



    专有名词:Beijing    Smith    the United Nations


    1.一般情况,直接加-s。 port(港口)→ ports;technique(技术)—techniques

    2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾发[s]、[∫]、[t∫]、[dЗ]音的词,加—es

    bus—buses, box—boxes, bush—bushes


    3.辅音字母+ y,变y为i,加-es    university—universities

    y前为元音字母,直接加-s    boy—boys

    4.以O结尾加-es    hero—heroes


    zoo—zoos    radio—radio    piano—pianos    photo—photos

    5.以f或fe结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es    leaf—leaves    wife—wives

    ※以下f结尾单词直接加-s    belief—beliefs(信念)    roof—roofs(屋顶)

    proof—proofs(证据)    safe—safes(保险柜)

    chief—chiefs(首领)    gulf—gulfs(海湾)


    man—men,    woman—women,    foot—feet,    tooth—teeth,

    goose—geese,    mouse—mice,    child—children,    ox—oxen


    sheep 羊    fish 鱼    deer 鹿

    means手段,方法    works工厂,作品    series系列


    如:cattle 牛    people 人民    police 警察

    注3:集合名词既可看作单数(作为整体),也可看作复数(作为集体的各个成员)。例如:audience(观众)    class(班级)    family(家庭)    group(小组)

    Her family is well-known in the region. 她家在该地区是名门望族。

His family are quarrelling severely about the property.


    改错:1. Every possible means have been tried to cure the boy of his illness.

                   A          B                       C      D

2. Fish always sells well in the markets because fish contains rich protein, which can build you up.

                      A                                                    B                          C            D

3. Is it the police whois searching the house for a wanted criminal(罪犯)?

                   A  B                 C     D


物质名词、抽象名词均属不可数名词。前面不能加不定冠词a / an,词尾也不能加—s。


    news 消息    information 信息    advice 忠告,建议    progress 进步,进展

    knowledge 知识    weather天气    fun 乐趣    equipment 设备

    English 英语    furniture 家具    wealth 财富    damage 损坏

    traffic 交通,车辆及行人    baggage / luggage 行李    clothing 衣服,衣着

    ※word 消息,信息    work 工作    homework 家庭作业    housework 家务




       my brother’s car    children’s books(儿童读物)    students’ rooms


       China’s population    Beijing’s weather


       the moon’s surface    ten years’ hard work 十年的辛劳

      today’s newspapers    20 dollars’ worth of a stamp 一张价值20美元的邮票

      其他无生命的名词通常用“of + 名词”的短语表示所属关系。

      the object of the sentence 句子的宾语

      the title of the film 影片的名字



      Mr. Li holds an important position in the government office.

       主语                  宾语

      We elected himmonitor of our class.

             宾语  宾补


       a tea cup 茶杯    a car number 车牌号    a shoe shop 鞋店    a stone bridge 石桥

       ※※名词作定语必须用单数。man, woman作定语,用单数还是复数由被修饰的名词的单复数决定。sport作定语,单复数形式均可。

    a man teacher 一个男教师    ten women doctors 十个女医生

    a sport(s)shirt 运动衫    the arms race 武器竞赛(特例)

    选:It is said that      the Air Force about $80 million a year. Really a problem, isn’t it ?

       A.bird hit cost    B.birds hit costs    C.bird hits cost    D.bird hit costs




    选:One of the advantage of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good     .(20##年上海高考题)

    A.sight    B.scene    C.view    D.look

    辩析:sight 1.看见  2.视力  3.视野  4.风景

          scene 1.(事件发生的)现场2.场面 ; 情景3.景色 4.(拍电影)场景,(舞台)布置

    view 1.眺望2.视野 3.风景,景色。

    look 1.看  2.神色,表情   looks =appearance外貌




选:1. Summer in ________ south of France are for ________ most part dry and sunny.

A. /; a                   B. the, /                 C. /, /                    D. the, the

2. Most animals have little connection with      animals of      different kind unless they kill them for food.

A.the ;a          B.不填 ;a    C.the ;the       D.不填 ;the

第二章    主谓一致



                 (together)with …

                except / but …

    S +        besides …                       V

                rather than …

                as well as …

    A library together with a lot of books has been given to our school as a gift.

Two pilots as well as all the passengers were killed in this plane crash.



    70 percent


    part        of  the / one’s + n +V

    half             (整体)


    the rest

    1)About 70% of the surface of the earth is covered by water.

    2)Part of the booksare worth reading, but the rest(of them)are of no value.


    1)All are eager to reach an agreement. 所有的人都急于达成协议。

    2)All is going well. 一切都进展顺利。


    Each / Every

    Either / Neither

    Another        + n(单数)+ V

    Many a

    More than one

More than one graduatewants to go to work in Western China.


    Many a day has passed since the boy was lost. 那个男孩失踪已有许多天。

4.就近一致型。下列连词连接两个主语时,及there be句型有多个并列主语,谓语应与最靠近的主语保持一致。

    A or B              1)Either you or Iam to meet them at the station.

    Either A or B           不是你就是我要去车站接他们。

    Neither A nor B       2)Not only the teacher but also his students object to the plan.

    Not only A but also B  3)There isan air-conditioner and two computers in his office.

    There be A, B and C       在他办公室有一台空调和二台电脑。



    1)Neither    of + n 作主语,谓语用单数。


    None of + n(复数)作主语,谓语用单数或复数均可。

    None of + n(单数)作主语,谓语用单数。

    Either of the answers is right. 两个答案中有一个是对的。

    None of the carswas / were damaged. 这些车都没有受损。

    None of the foodhas gone bad. 食物没有变质。

    2)a number of + n(复数)作主语,谓语用复数。

    the number of + n(复数)作主语,谓语用单数。

    A large number of studentsare from the south. 很多学生是南方人。

The number of students in our school has gone up to 3000.



    He is one of the few persons who have a good knowledge of Italian.



    (比较)He is the only one of the boys who was given a prize.


    当one之前有the only修饰时,one是who的先行词,从句谓语动词用单数。



    When and where to hold the meetingisn’t decided yet.(一个不定式作主语)

What I say and what I thinkare none of your business.


    5)each, any, every, no构成的复合代词都当作单数看待。

    Someoneis asking you on the phone. 有人在打电话找你。


    Everyonewas present at the meeting, weren’t they / wasn’t he ?

    Someonehas known the news, haven’t they / hasn’t he ?


    The United Nations was set up in 1942. 联合国建于1942年。

    The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer. 《坎特伯雷故事集》是乔叟写的。

    Economics is my major. 经济学是我的主修课程。


The sickhave been cured and the losthave been found.



    English and Chinese are quite different languages.


The manager and secretaryis as busy as a bee all day. 那位经理兼秘书整天忙忙碌碌。(两个名词共用一个冠词,指同一个人)

War and peaceis a contant theme in history. 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题。(对立统一的一对事物)

9)单复数同形的名词如deer, means;集合名词如family作主语,如何决定谓语动词的单复数,请见第四章冠词。




    He is always thinking more of others than of himself.


    You can’t trust him.

    Who else wants to go for a picnic besides him ?


    If I were she, I would act on the doctor’s advice.

    —— Who is knocking at the door ?

    —— It’s me.


    —— I want an apple.

    —— Me, too.

    “What ! Me to say sorry to him ? No!”



    You, she(Mary)and I must attend today’s meeting.

