

俊: Ladies and gentle men welcome to "Your time" , our English corner!

Here we provide an excellent stage for you to show yourself, to strengthen your oral English and social acceptability, despite of whether you are good at English, don’t be afraid to losing face, because I think you will the best, you will be a strong man or strong women, sooner or later!

豪: Welcome to join our English Corner, from now, I hope we can become intimate friends. I believe a friendly and close relationship will last long between us!

仪: We will care and support each other, we will willing to share our happiness and soreness to each other .

俊:I believe you are a very active group, by the way-it is very clear to me that you all reflecting everything we are looking for: equality, freedom, open and communion.

瑜:For all of you, including me are full of expectation of our English corner now Let we begin our English corner!

俊:Let us applause to welcome our foreign teacher to take part in our English Corner! Katie :( Now to make an self introduction)

仪:Now here comes the first part: Word chain(单词接龙)

君:Do you know how to play the word chain? Katie, can you say a word at random, and then the next student will say a word which the first letter of it is the last letter of the word you say.

俊:Oh yeah, don’t you think the loser should accept some punishment? If the participant could not say out a word he should read these “Tongue twister” as punishment.

豪:Have you watch the film called: 《The Pursuit of Happyness(当幸福来敲门)》,it was based on true story of an African American investment expert Chris Gardner. It have interpret (阐释)the

success of an abjection salesman (落魄业务员)who was brink of bankruptcy(濒临破产), and his wife left home salesman. It show him how to industriously fulfill the responsibility of the single parents(如何刻苦耐劳的善尽单亲责任), upwards into the stock market traders,( 奋发向上成为股市交易

员),eventually became a well-known stories of financial investments(金融投资家). What’s more the film have won the 2006 best actor Oscar nomination(20xx年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名)

俊:And now we will invite two students to reappear the film, feeling the implied meaning inside it,

are you ready?

仪:Hey,Jason do feel happy?

俊:Yes, I do, so do all of you?

瑜:Jason,if one day your ship are selling on the sea, you meet with a rainstorms, and what’s worse, your ship are seriously damage and sinking, your lifeboat are only able to carry 5 people, but there are then people in your ship, they are :

Family, money, health, power, love, fame, knowledge, justice, honest, belief.

豪:Wa,maybe you should make an difficult choice.

俊:Yes, but want to know your answer first!

仪:How time files!

俊:It is time to say goodbye now, do you feeling happy?

Have you practice you Spoken English?

If not, come and next time, and try to practice ,I believe “Practice make prefect!” 俊:Thank you! Thank for your coming! Don’t forget to go with your friend next time! 合:See you!



1,A:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!

2.A+B:Wellcome to our English coner tonight!

3,B;Good evening,boys and girls,ladys and gentlement. welcome to our English Corner organized by BEYOND ENGLISH CULB. It's my great honour to be one of the hosts tonight. .My name's XX.You can just call me XXX for short.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.

4,A: :Thank you ,Baby. Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to co-host English Corner tonight .This is the first time I've ever been a host since I came to Campus. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. Now,Let’s warmly welcome our honored guests, serlina and dane. Welcome !大家掌声欢迎!

5,B:Thank you ,Mr Max and xxx. TO start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is communicating with you partners,there are three topics,the first topic is HOMETOWN,the next one is about The difference between senior high school and university.and the last one is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?

6,A:meanwhile, the other part is playing games including (just do it察言绘形,, brain twists)and make a guess). What's more,the third part is singing a song. OK,everybody. Let’s get into the first topic-our hometown, as we all know ,students in our university come from all over the country.But the hometown is always in our mind.Let others know more about your hometown,the culture,the Specialities ,and the customs?

7,B:It's the show time!and we hope all of you can enjoy youself!



9.B:Now,boys and girls ,let’s play a game,we can named it(just do it察言绘形. Let’s welcome my partner 良辰 to make an exemple.welcome!掌声欢迎)~~~~

10,A:well ,thank you liangcheng,now,Let’s have a try!Who want to have to have a try!come here!please!

11,A What a lovely game it is:OK.Boys and girls,let's get into another topic about the differences between the life of the senior school and university. University is a paradise?And senior high school is a hell?As a freshman,what do you think of the difference between senior high school and university?now!Share with us!

12..B: Have you attention ,please!the next game is right here waiting for us.有请***帮我们介绍一下第一个游戏的具体玩法 next game is brain twist.

13.A: Well,the last topic is What Extracurricular Activities Have You Participated In?Gradually,we realize that we have more chances to develop our interests since we came to the university!Now, let’s share what kind of activities you have joined in ,or what organization you are working for?

14,B: After the topic I believe that we know more about each other. Then let’s have a break and play a game, ,我猜我猜我猜猜we call it(make a guess)Be active!

15,A:Fatastic,ladies and gentlemen,the English Corner tonight will come to the end after an English song.I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.We hope all of you have learn something or make new friends here.now,let’s sing a song,yesterday once more!music please!

16.B:what an exciting song! .Ladies and gentlemen,It's our great honoured to share the night with all of you.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.let’s look forward to the next week’s English coner. Good night and good luck!See you next week!

17.A:See you!