
体验式拓展训练 锻炼心理素质


据悉,绝大部分员工都是第一次参加体能拓展训练,之前不少员工对此充满“好奇”、“新鲜”与“期待”,训练结束后,大部分员工喜悦之情溢于言表——“快乐”、“感谢”、“收获不少”、“意犹未尽” “回味无穷”、“希望多举办类似的活动”??











拓展训练它是一种户外训练起源于二战期间的海上生存训练,而在战后则逐渐演变成为了一种面向现代社会的训练方式。旨在激励人的斗志,激发潜在能力,创造性的发挥人的团队能力。其实就 今天上午,我们全体学员在虎峪山庄的会议室里,聆听了基地老师对相关情况的简要说明以及对此次活动的期望,我们就开始了培训前的热身。热身的内容是分小组,给所在的小组命名、设计队徽、队训、创作队歌。我们小组估计有许多姚粉,所以把自己命名为“火箭队”,队歌也是根据一段大家耳熟能详都会唱的《团结就是力量》改编的,当然加入了跟我们“火箭队”内容相符的歌词,即强调了团结的意义,又加进了更高更强的意思。大家唱了一遍,还挺威风的。其他的小组的名字也很不错,“蓝色风暴”的名字也不错。小组在短短的40分钟内,迅速记住了组里成员人的名字,这个对我们来说应该是第一个挑战,乖乖,速记呀。

Team development Party school students to expand the training experience of the

experience of the Chinese and English language

Into the third days of the school, the school will arrange for us to expand training. In my

opinion, this time to arrange the project is very much in mind. We each other are not familiar with the situation, through the development training, strange has been away from, who usually office magisterial officers sincere smile, carefully completed his task, hard exercise, experience with trust, fusion, to bring them happiness and unity. It can be said, to learn all the officers went to the official, sincere return to nature.

This is my first time to develop training, before I am not very clear about the expansion of

training, through the introduction of the coach, I realized that this training is a test of people's will and wisdom, tap the potential of people, training team spirit of the movement, but it is not entirely in the field of sports. Because of the limited time, we have not participated in the project, but it is these two or three activities, let me realize the importance of teamwork. It can be said that it should be from all aspects of the harvest a lot of. First talk about what is the expansion of training.

It is an outdoor training which originated from the sea life training during World War II, and

gradually evolved into a training mode for modern society. Designed to motivate people to fight, to stimulate the potential ability, creative ability to play a person's team. Actually this morning, we all the hpc55q. the conference pel3wc. room at Huyu villa, listening to the base teacher of a 58sztr. brief description of /2043420 and expectations for the event, we cdxy136xxxxxxxx.cn.kebi.biz began cdxyk135xxxxxxxx.cn.kebi.biz training before the warm-up. The cdxyk135xxxxxxxx.cn.kebi.biz content is cdxyk136xxxxxxxx.cn.kebi.biz divided into team warm-up, .cn/com/cdxyk135xxxxxxxx give the team name, logo design, team training, creative team song. Our group estimates that there are many Yao powder, so the name himself as "the Rockets", team song is based on a familiar to everyone will sing "unity is strength," the adaptation, of course, by adding the with us "the Rockets" conform with the content of the lyrics, which emphasizes the significance of unity, while adding greater meaning. We sing it again, quite imposing. The other team's name is also very good, "Blue Storm" name is also good. In just 40 minutes, the group quickly remembered the names of the members of the group, which should be the first challenge for us, good, and short.

Through raining program also allows each team members to become a real can find problems, problem solving strategy team, all the duties and responsibilities, to expand training programs to find the gold for cooperation, continue to form the a kind of tacit understanding, this relationship by the original loose individuals running become a can break through a combination of any defense, each member of the team in the progress of the project have enhanced the confidence and courage to overcome the difficulties, improve face difficulties but firm and indomitable determination in the end, more valuable is the training of each member of the courage, but also to overcome the sometimes only Pingganjiao act mindset. a good team and collaboration. Every time together the unity and cooperation, every time after the success the hug

everyone, everyone team's interests, and ultimately harm to himself. And / colleagues / showed defend the positions,/ spirit
