Team Learning 总结大会新闻稿

Team Learning 总结大会新闻稿



1TL之星的评选 (各TL小组在组内一致推选一名TL之星,参与下面的各种竞技环节)

2TL之星即兴演讲 (由TL之星在给定的范围内选择一个话题即兴演讲)

3团队风采展示 (各TL小组带来准备已久的精彩节目) 4团队知识大比拼 (各TL之星代表团队进行围棋比赛,其他TL学员为其提供智力支持)





舞啦,现场彩扇飘飘,美不胜收。男生们笨拙的舞姿显得相当可爱; 主持人兴致高昂。学术部温康超和王康乃是本次活动最活跃的主持人,两人时而一唱一和,时而各种耍宝装二,乐得全场观众为之捧腹,配合得相当默契。



第二篇:money love marriage ppt配套演讲稿

Hello everyone ,today ,I want talk about the topic “Money and love”.

What's love? This is a complex question and a complex answer. Love is one of most important emotions. Love is a strong, positive and feeling for everyone or thing. Just like Aristotle says” Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies”

Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.(鼠标)

Love is strong hands to give you help when you are in trouble. (鼠标)

Love is a book, you can read it in your lifetime. (鼠标)

Love is a feeling between the two person who are willing to be tolerant and understanding with each other. (鼠标)

But I have a question :::: When you fall in love, have you given any thought to your future? I am sure that you should hope your lover could live happily, not only in spiritual, but also in material. we want This luxury villa,we want the beautiful car,we want the delicious food ,we want to take a trip with our lover whenever we want . To start living this way, we need money, much money(鼠标)

Just like the picture implies:: Money is a essential and important part on our lives.(鼠标)

many people are aware of that in the above paragraph. So they try to make much more money, they try to accomadating the cruel society .They work hard, then they successed . they become white-coller , manager, top executive, CEO and so on.(鼠标)

And then, In order to earn more money ,they are busy promotion , they are stuck in meetings all day , they are busy on a business trip ,and working overtime, their pressure are increasing qulckly . the more busy we are, the less leisure time to be left for the date with their lover . with little time remaining to Communicate with each other, the conflicts between them are becoming more and more complicated. (鼠标)

Pretty soon they begin reglect lover, families,friends。

Gradually, they deviated from the original goal! They don’t live happily,neither their lover.(鼠标)

Sometimes we may even feel confused::I just hope she could enjoy a better material life, why can’t she feel my pain. What’s wrong?????

It’s just because Money means something but not everything to our life.(鼠标) Love without money can't last long. Similarly, money without love can't make one feel happy. So they are both important. What one should do is pursue both. Anyone who wants to catch only one of them will find out at last he gets nothing. 鼠标)

Let’t review the original intention that we gain much money。We just want our Family could live happily, not only in spiritual, but also in material.,,what we want is this ,(鼠标)this,this (鼠标)

Love plus money equal marriage(鼠标)

With love and money we get married,From youth to middle age,to old age,We will grow old with the passing of each day。

Life is better with company, We all need a copilot. Supporting mutually old is not easy, we need not only courage ,but also love and money!








