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2 - 每天至少看30分钟的课文,哪一篇都好(前提是单词读熟),最好以娱乐的心态去进行,不要当作苦差,如果坚持不了至少一周看三次,在读的时候慢慢培养速度,当然这是在读的质量有保证的前提下。(高考时阅读就看这日积月累的工夫了)

3 - 买英语系列磁带,每天坚持听一段时间,至少多长自己把握。(注意,一定要从初级开始听,一开始就好高务远听中,高级的话绝对无效)

4 - 每天写一篇英语日记是很有帮助的,但很多人做不到这一点,所以我建议至少每星期写一篇,这对提高英语语感和写作技巧都有极大帮助,如果有机会的可以把日记本交给英语老师修改,看看能得到什么意见。





How time flies! A term will come to an end again. This is the last semester for me to learn English in class in the university. To be honest, I am a little reluctant to end up my English study. After all, English plays a vital role in our life. When we are not stick to learning English, it always goes from bad to worse.

However, to my relief, my attitude towards English is positive. At least, I was never late for the class, let alone be absent of the class. I remember that one day I had to conduct a physical experiment, but I didn’t ask for a leave. Although I was burdened with worries at that time. I still waited for the end of the class and then ran to the laboratory.

Generally speaking, I always had previewed the text before the teacher taught it. Not only would I write down the explanations of the new words, but I would also finish the exercise all by myself. Sometimes it was difficult for me to translate Chinese into English correctly. But when I didn’t know how to translate the sentence in the exercise, I would turn to the dictionary for help rather than seek the answers from the internet. Besides, thanks to the morning reading, I could often learn the lesson thoroughly before the class.

Frankly, I listened to the teacher carefully. Because the teacher did not just teach us the knowledge in the textbook, she also made some suggestions for our life. She recommended that we should learn some liberal arts to enrich our life due to the science we are major in. Moreover she reminded us to prepare for the employment in advance. I enjoy learning English in this way. However, sometimes I was yet absent-minded in the class. Sometimes I couldn’t help talking with others.(this phenomenon is rare) To make matters worse, I seldom answered the questions the teacher asked. As a matter of fact, sometimes even if I knew the answer or I had made the preparations, I would not put up my hand to answer the question. In a word, I lack the confidence and courage and this let me down. I have tried to stand up several times but I didn’t make it at length. That is to say, my performance in the class wasn’t so well. Worse still, in this term, I didn’t get involved in so many English competitions. To me, I lost a great many opportunities to improve myself. In a way it is my loss.

In recent days, I have been occupied in preparing for the CET-6. For the sake of other activities, I spent little time in preparing for the exam before. Compared with CET-4, CET-6 needs the sturdy basic of English and more practice. As consequences, chances of getting high mark are slim. But I will still make desperate efforts to achieve my goal.

Through such a term of learning English, in some aspects maybe I have improved my English. But what I find is that I’m getting more pessimistic. From the bottom of my heart, I prettily understand that I should attribute everything to my English pronunciation. I always think that my pronunciation is poor. As a result, I dare not to stand up to answer any questions. It is obvious that the inferior emotion leads to everything. Towards this problem, I must find a solution to tackle it. Unfortunately we will not have English class next term, But I will still insist on studying English on my own, especially improving my pronunciation. Whatever the trouble I will confront with, under no circumstance will I give up.
