


We don't have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’m grateful and thankful to have found at Yale, and what I’m scared of losing when we wake up tomorrow after Commencement and leave this place.


It’s not quite love and its’ not quite community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team. When the check is paid and you stay at the table. When it’s four A.M. and no one goes to bed. That night with the guitar. That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt. The hats.


Yale is full of tiny circles we pull around ourselves. A cappella groups, sports teams, houses, societies, clubs. These tiny groups that make us feel loved and safe and part of something even on our loneliest nights when we stumble home to our computers—partnerless, tired, awake. We don’t have those next year. We won’t live on the same block as all our friends. We won’t have a bunch of group texts.


This scares me. More than finding the right job or city or spouse, I’m scared of losing this web we’re in. This elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. This feeling I feel right now.



But let us get one thing straight: the best years of our lives are not behind us. They’re part of us and they are set for repetition as we grow up and move to New York and away from New York and wish we did or didn’t live in New York. I plan on having parties when I’m thirty. I plan on having fun when I’m old. Any notion of THE BEST years comes from clichéd “should have…,” “if I’d…,” “wish I’d…”


Of course, there are things we wish we’d done: our readings, that boy across the hall. We’re out own hardest critics and it’s easy to let ourselves down. Sleeping too late. Procrastinating. Cutting corners. More than once I’ve looked back on my high school self and thought: how did I do that? How did I work so hard?Our private insecurities follow us and will always follow us.


But the thing is, we’re all like that. Nobody wakes up when they want to. Nobody did all of their readings (except maybe the crazy people who win prizes?.).We have these impossibly high standards and we’ll probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves. But I feel like that’s okay.


We’re so young.We’re so young. We’re twenty-two years old. We have so much time. There’s this sentiment I sometimes sense, creeping in our collective consciousness as we lie alone after a party, or pack up our books when we give in and go out—that it is somehow too late. The others are somehow ahead. More accomplished, (Motivational model )more specialized. More on the path to somehow saving the world, somehow creating or inventing or improving. That it’s too late now to BEGIN a beginning and we must settle for continuance, for commencement.


When we came to Yale, there was this sense of possibility. This immense and indefinable potential energy—and it’s easy to feel like that’s slipped away. We never had to choose and suddenly we’ve had to. Some of us have focused ourselves. Some of us know exactly what we want and are on the path to get it: already going to med school, working at the perfect NGO, doing research. To you I say both congratulations and you suck.


For most of us, however, we’re somewhat lost in this sea of liberal arts. Not quite sure what road we’re on and whether we should have taken it.If only I had majored in biology?if only I’d gotten involved in journalism as a freshman?if only I’d thought to apply for this or for that…


What we have to remember is that we can still do anything. We can change our minds. We can start over. Get a post-bac or try writing for the first time. The notion that it’s too late to do anything is comical. It’s hilarious. We’re graduating from college. We’re so young. We can’t, we MUST not lost this sense of possibility because in the end, it’s all we have.


College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?


Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates。


A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep。


As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools。


The things taught in colleges are not an education, but the means to an education。


Never get married in college:it’s hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you’ve already made one mistake。


Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself。


The university brings out all abilities, including incapability。


The chief value in going to college is that it's the only way to learn it really doesn't matter。


80% of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed and the one book you didn't read。



第二篇:大学 综英翻译

Unit 6

1. —我怀疑他没有告诉我们全部真相。—你为什么对此有怀疑?-I

suspect that he has not told us the whole truth. /I doubt he

has told us the whole truth. -Why do you doubt it?


察通过DNA检查终于证明他就是真正的杀人凶手。 Nobody

would have suspected him. A suspect wouldn't usually look so

appealing. But finally the police identified him to be the true

murderer through a DNA test.

3.皇帝被认为是中国历史上的第一个农夫,而他的妻子则是第一个织 Huangdi is regarded as the very first farmer in our history

while his wife was the first weaver.


Please give my best regards to my friends there. I really miss

them all.


活。Whenever possible young people prefer to earn their own

living than live off their parents.



The North demanded the military exercise be called off, but

the South refused. Instead they demanded an open apology

from the North for the gun fire.


This place has earned itself quite a reputation for developing a green economy.


Being young, they are often inclined to look at things from the bright side.


Scientists have identified the frozen body as a young hunter who lived about six thousand years ago.

10.虽然她是第二代美籍华人,但她仍然珍惜她的中国文化身份。Although she is a second-generation Chinese American, she still values her Chinese cultural identity.


Do you know the young lady sitting next to the chairman of the department?

2.警方对那个犯罪嫌疑人跟踪了一个星期,很快就会拘捕此人。 The police have been keeping track of the suspect for a whole week. They will make an arrest soon.