    ※I and Tom are to blame.该责备的是我和汤姆(在承认错误或自我批评时,说话人一般把自己放在他人之前讲。)



    He bought a magazine and lent it to me.

    Her mother has died. It is a terrible shock to her. 她母亲死了。这对她打击很大。


    It is freezing cold today.

It is five minutes’ ride from here to the station.


-------- Do you like it here?

------- Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is nice.


    She was holding a baby in her arms and it was crying.


    It was kind of you to send me a present.(it作形式主语)

    I make it a rule to walk two miles a day.我通常一天步行二英里。(it作形式宾语)

    I take itthat you don’t agree with me.我的理解是,你和我看法不同。(it作形式宾语)


    5.It is/was … that …. 构成强调句,强调句中某一部分

    It was I that/who told him about it.(强调主语I)



    Those people are my schoolmates.


    作主语 Your bike is black. Mine(Mine = My bike)is red.

    作表语 This fault is yours, not hers. 这是你的过错,不是她的错。

    作宾语 There is something wrong with my bike. May I use yours ?



    Yesterday I came across an old friend of mine(= one of my old friends)in the street.


    We show great interest in this invention of yours(= your invention)

    Be sure not to believe that daughter of hers(her daughter)千万别信她的那个女儿。



    She has been teaching herself English. 她一直在自学英语。


    I am not quite myself today. 我今天身体不太好。


    The mayor himself will look into the matter. 市长将亲自调查这件事。

    You’d better ask the patient himself about his trouble.



    I gave the room a good cleaning all by myself. by oneself = alone /on my own独自一人

    I will be myself in no time.  be oneself身体或大脑正常

    Please make yourselfat home. 请不要受拘束

    help oneself to sth. 自行取用,随意拿取

    Help yourself to apples.

    No one was there, so she helped herself to all the money on the table.

    He came to himself a few minutes later.  come to oneself苏醒

    It is better to think for yourself.   think for onself  独立思考,自己作出决定

    I’d be grateful (thankful) if you keep this information to yourself.

       keep sth. to oneself 不把某事告诉别人


    each other一般指两者;one another一般指三者或三者以上。但现在可以通用,不加区别。在句中仅作宾语,不能作主语。

    We should care for each other and help each other.

    They often stay at one another’s houses. 他们经常住在彼此的家里。



    some及复合代词someone, something用于肯定句。


    Some of the milk has gone bad.

    I haven’t any money on me.

    If anything unusual happens, let me know. 若发生异常情况,请告诉我。


    Would you like some more coffee ?

    Shall I bring some food to the party ?


    I think any of his movies would interest you.

    —— Which would you like, tea, coffee or wine ?

    —— Any will do. 随便哪一个都行。



    Each of the boys has his strong and weak points.

    There is a bookstore on each side of the street.


    I have read every book he lent me.


    ① I have read it in some magazine.

    some修饰单数可数名词,相当于a certain

    ② She is something like his mother. 她有点像她的母亲。

    ③ He is something of an expert at computers. 他是一个出色的电脑专家。

    ④ She is nothing but a dancer. 她只不过是一个跳舞的。

      (nothing but = only)

    ⑤ He was anything but pleased at the news.听到这个消息他一点不高兴。

    (anything but = not … at all)

    3.both, either, neither和all, any, none




    Both of his students are from Beijing.

    Either of the teams has the chance of winning.

    Neither of his novels is satisfactory.

    None of us have(has)ever been abroad. None of the money was paid to me.


    He spent all his money.

    Both sides are eager to reach an agreement.

    There is a post office on either side of the street.

    Neither seat is occupied. 两个位子都空着。

    3)both, all, each作主语同位语,位于be动词 / 助动词和行为动词中间。


    They are both(all)tired of reading.

    We each have different opinions about it.

    I will invite youboth = I will invite both of you.

    选择:—— Have you any money ? I need some badly.

          —— Sorry.        at all.

    A. Nothing      B. No one      C. None      D. A little

    注  1.指带没有上文中提到的人或物, 用none.

           2.none 不能做定语。下句是典型病句:

              Luckily, none passengers were injured in the car accident.

              3. no one 仅指人; no one, nothing 等不定代词不能接 “of + n.”结构

              Everyone of us likes it.


1.The Parkers bought a new house, but they will need a lot of decoration before they move in.

   A                             B                   C                   D

2.Some people make more money than we teachers, but few gain as much satisfaction from

A                       B      C

his work.                                                        


3.Between you and I, we have nothingin common.

      A          B           C       D

4.You have to hurry up if you want to buy something cheap because there is hardly something

A                        B                        C



5.The men and women who pushed the frontier(边境)Westward across America probably


never thought of them  as brave pioneers.

       B            C    D

6.My wife and I reached the agreement that everything is more important for us than building

A                     B                   C          D

a solid bank account.                                                       

7.There are two buses to Baihai Park. You cantakeeach of them.

                    A               B  C  D

8.Believe itor not. There is such no thing which will happen here.

         A    B          C                 D

9.His refusal came asnone surprise. I expectedit.

                 A  B             C    D

10.When each the pop star stepped into the hall, all the peoplepresent burst into cheers.

               A                            B       C              D

    另外,替代上述之事用that, this, it;替代下文要说的事,用this:

    Her mother was ill. That / This is why she couldn’t come.

    The problem is this:he is suffering from cancer.



    one = a + 单数名词。

    —— What do you think of the watches ?

    —— Excellent. I’m going to buy one. = I going to buy a watch like them.

    其复数形式为ones。The white coats match the hat than the blue ones. 白色上衣比蓝色上衣更配这顶帽子。


    例1:This hat is too small for me. Can you change it for a bigger one ?

    例2:This picture is the one my mother wants to have very much.


    that = the + 单数名词,常用that of …结构。

    例1:My seat was next to that of the mayor.(that = the seat)

    例2:The air of a suburb is clearer than that of a city. 郊外的空气比都市的干净。


    Our rules are quite different from those of other organizations.


    5.疑问代词who, what, which


    Which of these ideas costs the least ? 在这些办法中,哪一个花费最小?

    Which do you prefer, classical music or popular music ?


    Who are you talking about ?

    What is your hobby ? 你的业余爱好是什么?


    1)everyone, everything可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

    —— Is everyone here ?

    —— Yes, except Li Ming.

    2)not与both, all, everyone, everything及副词always, entirely / wholly(全部地)连用,表示部分否定,译“并非…都是”

    Not everyone is kind. = Everyone is not kind. 并非所有人都善良。

    All your answers are not correct.

    I don’t wholly agree with you. 我并不完全同意你的看法。

    选择:I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with     .

    A. everything    B. anything    C. something    D. nothing    答案A

    7.other, the other, the others, the rest, another

    1)other (adj) 其他的,仅作定语,修饰复数名词。no / some / any / many other可修饰单数或复数名词

    Can we settle this problem in other ways ? You have no other choice but to wait.

    I have many other questions to ask.  Please come to my home some other time.


Would you like another cup of tea ?

    Give me another chance, please.

    I need another three dollars = I need three more dollars.



    It is like her to think of others.        Some people believe in God; others don’t.

    4)the other 表示两者的另一个。

    He has two sons. One is thin and the other is fat.

    5)the others / the rest 表示除去一部分其余的人或物。the others代替可数名词;the rest可代替可数或不可数名词。

    Some of the boys went swimming, while the others lay on the beach, bathed in sunlight.


