥伦比亚

Personal Statement

The competition was fierce. Our two teams were tied. It all came down to the last question. When my teacher asked, “What is the name of the plateau in the extreme west of China?” I knew the answer immediately. My hand shot up. Answering “Pamir,” I won it all for my team and they admired me for my extensive geographical knowledge. I was the only one who knew the answer. Even in primary school I was fascinated with geography, probably because the world map that my dad put on the wall of my bedroom started my interest since I was 6. And this friendly class competition inspired me to want to learn more. I was constantly reading and studying as it was a subject that I was so obsessed with.

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篇八 :航天工程PS英文版

航天工程 aeronautical engineering AE


Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in the way that the things around me work. From marvelling at the telephone to how planes can fly, engineering advances have never failed to captivate me. For this reason, I have always tried to find out how such things function, and about how they have had an impact on the society we live in today. Coupled with the fact that I have always enjoyed the logical and problem-solving processes involved in maths and physics, I decided several years ago to embark on a career in engineering.

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