








4、渠道模式变化及特点 xx年的销售以单个的主体为主,销售的模式单一。今年我们建立了业务分类整体直销、旅行社及会议公司分销、网络统售的多重销售模式。网-



























Carry a pen to write summary, adumbrative time job of a year already went. After-thought year a variety of plan plans in summary, impressional good people is much! Baconian summary is as follows: (one) the summary of integral environment current situation of this year market: Size of ⒈ industry market changes area of soup abdicate lake opened sunshine coast newly to go vacationing again this year village and Wotehaosi are villatic group, lie dragon mountain villa. This makes the whole of area of lake of whole soup abdicate recieves ability to strengthen many, at the same time each other competition also was strengthened. ⒉ brand spends the trend that reachs periphery of conference of competitive state urban district to change to be being formed centrally, course of study has with forming the area of dimensions: Of the avalokitesvara island of feeling of pool of lily magnolia day, filial piety, Cai Dian go vacationing the Shang Chi of direction of the Shang Xun lake of the phoenix mountain villa of the littoral city of mouth of village, Dun, E Zhou, Jiang Xia, Xian Ning. Among them the brand advantage of river summer area is centered in cropland of carry on one’s shoulder between meeting place and dream season lake. Lying of heartland we have advantaged advantage on geography, will be carried on henceforth and aggrandizement, be like: Add do wait to the roadside advertisement before guesthouse door from Macao mountain villa. Note inferior position of noisy of roadside guesthouse environment on the sale at the same time, adjust sale strategy at any time. Share of ⒊ competition market ranks change from year market competition portion ranks the 4th (the rank is ordinal for: Mountain villa of lake of dream season lake, cropland of carry on one’s shoulder, soup grandson, guesthouse) rise to the 3rd. Of whole famous degree also relatively on year have substantially increase. At the same time fixed passenger source increases to many; Change of ⒋ channel mode and characteristic year the sale is given priority to with single main body, the mode of the sale is onefold. We built business to classify whole to be sold continuously this year, travel agent and conference company component are sold, the multiple sale mode that network interconnected system makes work. Change of ⒌ terminal voice and characteristic year hotel sale is a level, namely the market and sale are finished together, do the market does not have departure with the sale that finish. This year, we already parted two jobs on the concept, and the implantation of proceed market: We establish effective client record this year, among them enterprise or business unit door, special dinner client, cent sells unit door. The sale terminal configuration this year forms funnel model (namely: The market develops passenger source, sale extensively to do good service to put in a mouth ‘s charge) , and to socially sale double track makes directional progress. Change of ⒍ consumer demand offers housing service, meal service, entertainment service to already cannot satisfy conference market demand for the guest merely. The change of demand of the person that begin to ask for offset to expend this year we are group client cent group of general business affairs and special tourism group. Have the development that solicits pair of sexes travel permit of circumjacent travel line. Main competitor sells ⒎ market this year expressional “ bosom friend telling the other, 100 battle do not danger “ this word church our very much thing. Seek the outstanding sale pattern of surveyor’s pole enterprise, the difference that digs oneself and surveyor’s pole enterprise and inadequacy also are us the main job this year. In the sale job of annual, the chain information of dream season lake manages, of cropland of the sale of net of human relations in society that has affinity extremely, multiple sale of mountain villa of soup grandson lake, carry on one’s shoulder decide a depth client management to wait, be worth us study and draw lessons from. (2) branch of ⒈ of of

summary of work of this year department is built sectional staff is enough first half of the year, market system is whole. Second half of the year is undermanned, market system invalidation. ⒉ department staff fosters market department to have personnel name. Through the burnish of large half an year, they master market sale basically already to run. But business technical ability and professional spirit respect still need to strengthen. As a result of sectional staff little, task is weighed, reason major skill grooms insufficient. Of ⒊ and other department cooperate with and hotel is other of the branch cooperate to had been compared, in pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone the respect still should be strengthened. (3) new year job plans “ carry prepares Yu Wei to tent in, decide the issue of the battle is besides a thousand li “ . Job of new year sale plans I feel ambitious tone look for a job is prior, the system spends integral sale job in the round to undertake deploy of politic sex program for guesthouse New Year. But we understand year sale job plans even is not marketing plan, the train of thought of politic sex job that just is based on year to analyse summary, specific and detailed marketing plan still needs to decompose a quarter or monthly is made, only such ability have real sense. ⒈ target directs the protocol of sale target is the key that sale of the coming year works. In program of work of new year sale, what should do above all is, target of construction of the sale objective with overall annual, charge target, profit target, channel development target, terminal, personnel configures the protocol of the target, among them: Sale target is all ages, charge target is all ages, channel development target is year, terminal construction target is an individual year, personnel configures humanness. The new product that ⒉ product plans to analyse according to consumer demand develops plan, product to reform the plan has: Kinds augment guesthouse product is old, become not popular advocate hit a product to be deputy belong to a product (if cover the ambassador,change 4 worlds, offer a group to Wu group is consumed and can enhance daily sale) , match ethical culture village and guesthouse, match club of teaching and administrative staff and guesthouse, wait for travel circuitry and guesthouse collocation. ⒊ brand popularizes market image promotion to plan to have: “ forum of height of sale of hotel of college rear services “ brand of lake of congress, Shang Xun extends a plan “ bolus of renown section name “ . ⒋ group support is carried out successful and efficiently to ensure sale of the coming year to work, guesthouse still needs to pass practice hard “ exercise to benefit the internal organs “ come flow of aggrandizement key work, crucial system will foster an organization to implement power, with better development client, reservation client!