    用other, the other, the others, the rest, another填空:

    1)I don’t know pop music. So I can hardly tell one song from     .

    2)You might as well paint      side of the wall white.

    3)Perhaps he came here for      reasons.

    4)Some of the equipment is made in China;      is introduced from Japan.

5)We must try to meet the needs of     .







    I met her in a coffee shop near the station. 我在车站附近的一家咖啡馆遇到她的。


    He asked for a book and two magazines. 他要一本书和两本杂志。



I bought a book yesterday. The book is of great value.



    —— When will the meeting be held?

    —— At 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon.


The moviedirected by Mr. Zhang Yimou was a great hit.








    Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

    Wisdom is better than strength. 智慧胜于力量。


The snowin front of the house is beginning to melt. 房前的雪开始融化了。

a(n) 与物质名词连用,可表示种类或一杯之量。

Maotai is an excellent wine. Bring me a coffee, will you?

    选择:The warmth of      sweater will of course be determined by the sort of      wool used.

    A.the ;the    B.the ;不填    C.不填 ;the    D.不填 ;不填



    the sun, the moon, the earth, the world, the sky


    sail to the east        turn to the right

    This is the most expensive of all the clothes.

    This is the third time that he has been elected chairman of the Student Union.


    I was brought up to respect the old. 我从小就接受教育,要敬爱老人。

    The beautiful can never die. 美是永恒的。


    the Pacific(Ocean)太平洋    the South-China sea 南中国海

    the Sahara 哈拉沙漠    the Persian Gulf 波斯湾   the Beijing Station 北京车站


The Turners are sitting at lunch table. 特纳一家正吃午饭。

6. 由普通名词构成的专有名词(如国家,党派等)前。

例:the United States; the Communist Party of China

7. 用在表示发明物的单数名词前。

The telephone was invented by Bell.


    on the spot 当场    on the whole 总的来说

    for the most part 多半,在多数情况下    out of the question 不可能


1. 物质名词,抽象名词(见第三章),人名,地名等专有名词前。

Air is important to us.

Beijing is the capital of China.


    I like spring most. I’m going to return to England at Christmas Day.


    The war broke out on the spring of 1942.


    He is good at maths. I like playing football.

    I often go to school without breakfast.


    Mother cooked me a nice dinner this morning.

    The dinner cooked by my mother tastes delicious.


    He has been elected chairman of the student union.

    Mandela, president of South Africa, was awarded the Nobel prize for peace in 1997.


5. 在与by 连用的交通工具名称之前。

例:by taxi, by bike, by boat

但注意:get into a taxi, take a bus, on the train 等表达形式。


at present 目前    take part in 参加    in peace 平安,平静    by chance 碰巧


at table          在进餐                  in hospital 住院

at the table     坐在桌子旁           in the hospital 在医院工作或参观等

be in charge of 负责…               out of question 不成问题

be in the charge of 由…负责       out of the question根本不可能

by day在白天

by the day按天计算


    选择:Summers in      south of France are for      most part dry and sunny.(20##年春季高考)

    A.the ;不填    B.不填 ;the    C.不填 ;不填    D.the ;the

    答案为D。分析:方位名词要用定冠词the,故可考虑的选项为A、D。for the most part为固定短语,故答案为D。近几年来,高考试卷对冠词的命题方式大多数情况是,一空考冠词的基本用法,一空考固定短语中冠词使用。因此在我们学习固定短语中,一定要留神并准确记忆固定短语中名词前使用的冠词。

第五章    形容词和副词

第一节  形容词和副词的作用


1)  作定语 

The present markets have taken a new look. 目前市场一派新气象。

2)  作系动词的表语 

Their performance wasexcellent.    He looks upset.

    This text seems difficult.           He is said to have gone mad.

3)  作宾语补足语 

Who left the door open ? 谁没有关门?

    Something must be done to make the waste water clean.

4)  作伴随状况 

He waited outside, cold and hungry.

    His son returned home, safe and sound.(安然无恙)




    I spent the last few sunny days at the seaside.


    build a fine new stone bridge      He is a famous American writer.


    a)短语  He was the only person awake at the moment.

    b)修饰不定代词  If anything unusual happens, let me know.

c)“a”开头的形容词  He is the greatest artist alive today. 他是在世最伟大的艺术家。

Time alone will show who was right.(time alone=only time)





    I simply can’t accept your presents.(修饰动词) 我无论如何不能接受你的礼物。

    I’m terriblysorry to interrupt you. The cars are running at muchthe same speed.(修饰形容词)

    This article is translated quite well.(修饰副词)

    She looks exactlylike her mother.(修饰介词短语)

    Luckily, I escaped being killed by a passing car.(修饰全句)

    改错  1)—— How did you find his lecture ?

                   A          B

    —— Very well. It couldn’t be any better.

              C               D

    2)Howdifferent the people there speak English from us!

        A     B              C               D

    3)The vast majority of peoplewerestrong against the decision.

           A              B    C   D

    4)It is too a hot day today. I can’t stand the burning air.

       A       B                  C        D

    1)C  well → good    well表示“好”是副词,当形容词用时表示“健康”

    2)B  different → differently,它修饰动词speak

    3)B  strong → strongly,它修饰介词  短语against the decision

    4)B  a hot → hot a     too通常修饰形容词和副词。too也可修饰单数可数名词,表达方式:too + adj. + a +n。类似词有as, so和how。

    He is so good a boy that we all like him.

    How good a boy he is!


    1.can not…too…  再… 也不为过     

2.only too = very  非常

    You can’t too careful when crossing the street. 横越马路后,越小心越好。

I’m only too pleased to be able to go home. 能回到家,我真高兴。

3.too 可以有以下程度状语

1)You speak a bit/ a little/ rather too fast.你讲话有点快。

2)These shoes are far/ much too big for me.这双鞋我穿太大了。


1.       very, much

二者均为程度副词,very 修饰形容词或副词;much修饰“a”开头的形容词,过去分词或非谓语动词。例如:

very good/ exciting/ limited.(以习惯上被用作形容词的过去分词)

He was (very) much afraid.

I enjoyed the film (very) much.

2.       already, yet, still

already 用在肯定句,表示某事已经发生;yet用于否定句和疑问句中,表示期待某事发生;still表示某事还在进行。例如:

I have already finished my work.

He hasn’t come back yet.

Has she fallen asleep yet?

译:1)Keep still when I take a picture.

2) It is raining hard; still, we must go out.

3.almost, nearly

1)almost 比nearly 更接近某状况。例如:

It’s almost 12 o’clock. (11:55)

It’s nearly 12 o’clock. (11:45)

2)almost 多与nobody, nothing, no, none, never 连用。例如:

I almost never see him.

not nearly为固定用法,含义为“远非”。例如:

It’s not nearly easy.

4.quite, rather, fairly

1)quite 和rather 修饰名词时在a 之前。而fairly 在a 之后。例如:

We had quite a party. It’s a fairly interesting film.

但如果有形容词和rather 一起修饰名词时,放在a 的前后均可,例如:

They are rather a strong (a rather strong) team.

2)rather 通常修饰贬义词和不喜欢的词,而fairly通常修饰褒义词或喜好的词。


The question is rather difficult.

The city is fairly clean.