3.新政府宣布他们将会保护在这个国家生活的所有守法的外国人。The new government announced that they would protect all

law-abiding foreigners living in the country.


We should bear in mind that there are still thousands of people living on or near the poverty line in this city.


These athletes have been training for the current Asian Games for a whole year.

6.这个城市的失业居民从五月开始就一直在抗议食品价格的飞涨。 Since May, unemployed residents in the city have been protesting soaring food prices in the past two months.


The young employees of the organization have been tightening their belts for months, adapting themselves to a war economy.


The company claims that they have made a breakthrough in energy-saving technology.

9.金先生从服务员开始升到经理的职位,他为这家餐厅工作了30年。Mr. King worked this way up from the position of waiter to manager. He has been working for the restaurant fro 30 years.


The outgoing /retiring vice president of the university made a hear-warming speech at his farewell party.



Mr. Lin has always concerned about the desertification 。I fully agree with him that this is a serious concern as regard as our environmental protection.

2.我们的政府发言人对最近被海盗劫持的两位中国工程师深表关切。 The government spokesman expressed our deep concern for two Chinese engineers who were recently taken hostage by the pirates.


It is hard to visualize how we can protect the dam from enemy attack.


Freedom of religion means not only that people can pursue different faiths.It also means that they have the right not to any religions.


We teachers usually meet once every week to compare notes about our teaching.


The situation of this area is very delicate.No country should be allowed to do anything to threaten the precarious balance.


To be adequate as a translator .we must have a good command of both foreign language and Chinese.And I consider myself terribly inadequate in this respect.

8.不管我们的意见有多大的分歧,我们都必须共同面对这一挑战。 However we differ in our opinion ,we must face the challenge together.


The way ,we define a good education is that ,when you get

through it.you not only know how to make a living ,but you also know how to live.


It always delights Mr.Blake to hear of his students’ succes


There are a lot of things to consider before we make a decision.


To give up is wise when it is impossible to succeed.


It might be sensible to get a lawyer under the circumstances.


We admire their courage to tell their children the truth ,however painful it is.

6.公共人物(public figures)在繁忙的大街出现,要想不被人们认出几乎是不可能的。

It is impossible for public figures to appear in a busy street without being recognized.


I was amazed by people’s readiness to help a stranger,even when they know they may get into trouble.

8.学生不仅要知道自己的优势,也要知道自己的局限性,这很重要。 It is important for students to know not only their strengths but their limitations as well.


The country’s attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems.

10.有关这一切你不能透露一个字,这一点有多重要不用我说了吧。 I don’t have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this.


1.有一个流行的儿童故事,描述奇迹般有了生命的木偶的奇迹。 There is a popular children’s story ,which describes the

adventures of wooden puppet that comes to life as if by magic.


Your humorous analysis of the situation made the discussion lively .


This ancient building has been restored to its original beauty.

4.你知道,对我来说,到山上住一个月就等于重温我的幸福童年。 You know ,for me to go and live up in the mountains is to recapture my happy children.


This overcoat alone is not enough to protect you from the bitter cold in Canada.


The fruit growers were all happily expecting a good harvest this year when the terrible snow storm struck ,doing great damage to the ripening fruits.


Too much sugar will not do you any good.To begin with ,it will do damage to your teeth .In fact ,it will do you harm in many ways.


His utter devotion to the Chinese people filled me with admiration.


He insisted that everything should be in place before we knocked off,before five-thirty ,to be exact.


He knew that he would have to redouble his efforts to carry out this plan,and he was anxious ti plunge into the work as soon as he went back.But he never knew that a disaster was lying in store from him.


Irritated by the personal insult,he rose to protect .


Deeply touched by these words,he decided to turn over a new leaf.


However hard he tried,the new arrival couldn’t make himself understood.


My laptop broke down ,and I must have it fixed as soon as possible.

5.在当地一位猎人的带领下,搜救队很快就找到了困在山里的游客。 Led by a local hunter,the search party soon found the tourists trapped in the mountains.

6.出于多伽利略的嫉妒,他的对手找了个借口,使他被大学解聘。 Out of jealousy,Calileo’s opponents had him dismissed from the university.


The president entered the Peking University Hall accompanied by his staff ,and followed by a group of reporters.


The chairman of the department insisted on having the

invitation delivered to the guest of honor 10 days in advance.


The hospital authorities don’t want the identity of the patient made known to the public.


It’s necessary to keep the public properly informed of what the government is doing to deal with the problem of pollution. Unit12







7.这场地震毁了整个城市,没有一座建筑没倒塌 。很多人都感到绝望。不少人赞成放弃这个城市。但是他拒绝屈服。他决心要面对这些挑战。