20xx年,营销部在总经理的正确领导及其它部门的密切配合下, 部门全体成员本着“提高服务质量,开拓销售渠道,增进最优效益” 的宗旨,紧紧围绕年度经营目标任务,齐心协力,勇于创新,不懈努 力,取得了一定的成绩。现将一年来的工作总结汇报如下: 截止 12月份,宾馆共接待各类型会议 ( )批次,较去年增 加( ) 批次。全年实际总收入 ( ) 元,较去年增加( ) 元。其中:零客房费实际总收入( )元,旅游、会议团队房费实际 结帐总收入( ) 元,会议实际总收入( ) 元,餐饮实际总收入 ( )元。 1、继续开拓业务市场。营销部认真贯彻总经理关于酒店营销方 面的指示精神,不断加强对酒店业务市场的开发。在每月初及时了解 本月的信息,注重加强与各政府机构、企事业单位的联系,定期拜访, 加强联系。不断加大信息捕捉,加大宣传力度,逐步开拓了“益阳市 公安局、益阳市地税局”等一批新的客源。同时,进一步与接待处、 张家界、常德等周边城市旅行社加强合作,宣传酒店,搭建一个更广 的业务平台。

2、稳定团队市场,拓展散客市场。在过去的一年里,通过一定 的市场调查,结合宾馆的实际情况,制定了相应的政策和接待方案。 加大了与协议旅行社的回访和联络,加大了销售人员登门拜访进行宣 传的工作,加强了对客户档案资料的整理,加强了对现有协议客户的 维护和管理工作,发展了一批新的协议用户。及时掌握客人的反馈信 息和客户的消费动态,争取到了更多的团队和散客入住,提高了客房 的入住率,间接的带动了餐饮等的收入,取得了一定的经济效益,也 使宾馆的知名度随团队的大量入住而提升。 3、加强内部管理和培训工作。在培训方面,我们针对“拜访客 户的技巧、谈判的技巧、收集整理客户资料、跟进业务的技巧及礼仪” 等方面的知识进行培训,提高了营销员的整体素质,同时也加强了内 部员工的学习与交流,使团队的战斗力得到了一定的提升。同时,修 改完善了营销部部门制度,在一定程度上规范了各项工作,取得了一 定的成效。 过去的一年,经过部门员工的共同努力,取得了一定成绩,但我 们也清醒的认识到:我们的工作中仍存在一些不足: 1、销售队伍不稳定,对销售人员的培训力度亟待加强。 2、宣传力度不够大,有待提高。 3、市场营销策划活动有待加强,特别是针对性的节假日、重大 活动等期间的策划。整体活动缺乏影响力,活动效应也不利于酒店品 牌的推广。 4、各部门配合营销部门工作还需进一步加强,为实现酒店的最 大利益化开绿灯,做工作,进一步推进销售工作。 面对新的一年,新的任务,营销部将及时调整营销策略,勇于开 拓创新,加强学习,团结奋

进、,发挥营销的开源创收龙头作用,加 大会议、团队的促销与开发,不断收集信息,争取会议客源,开发一 定的零客市场,走可持续发展的路线, 1、 继续做好会议团队的接待工作,加强会议促销,充分发挥 我酒店会议场地优势,打造会议接待品牌。积极开发省内外会务客源, 重点放在一些企业经济类的商务会议、学术研讨、政府机构和事业单 位的会议。 2、 加强婚宴、喜宴、生日宴会等促销,增加高档旅行社指定用 餐,增加团队自助餐餐和风味餐消费。要精心布置和准备这些宴会, 根据客户的要求创新整个宴会流程,打造个性化服务,让顾客一生难 忘,欣喜。 3、合理并适量的开发旅游团队市场及省内外周边城市市场,以 此作为宾馆营销的一个补充市场,尽量做好调剂,在会议淡季加大团 队销售。 4、加强散客促销和协议客户市场客源的开发,提高宾馆的知名 度,增加散客的市场份额。要实现客房利润的最大化,为此: (1)加强与各企事业单位的联系,稳定现有客户,大力开发新 客户,本地市场客户要逐一登门拜访。 (2)针对散客,客房、餐饮、休闲娱乐进行捆绑销售,客户在 宾馆住房,可同时在餐饮方面或者休闲娱乐方面享受一定程度的优 惠。 (3)大力发展长住客户,特别是长包房的促销。 (4)尝试利用现代技术,建立网络订房中心,进行网络促销, 拟以积分奖励的形式来扩订房量。

(5)进一步建立健全VIP 客户接待程序 5、加大内外宣传和促销工作。充分利用关系营销原则,以个性 服务和感情服务与宾客建立稳定、便利的联系。根据客源结构特点, 通过有效的顾客组织化战略,把顾客纳入内部系统,使酒店与顾客紧 密结合。比如建设“高尔夫俱乐部”等,也可以通过免费举办各种洽 谈、报告会、设计作品展览等有影响力的活动吸引客户,并使之成为 自己的忠实顾客。围绕重大节日开展一定的营销工作,开创营销工作 的新局面。 6、主动协调与酒店其他部门搞好业务结合工作,密切合作,根 据宾客的需求,主动与宾馆其他部门密切联系,互相配合,充分发挥 酒店整体营销活力,创造最佳效益。 7、进一步强化营销员工培训、提高员工素质、业务水平。同时 为打造一个和谐、创新的工作团体,多组织一些有意义的部门活动, 来提高团队的凝聚力。 百舸争游,非进必退。在充满挑战的20xx年,营销部全体员工 将在总经理的领导下,立志以前瞻的视野,超前的营销,勇于创新, 迎难而上,勤勉工作,全身心投入酒店的经营发展,在确保完成酒店 下达的目标任务的前提下,塑造营销部的新形象!