第二节  形容词和副词的比较结构


    原级       比较级         最高级

    young      younger         youngest

    excellent    more excellent    most excellent



    quick → quicker → quickest      large → larger → largest

    thin → thinner →thinnest        clever → cleverer → cleverest

    simple → simpler → simplest     narrow → narrower → narrowest

    happy → happier → happiest


    famous → more famous → most famous

    beautiful → more beautiful → most beautiful


    注:1)farther, further均可表示距离上“更远”;但表示程度上“进一步”,用further。

    I’m too tired to go any farther / further.

    We must look into the matter further. 我们必须进一步调查此事。

    I have nothing further to say. 我再没什么可说的了。

    注:2)elder / eldest指家庭成员的长幼关系,作前置定语。

    older / oldest 表示年龄大小关系,可作定语也可作表语。

    My eldest sister is going to get married. 我大姐要结婚了。

    My elder sister is ten years older than my younger brother. 我姐姐比我弟弟大十岁。

    He is the oldest teacher of us. 我是我们中最年长的老师。

第三节  形容词和副词的比较结构


    肯定形式  1)S + V + as adj / adv(原级)as  2)S + V + as adj + a + n(单数) as

    3)S + V + as many / much / few / little + n + 其他成份as

    This river is as long as that one = The river is the length of that one.

    Peter is as lovely a boy as Tom. = Peter is a boyas lovely as Tom.

    I will offer you as much help as I can.

    Try to make as few mistakes as possible.

    否定形式  not as / so … as

    This movie was not so good as I had expected.

    I haven’t seen as old a car as this for years.


    English is not nearly as easy as I imaged.

    英语远没有我当初想象的那么容易。(not nearly远非)

    We have produced 70% / twice as much cotton this year as we did last year.

    今年我们生产的棉花是去年的70% / 两倍多。


    表达形式  S + Vadj / adv(比较级)than

    This text is more difficult to understand than that one.

    Work means more to me than anything. 对我来说,工作比任何东西都重要。

    It is raining more heavily than ever. 雨下得比以往任何时间都大。


    (多得多)much / far / a lot / a great deal

    (更)even / still

    I spend(一点)a bit / a little / rather / slightly more time on English than before.


    (半小时)half an hour


    Are you feeling any better ? I am so tired that I can’t go any farther.

    ※注:两者比较,形容词比较级前面不用冠词“the”,但句中带有“of + 比较范围”这一结构,则要在比较前加“the”

    He is the clevererof us two.    Which is the cheaperof the two ?


    表达形式  1)the adj / adv(比较级)S + V    2)the adj(比较级)+ n S + V

    The sooner, the better. 越早越好。

    The less she worried, the better she worked. 她越不担忧,工作效果越好。

    The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.



    表达形式:S + V + adj / adv(最高级)+ 比较范围

    He is the best student in our class.(在某一范围或区域内比较用in)

    He did the experiment (the) most carefully of / among all of us.(在与主语同类的人或物中比较用of 或among)

    (副词最高级前the ,可省略)

    This is the most beautiful city that I have ever visited.

    注:most作“非常”解时,其前不用the, 但可用a。

    This city is most beautiful.    He is a most skilled driver.


1) adj./ adv.(比较级)+than any other +单数名词/the others

    2)…否定词(never, nothing等)+ 比较级

3)…否定词… + so … as

She speaks English more fluently than any other student in our class.

    No other country in Europe went through more wars than England.

    = England went through the most war in Europe.


    It can’t be worse. = It is the worst thing I have ever known.

    China has never been so powerful as it is today.中国从来没有象今天这样强大。


    1)A  no + adj / adv 比较级than B    A、B与形容词或副词性质相反

    You are no more stupid than he. = You are as clever as he.

    The dish tastes no worse than I expected. = The dish tastes as good as I expected.


    2)as much + 名词as表示双方在程度上一样

    He has as much interest in politics as in art. 他对政治与艺术同样感兴趣。

    选择:It is generally believed that teaching is      it is a science.

    A.an art much as    B.much an art as

    C.as an art much as    D.as much an art as


    3)not so much A as B = more B than A


    He is not so much a novelist as a critic. 与其说他是小说家,不如说他是评论家。

    She was more sad than angry when her son lied again.


第六章   动词时态





    The bank opens at 8:00 a.m. on weekdays.

    However busy I am, I write to my mother regularly.


    Now I am busy; I can’t spare time for a holiday.

    That street is in bad condition, and smells terrible.


    Knowledge is strength.

    Light travels faster than sound.

    Japan lies to the east of China.

    选择:1.I      ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.

    A.will play    B.have played    C.played    D.play

    2.—— Can I help you, sir ?

       —— Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it     .

    A.didn’t work    B.won’t work    C.can’t work    D.doesn’t work

1. 答案为D。乒乓球打得出色是一个的基本能力和特征,因此要用一般现在时。

2. 答案为D。收音机不响,反应的是收音机目前的工作状况,故用一般现在时。

    改错:    1.Make sure that you will pick me up after work.

    2.I’ll see to it that I will return the reference book on time.

    答案:1)will pick → pick    2)will return → return

    在see to it that… 和make surethat…句型中,从句动词用一般时,表示将来时。



    1.表示在一个特定的过去时间,发生的事件或人或物的客观情况。该时态常跟一个表示过去时间的状语连用。如:yesterday, the night before(前天晚上),once(曾经),

    the other day = a few days ago, just now = a moment ago(刚才)

    I got to know him two years ago.

    He was seriously ill last week.


    As a child, I would go to sea along with my father.

    China is different from what it used to be.

    情态动词would do可表示过去习惯性动作;used to be / do可表示过去习惯性动作或状态。

    选择:1.—— Your telephone number again ? I      quite catch it.

             —— It’s 9568422.

             A.didn’t    B.couldn’t    C.don’t    D.can’t   

          2.—— We could have walked to the station, it was so near.

             —— Yes. A taxi      at all necessary.

             A.wasn’t    B.hadn’t been    C.wouldn’t    D.won’t  

          3.—— Come on it, Peter. I want to show you something.

             —— Oh, how nice of you ! I      you      to bring me a gift.

             A.never think ;are going      B.never thought ;were going

             C.didn’t think ;were going     D.hadn’t thought ;were going

简析:1. 答案A。“没听清楚”发生在对方当时报电话号码那个过去时刻,故用一般过去时。

2. 答案A。根据对话的情景可知,甲乙双方都在谈论过去发生的事情。甲方用虚拟语气,责备自己当时未能步行去车站,乙方强调当时乘出租车没有必要,故用一般过去时。

3. 答案B。思维动词think, know, expect等,时态使用的原则是:表示现在的看法、知晓用一般现在时;表示过去的看法、知晓,而这种思维活动现在已不复存在,用一般过去时。根据对话可知,乙方没想到‘“甲方会给他带来礼物”,发生在未见到礼物之前。一旦见到礼物,这种想法即刻消失,故think应用一般过去时。答案B比C语气强,更符合对话的情景,因此B为最佳选项。


    1.It is(high / about)time(that)you went bed. 你该去睡觉了。

    2.I would rather they came tomorrow. 我倒希望他们明天来。


    1.表达形式:主动语态have / has done ;被动语态have / has been done



    I have turned on the electric heater(电热器)in the room.

    (I turned on the electric heater, and the room is getting warm now.)

    He has taken away my reference book.

    (He took away my reference book, and now I can’t use it.)

    选择:The price     , but I doubt whether it will remain so.

