

This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a

theorem that establishes sufficient conditions for a control law to be safe. In Section III, for each control law, the desired velocity profiles for the platoon leader are derived. Section IV

describes the velocity profile tracking controller design. Simulation results are presented in Section V. The proof of the

theorem of Section II is contained in the Appendix.



1. The surface-initiated ATRP from inorganic nanoparticles of commercialmass productions is seldom studied.

2. The ligand bpy and PMDETA were chosen to study the effects of ligand on the controllability of ATRP of MMA from the surface of fumed SiO2 with the monomer and initiator ratio of 300:1.

3. A ligand in the transition metal complex plays a crucial role in solubility and stability of the complex.




7. Appropriate molar ratio of monomer andinitiator is essential for preparing controlled PMMA/SiO2 nanoparticles.
