对大一新生的建议 英文作文

How to Be a Excellent College Student

Dear friends,

First of all, I must show my congratulations of your coming to the college, where you had dreamed to improve yourself for many years. As a junior, I’m so honor to stand here to talk about my so-called experience and the most significant thing is to give you some useful advice to offer you a better beginning in the college life.

What I want to share can be divided into three parts: studying, life and job. Each of them will be faced in your college, so it’s necessary to balance them,and to be a well-balanced college student.

Firstly, studying is not only the first but also the must task for everyone as the student, of course including the college student. There are many college students holding the wrong view that studying is not important and just ignore it . How foolish! It’s absolutely a gold time for you to study in the college. As we known, when in the high school, in order to pass the college entrance examination, you were force to learn some subjects which was must to learn but was can’t attract you. Beside, you did not have any time to develope your own interests. As a result, the college give you the more freedom to study, so I don’t know the reason why you can ignore studying. Please cherish the chance of studying in the college.

Secondly, the college life is little like the social life to some extent.

Nowadays, more and more college trend to have no communication with other people, maybe they don’t have the common topic, which is so dangerous when you went into the society life. What’s more, what you need to do is to do some important choice by yourself without parents’ help to show you are adult now.

Finally, the job is something in front of you after your graduation, so why not make a good preparation in the college? It would be easier if you obtain the more skills and professional knowledge in the school,and the advantage will belong to you. So as for the future job, what would you try to do now?

At last, I’m so glad to make a conclusion that try to make the balance of the college life, and I hope that everyone can find yourself in the college life.

Thank you!






第 1 頁,共 3 頁

壹. 要不要有題目?


貳. 題目的格式

一. 務必要左右置中對齊。(而不是像中文空四格。)

二. 大小寫寫法常見只有以下三種:

1. 全部都用大寫字母,如:




2. 只每個字的第一字母大寫,如:


A Sense Of Humor

Safety Is Everybody's Business

Who Uses English?

3. 只重要字(含n.、v.、adj.、adv.及句首字)的第一字母大寫,如:


A Sense of Humor


Who Uses English?

參. 段落的格式

1. 建議同學隔行書寫,優點有:看起來篇幅較大、方便增加文句。大考並不會被扣分。

2. 每一段的第一句要縮排。(打電腦時,要空五格)

3. 同一段的句子要空兩個字母後接著寫。(不要一行寫一句)

肆. 標點符號

1. 逗點、分號、冒號後空一個字母。句點、問號、驚嘆號後空兩個字母。(如此字與字、句與句才有區隔)

2. 行首不可以有逗點、句點、問號等。(要想辦法擠在上一行的行末) 伍. 其他注意事項

1. 用印刷體寫,不要耍帥寫書寫體。(製造閱卷老師困擾,倒霉的還是自己)

第 2 頁,共 3 頁

2. 句末一個字寫不下,不宜拆字下行接著拼。

3. 學測至少要寫120字,指考最少150字。


第 3 頁,共 3 頁