    A.went down    B.will go down    C.has gone down    D.was going down



    He has been in Beijing for two years.

    We have had plenty of rain here since we parted last month.


    表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻持续到现在的时间状语还有in the past(last)few years, ever since, so far, up to the present(直到现在),until now, in recent years等。

    选择:—— How are you today ?

          —— Oh, I      as ill as I do now for a long time.

    A.didn’t feel    B.wasn’t feeling    C.don’t feel    D.haven’t felt

    答案为D。译:我很长时间没有象今天这样周身不适。本句的实质是:今天我身体状况最差,而这以前情况基本正常,即not feel ill。这种正常身体状况从过去延续到今天截止。故应用现在完成时。



    He has worked in Paris for two years. (现在人仍在巴黎。)

    He worked in Paris for two years. (现在人已不在巴黎。)

    2)可用句型It is +(一段时间)+ since(主语)+(动词的过去时),解决瞬间动词不能与一段时间连用的矛盾。如:

    It is ten years since he left Shanghai.

    It is about two years since I got married to Jane.


    It is the first(序数词)time(that)I have visited China. 我是我第一次访问中国。

    This is the most beautiful(形容词最高级)city that I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最美丽的城市。


    1.表达形式  主动语态had done ;被动语态had been done



    例:He said that he had arrived three days before.


    例:By the time he came we had worked for two hours.

    例1:—— Mary came back yesterday.

         —— Where      she     ?

    A.had; been    B.did; go    C.has; been    D.had; gone


    例2:Until then, his family      from him for two months.

    A.didn’t hear    B.hasn’t heard    C.hadn’t heard    D.heard nothing




    I     (mean)to go on Monday, but I have stayed at their request.

    答案为had meant。动词hope, wish, intend, mean, want, expect等,其过去完成时可表示“过去未曾实现的希望,打算或意图”。


    1.表达形式:主动形式:am / is / are doing    被动形式am / is / are being done



    The students are preparing for the entrance exam at present.


    Selecting a mobile phone for perponal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.



    例:—— Is this raincoat yours ?

        —— No, mine      there behind the door.

    A.is hanging    B.has hung    C.hangs    D.hung


    2.进行时与always, continually, constantly, forever等副词连用,作为一种修辞手段,用于表达赞扬、不满、抱怨等情绪。

    He is always thinking of others. 他总是为别人着想。(赞扬)

    At school he was constantly playing trick on others. 在校读书时,他老是捉弄人。(厌恶)


    1.表达形式  主动态:was / were doing ;被动形式:was / were being done



    I was making a long-distance call to my near relative before you arrived.

    In those years we were having a hard time.

    例:1.—— Hey, look where you are going !

         —— Oh, I’m terribly sorry.     .

    A.I’m not noticing    B.I wasn’t noticing    C.I haven’t noticed    D.I don’t notice

      2.Tom      into the house when no one     .

    A.slipped; was looking    B.had slipped; looked

    C.slipped; had looked     D.was slipped; looked

1. 答案为B。“走路时心不在焉,不注意前进方向”,发生在甲方责备他之前那段已过去的时间里。故应用过去进行时。

2.译文:汤姆乘着没有人注意,溜进房屋。答案为A。when, while, as引导的时间状语从句,若主句动作与从句动作同时进行,且一长一短。那么持续时间长的动作用进行时,持续短的动作用一般时。本题中“溜slip”发生在没有人注视这一过程中,“溜slip”为短动作,故用一般过去时,而watch“注视”持续时间长,应用过去进行时。


    1.基本用法  表示将来或即将发生的动作

    2.表达形式  主动形式:shall / will do ;shall / will be doing

                 被动形式:shall / will be done


    I won’t be free tonight.

    I will be waiting for you outside after school.


    1)am / is / are going to do


    We are going to visit the Great Wall at weekends.

    Listen to the loud crash of thunder. It’s going to rain. 听那震耳的雷声,天就要下雨了。

    2)am / is / are to do


    The meeting is to be held tomorrow.

    注1: 该结构也可当情态动词用,表示“命令”、“可能”

    You are to be back by 9 o’clock at the latest. 你必须最迟在9点之前回家。

This kind of book is nowhere to be bought. = This kind of book can’t be bought anywhere.

注2:用在if 条件句中,表示“想”。If we are to be there in time, we’ll have to hurry up.

    3)be about to do


    Be quick ! Flight No. 302 to Tokyo is about to take off.

    改错:Allention please ! The concert is about to start in five minutes.

    删去in five minutes。 be about to do不能与具体时间状语连用。

    4)转移动词go, come, start, leave, arrive, return, sail等以及win, lose, die可用进行时表示将来时。

    The ship is sailing for Shanghai tomorrow.

    It seems to me that our team is losing.





    主动语态:should / would do    被动语态:should / would be done

    I never imagined that he would become a doctor.

    I promised my boss that I would finish this work by the end of this month.


    I felt that something terrible was about to happen.


    ①when, once, until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句

    ②if, unless, so long as等引导的条件状语从句

    ③even if, though, whenever, whether…or(不管…还是…)等引导的让步状语从句


    I will let you know if he comes back.

    He said that he wouldn’t lose heart even if he failed.

    Whatever happens, do be calm.



    The question is being discussed at the meeting.

    Full time should be made use of to speed up socialist construction. 必须充分利用时间加速社会主义建设。


    a.不及物动词及不及物性的短语动词,如happen, appear, disappear, break out, take place等


    例:There is no doubt that Taiwan is belonged to China.(错)

    His head is felt hot.(错)

    This plan was proved practical.(错)



    例:This book sells well.

    This cloth washes well.

    b.动词前有情态动词won’t, wouldn’t,表示该动作难以实现。

    例:The door won’t open. 这扇门就是关不起来。

The engine wouldn’t start this morning. 今天上午这马达怎么也发动不起来。

第七章  情态动词


第一节 交际

1.表示“请求”,请别人做事。用will, would, can , could。

句型:(1)Will / Would you(please)do … ?  (2)Can / Could you do … ?

在这两个句型中would, could比will, can更正式、客气。

    Will / Would you please explain the text once again ?

    Can / Could you tell me what time Flight 312 arrives?

2.询问是否“许可”。用can / could,may / might

   句型:(1)May / Might I do … ?    (2)Can / Could I do…?

在这两个句型中could, might比can, may更正式、客气。

    — Could I use your car ?

    — Yes, of course, you can ?(回答必须用can)

    — Might I have a look at your new computer ?

    — Yes, you may(回答必须用may)或Please go ahead.

3.自己想做,要求对方做决定, 即征询对方意见。用shall,用于第一人称和第三人称。

    句型:Shall I(we, he, she it, they)… ?译“要不要…?”

— The room is so dirty. Shall we clean it?  

— Of course.   (03全国春季)

 Shall these goods be sent over to you at once ? 要不要把这些货物马上送给你?



    ①表示“最好”,用had better,may / might as well或It is better / best to do sth.

      You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers may not like the design of the furniture. (04上海春季)

      If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better forget it—you’ve got some big bills coming. (04广东卷)(better forget it相当于You had better forget it.)

②表示“有义务或有必要”,用should或ought to。 即“应该”。

If you see anything unusual, you should call the police.

③用must  译:“必须”。

The guide required that all passengers must wear seat belts.



①表示“不必”,用needn’t 或 don’t have to 。 

      --- I don't mind telling you what I know.

      --- You needn’t. I'm not asking you for it.  (04江苏卷)

      You needn’t return / don’t have to return the book now. You can keep it till next week.

②表示“不应该”,用shouldn’t 或 oughtn’t to。

We shouldn’t throw cold water on them. 我们不应当给他们泼冷水。


You mustn’t smoke in class. 上课时不准吸烟。

needn’t / don’t have to → shouldn’t → mustn’t 语气逐步加强


1)can, could与be able to的区别

    a)表示能力时can和be able to可以互换使用

    I can / am able to speak English.    She could / was able to read novels at ten.

    b)表示在过去某一特定场合下,一次性表现出来的能力,只能用was / were able to。

    The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone      get out.

    A.had to    B.would    C.could    D.was able to(答案D)(97全国)


    Work hard and you shall be paid. 好好干,你会得到报酬的。(许诺)

You shall leave here at once. = You must leave here at once. (命令)


The fine shall be paid in cash. 罚款应以现金交纳。



1)To become a member of this club, one need attend three meeting and pay his fees regularly.

       A                             B                      C           D

  2)We do need masses of young people who dare accept all kinds of challenges.

        A        B                         C        D

    a)need(需要),dare(敢于)可作行为动词用,句型need to do, dare to do。也可作情态动词,但不能用在肯定句。在肯定句中只能作行为动词使用,故第一题B错,need → needs to;第二题C错,accept → to accept


    You needn’t work so hard. → You don’t need to work so hard.

    — Need I go at once.

—  Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t.

Mary dare not touch the snake. → Mary doesn’t dare(to)touch the snake.

    Dare you walk through the forest at night ?

If the enemy dare enter our country, we will fight against them to the end.




You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

 A. might    B. need       C. should      D. would   (答案C)(01上海)

第二节 推测

1.根据某一事实、现象推测可能发生的情况。用must, may, might。下表比较了三者表示推测肯定程度的差别,以及对不同情况推测的表达方式。

例:You must be tired. Go home and have a good rest. (对目前的推测)

    The light is on in the lab. Mr Li must still be doing experiments. (对目前的推测)

    Sorry I'm late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.


注:1)must表示推测仅用于对当前和已发生的情况,不能用于推测将来可能发生的事情。must表示推测仅用于肯定句。在否定句和疑问句中,必须用can / could取代must。

    Mr Li can’t still be doing experiments at present.

    My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.Who ___________ have taken it?

A.should    B.must   C.could   D.would  答案C (03上海春季)

2)may / might可以用于推测将来可能发生的情况,既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但不能用于疑问句。在疑问句中,同样使用can / could。

    例:1. —Is John coming by train?

— He should, but he________not. He likes driving his car. 

          A. must   B. can          C. need   D. may  答案D (02全国)

2. — Your son may return to Nanjing tomorrow by way of Hong Kong.

  — Wonderful! But how can he come, by air or sea?

2.根据经验或惯例对某一情况进行推测,用should或ought to,常译成“按理应该…”或“可能会……”。

It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack should be here at any moment. 


第三节 反思


    ①should have done或ought to have done

    ②could have done或might have done


例:1. Mr. White should have arrived at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t’ show up.


2.He might have given you more help, even though he was busy.


    ①needn’t have done 当时做了某事,但事实上没有必要

    You needn’t have told him the news; he knew it already.

didn’t have to do 通常指当时某事没有必要做且没有做。   

She told me that she had a daughter and didn’t have to have another baby.

第四节 虚拟语气




例:1. If there were no gravity, we would not be able to walk on the earth.


2. We would have succeeded if we had made enough preparations.


3. This kind of boiler is very safe. If it were to go wrong, the controlling system would cut off the fuel oil supply automatically.



若虚拟条件从句中有were, had, should, 可把if省略,而把were, had, should提到主语前面,成为倒装结构。

例:1.If I were you, I would accept the challenge. → Were I you, I would accept the challenge.

    2. If you had informed me earlier, I wouldn’t have signed the contract.

→Had you informed me earlier, I wouldn’t have signed the contract.




例:1. If I were you, I would have taken that job. (从句指现在,主句指过去)


     2. Had her husband not been killed in the war, she would not be helping others with housework now. (从句指过去,主句指现在)




1)介词短语but for 或 without。译:“要不是,要是没有”。

例:1. But for electricity (= If it were not for electricity), there would be no modern industry.


    2. Without your help (If it had not been for your help), we could not have succeeded.


2)or 或otherwise。句型:did(过去时),or / otherwise would have done.

例:I ran all the way to school, otherwise I would have been late.


3)but句型:(1)would do but do (一般现在时)

(2)would have done but did (一般过去时)

   My daughter would gain weight but she doesn’t eat enough.

   ---- Why didn’t you help him out?

   ---- I would have but I didn’t have money.

5、wish后的宾语从句和if only引导的感叹句中的虚拟语气。

   wish后的宾语从句和if only引导的感叹句表达的是与客观事实相反的愿望,需用虚拟语气。wish that从句 = if only + 从句  译:“要是……就好了” 或 “但愿……”。

  1)愿望与事实相反。从句谓语动词用:were或did (过去时形式)

I wish I knew the answer to the question. = If only I knew the answer to the question.


  2)愿望与过去事实相反。从句谓语动词用:had done  (过去完成时形式)

---- We had a great time last night.

---- I wish that I had not been ill yesterday. = If only I had not been ill yesterday.


  3)愿望将来不大可能发生。从句谓语动词用:would / could / might do

I wish that it would be fine tomorrow. = If only it would be fine tomorrow.


6、“(should) + 动词原形 ”的形式在名词从句中的运用。


   1)用在谓语动词为suggest(建议),insist(坚持),adivse(建议),order(命令), desire(希望),demand(require, request)(要求、请求) 的宾语从句中。

   2)suggestion, advice(忠告), order, demand, desire(愿望)等名词后的同位语从句或表语从句中。


It is important / necessary (essential) (必要的)/ desirable (希望) that (should) do

例:1. I suggest that our manager (should) go there by sea. 我建议我们的经理由海路去那里。

2. Our desire is that we (should) get a rise in salary as soon as possible.


3. It is essential that you (should) win the voter’s hearts.  赢得选民的心是绝对必要的。

第八章    非谓语动词





不定式:主动态 to do; 被动态 to be done; 动名词:主动态 doing; 被动态 being done。

    例1:To act like that is foolish.

    例2:It is impossible for me to buy the car with cash. 要我用现金买那辆车是不可能的。

    例3:Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

    例4:—— What made you so late for work today ?

         —— Driving to the office was very slow this morning because of heavy traffic.






    It is no gooddoing.(……没有用)

    There is nodoing. (……不可能)

    It is no good arguing with him. 和他争论没有用。

    There is no knowing what may happen. = It is impossible to know what may happen.

    练习: 1.(改错)As is known, learn a foreign language well requires great efforts.

2.(改错)Though flying balloons are easy, balloonists must watch the weather carefully.

3.(选择)_______ to sunlight for too much will do harm to one’s skin.

          A. Exposed to   B. Exposing  C. Having exposed  D. Being exposed

    答案:1.learn → learning    原形动词不能作主语。

          2.are → is 单个动名词作主语,谓语用单数。




1.Your task this morning is to deliver the mail to Professor Smith. 你今天上午的任务是把这个邮件送给史密斯教授。(不定式解释主语内容)

    2.My hobby is collecting stamps. (动名词解释主语内容)

1. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____it more difficult.(99全国)A. not make  B. not to make  C. not making  D. do not make

2.分析句子是否正确: What we do is prepare our students to face fierce competitions when they enter society.

1、答案B。is后有两个表语,两者必须在结构上对称。第一个表语为不定式to make life easier,则第二个表语也应该为不定式,所以选B。

    2、正确。当主语部分有实义动词do 时,作表语的不定式可以省略to; 若没有实义动词do,表语中to不能省略。




    例1.He demanded to know the truth.

    例2.The car failed to stop at the red light. 那辆轿车看到红灯没有停。


    agree(同意),decide, refuse, pretend(假装),manage(设法),promise, seem, happen, hope, wish, offer to do(表示愿望)

    afford to do(买得起,承担得起),bother to do(特意),choose to do(愿意或决定)

    attempt / seek to do(试图) learn to do(学习或学会)


    would like(love)to do,would prefer to do(更愿意),be about to do(即将),         

    介词 but / except to do

    例1)I have no choice but to give up the plan.

      2)There was nothing we could do except wait.

    注:but / except前有实义动词do, 其后to必须省去


    1)疑问代词如what,which;疑问副词如when, whether(why除外)引导的不定式可作know, decide等的宾语,在意义上相当与一个未曾发生的宾语从句。

例1.We haven’t decided what steps to take next.

→ We haven’t decided what steps we should take next.

2.I really don’t know whether to write to her or give her a phone call.

   → I really don’t know whether I should write to her or give her a phone call.


    例1.What to do next remains to be discussed. 下一步该怎么办有待于讨论。

    例2.Our difficulty is where to get enough money.


    例:—— Would you like to go for a picnic with me ?

        —— I’d love to, but I can’t spare any time at present.(to后省略了go for a picnic with you)



                seem / appear(似乎)to


                pretend to

                  be said(据说)to

                  be thought / supposed / considered/ believed(据认为)to

    2)S(人,物)be reported(据报导)to

                  be known(知道)to


I happened to be standing next to him when he fell down.

    The bank is reported in the local newspaper to have been robbed in broad daylight yesterday. 据当地报纸指导,这家银行昨天在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。

    He is known to have been arrested by the police. 人们都知道他曾被警察逮捕过。

    4)was / were to have done ;would like to have done

    wished(hoped / wanted / intended / meant)to have done


    I was to have picked you up at the airport, but I forgot about it.

    I intended to have helped you out but I had no money then. 我当时真想帮助你摆脱困境,可是我那时身无分文。


    I can’t imagine marrying a girl of that sort. 我很难想象与那种女子结婚后的情形。

    I narrowly missed being killed in the car accident. 在那次车祸中我死里逃生。

    He admitted having stolen my bicycle.  他承认偷了我的自行车。

    There is no point in arguing any further.再争议下去毫无意义。




    allow doing(比较:allow sb. to do)  advise doing(比较:advise sb. to do)


    be worth(值得),pay attention to(注意),object to(反对),can’t help(情不自禁),devote oneself to(致力于),put off(推迟),be / get used to(习惯于),feel like(想要),look forward to(盼望),get down to(开始做,认真做某事),how / what about(……怎么样),There is no point (in) doing sth (做某事毫无意义)


    remember doing  回忆起过去做过的事

    remember to do  记住要做的事

    forget doing  忘记了曾做过的事

    forget to do  忘记该做的事

    regret doing  对已发生的事表示后悔

    regret to do  对现在要发生的事表示抱歉

    mean doing  意味着,意思是

    mean to do  打算,想要

    try doing  试一试某种方法

    try to do  设法去做一件事

    比较1.I don’t mean to give up the plan. 我不打算放弃这个计划。

    A break down on our way would mean our walking for hours. 汽车半路抛锚意味着我们要步行几个小时。

    比较2.I have always deeply regretted selling(having sold)the farm.我一直为卖掉这个农场而后悔不已。

    We regret to tell you that you owe the bank &100. 我们很遗憾地告诉你,你欠银行100英镑。





    The weather of this summer is disappointing.

    My parents will be disappointed with me if I fail the exam.



    I don’t think it surprising for such a bad man to have been punished.(it指“象这样的坏人受到惩罚”这件事)

    There was a surprised expression in her eyes.她的眼里流露出惊讶的神情。(人的表情是情感的具体表现,故应用过去分词来修饰expression)


    Power stations employ falling water to produce electricity.

    The ground is covered with fallen leaves.




    Not understanding its meaning, he asked the teacher to explain the word.


    Having made a decision, they immediately set out to work.

    (表时间:make a decision与句子主语之间是主动关系且发生于谓语动词set out之前)

    Having been experimented many times, this new product will be put into mass production.




例:They, having made a decision, set out to work.

选择:The research is so designed that once_____nothing can be done to change it. (02全国)

      A. begins      B. having begun    C. beginning     D. begun


(1) when(while, until, once, as, if, though等)+ doing 从句谓语动词与主语为主动关系

(2) when(while, until, once, as, if, though等)+ done从句谓语动词与主语为被动关系


  (1)Once it beings。这种形式,不具备省略条件。

  (2)Once it is begun。具备省略条件(有be)。省略后的形式为:Once begun。


b)分词作伴随状语时, 其形式为:(1)doing(2)done。究竟用现在分词还是过去分词,取决于该动作与句子主语是主动还是被动关系

“We can’t going out in this weather,” said Bob, looking out of the window.(04重庆)

    The boy sat in the dark room, frightened and trembling.




    Generally speaking 一般地说    Strictly speaking 从严格意义上说

    Judging from / by … 根据…判断    Given / Allowing for 考虑到

Given their inexperience, they have done a good job. 在缺少经验的情况下,他们的工作算是做得不错。



    To win over the undecided voters, they are working twice as hard.


    He got up early not to miss the first bus.(not to也可用so as not to或in order not to这一强调形式)



    too adj / adv to do ; too adj + a + n to do

    so adj / adv as to do ; such + n as to do

    The boy is too young to dress himself.

    He was too shrewd(精明的)a businessman to accept our offer.


    Will you be so kind as to turn down the radio ? 请把收音机开小一点。

    He can’t have done such a terrible thing as to keep you waiting so long.


   注意:表示一种事先没有预料的结果,用不定式。不定式前可用only来加强意想不到的语气。如:(04福建卷)The news reporters hurried to the airport ,only to be told the film stars had left. 然而,要表示在事情发展过程中必然会产生的结果,就要用分词来表达。分词前可加thus, 加强必然的语气。The new machine will work twice as fast, thus greatly reducing costs. 新机器的运转速度提高一倍,因而大大降低了成本。


结构: S(人,物)be + adj to do


(2)形容词为:easy, hard, difficult, comfortable, dangerous等。

    1.Some books are interesting to read, but boring to learn.


    2.The telephone number is easy to remember.  他的电话号码很难记。

    3.That man is difficult to deal with. 那个人很难对付。

    4.The river is dangerous to swim in.



    I am shocked to hear the news of his sudden death.

You were silly not to have locked your car. (04湖南)




    My parents don’t allow me to stay out late.

    She waited impatiently for him to make up his mind.


    wish, want, ask, require / request(要求);order, warn(警告)

    allow / permit, forbid(禁止), expect, remind(提醒),encourage, inspire(激励)

    call on(号召,要求),depend on, long for sb. to do(渴望)



例:Those who won’t work should be made to work. 那些不愿工作的人应强制他们去工作。

    He couldn’t make himself heard. 他无法让别人听到他说的话。

    例:1.He lay on the grassland with his jacket covering his stomach.


    2.With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.  (02上海春季)由于很多棘手的问题要解决,那为新当选的总统处境艰难。

    5.catch sb. doing ; be caught doing


    例:He looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger.  (04北京春季)他向四周看,突然发现一个人把手伸进一个旅客的口袋

例:He has never heard her sing so well before.

        I didn’t notice you carrying a pack when you came in.

        Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific idea.



    1)Now more talented young people are hoped to go to work in Western China.

                  A                  B           C           D

    2)I demand you allto take your work quiteseriously.

                   A   B             C     D

    3)His appearance immediately made all the children becomingexcited.

              A                       B           C       D

    4)This song has never been heardto be sungso well.

                A          B        C    D

    5)With much work remainedto be done, we have to put off the trip until next week.

        A               B       C                D

    答案:1)B错  are hoped → are wished    hope sb. to do典型病句

          2)B错  to take →(should)take

             demand句型:1)demand to do   2)demand that (should)do

          3)C错  becoming → become 现在分词doing不能做make的宾补。

  4)C错  to be sung → sung

          5)B错  remained → remaining。 remain “剩下”是不及物动词,只有主动形式。






It seems to me that I have nothing to take home to my children.


    She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role to play in making the earth a better place to live.(03上海春季)她会告诉我们为什么她强烈地认为在使地球成为更好住处这一点上,我们每个人都有可以发挥的作用。


Now I feel very lonely because I can’t find anyone to talk with.

    2)被修饰的词为抽象名词,如need, way, reason, right等,不定式解释其内容。

    There is no need to quarrel with him.

    Please give your reason to refuse him.

    3)被修饰的词,其前有序数词first, second, last, only作定语。

    He is always the first(one)to get to school every day.

    She was the only one to survive in the air crash. 她是这次空难中唯一的幸存者。




   When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door reading“sorry to miss you; will call later.”(99全国)


reading“sorry to miss you; will call later.”= which read “sorry to miss you; will call later.”


    a)动作已发生或为经常性行为,用done。b)若动作正在进行用being done。

    c)动作未发生,用to be done。

    例1:Many things      impossible in the past are common today.

         A.considering    B.to consider    C.considered    D.being considered

      2:People are talking about the play      in two days at the theatre.

         A.to perform    B.being performed   C.performed  D.to be performed





引导时间状语从句的连词有when, while, as, before, after, until, till, once(一旦),as soon as, the moment, hardly … when, no sooner … than, the first time, the last time, every / each time等。现结合具体情景,对重点连词和难掌握的连词加以说明。

1.when, while, as

1)—— I’m going to the post office.

——      you’re there, can you get me some stamps.

A.As    B.While    C.Because    D.If

2)With parcels(包)of all shapes and sizes, Mr. Davies could hardly see where he was going      he and his wife left the last shop.

A.as    B.while    C.before    D.until

3)     the election approached(临近),the violence got worse.

A.When    B.As    C.While    D.With

4)I was just about to leave home      it started to rain.

A.as    B.while    C.when    D.as soon as

while“当…时候”  while表示的时间是一段而不是一点,故从句的谓语动词用延续性动词,不用瞬间动词

Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁

as ⅰ)正当…时候,ⅱ)一边… 一边,ⅲ)随着  as引导从句动作与主句动作同时发生,强调同时性。从句、动词通常为行为动词,不用be动词

He sang songs as he was taking a bath. 他一边洗澡,一边唱歌。

You will grow wiser as you grow older. 他将随年龄的增长而聪明起来。

when“当… 时间”,引导的从句动作可以与主句动作时间,也可以先于主动的动作。

When they got home, I was cooking dinner.(同时)

When you get into trouble, turn to your father.(一先一后)若遇困难,就去找你父亲。

★此外,when还可以表示and just at the moment,用在以下句型中:

ⅰ)was / were doing when did ;ⅱ) was / were(just)about to do when did:

ⅲ) had done when did

We were sleeping when suddenly the earthquake happened.


I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正要出去,这时电话响了。




With election approaching, the violence got worse.



Their country has plenty of oil, while ours has none.


2.before, since, until

1)     will be years      we meet again.

A.It ; since    B.There ; after    C.It ; that    D.It ; before

2)Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up      I could answer the phone.

A.when    B.since    C.until    D.before

3)—— What was the party like ?

—— Wonderful. It is years      I enjoyed myself so much.

A.after    B.before    C.when    D.since

4)Was it not      the bell rang      the students stood up ?

A.when ; that    B.until ; that    C.until ; when    D.when ; then


a)…才…    The plane landed at Beijing Airport before we knew it.

重点句型:It was two days before he came to himself.

It will be two years before the bridge is completed.

It was not long before he died. → Soon he died.

It won’t be long before he gets well. → Soon he will get well

b)还未来得及…就  Before I could explain, the teacher drove me out of the classroom.

我未来得及作解释,老师就把我赶出教室。(before表示此义,其后常跟could或had time to do)

since“自…以来”  since引导的时间状语从句,从句用过去时,主句则用完成时

She has never called on me since she moved to the country.


It is / has been a yearsince they got married. 他们结婚已有一年。

until 1)S + V(肯定句)until……。


I will wait(连续性)until he comes back.

2)Not / Never / No+n.……until……。在否定句中,表示“直到…才…”。主句谓语动词为终止性动词。

Until you told me I had no idea of what had happened in the school.

如果not until位于句首时,主句需要部分倒装结构

Not until the war ended didthey meet again.

还可以用于 It is(was)not until…that…  强调“not until…”

It was not until the war ended that they met again. (主句用正常词序)

3.as soon as, the moment, every / each time, the first time, the last time

1)We called the First-Aid Centre      the traffic accident occurred.

A.immediately    B.shortly    C.quickly    D.hurriedly

2)     I went to see him, he      making experiments on living animals.

A.For the first time ; was busy    B.Whenever, devoted to

C.The last time ; was lost in      D.Every time ; was deeply in


I will go there as soon as(the meoent / directly / immediately)I have finished my breakfast.

Hardly had he entered the room when the telephone rang. 他刚走进房间,电话就响了。

No sooner had he heard the news than he fainted. 他一听到那个消息,就晕了过去。

注:在hardly…when…;no sooner…than…句型中,when / than前句用过去完成时;后句用一般过去时。

某些表示时间的名词词组,也可引导时间状语从句。every time / each time“每当”;the first time“第一次”;the last time“上一次”。

Every time I met him, I found him to be taller. 每次我见到他,我都觉得他长高了。

The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. 我第一次见到他,就爱上了她。



If he is not in the office, he must be out for lunch.

I will not lend the book to you unless you can return it in time.

★2)引导条件状语从句还有as / so long as(只要),on condition that(条件是…),suppose / supposing(假如),provided(that)假如,in case(万一)

I’ll lend it to you as long as you handle it with care. 只要你小心使用,我会借给你的。

We will buy everything you produce provided that the price is right.


Suppose ( supposing) that this is not the right way to the station, what shall we do.


In case anything important happens, please call me up.



1.though, although(虽然,尽管)


Although / Though it is hard work, yet I enjoy it.

I won’t hire him though he is a talented man. 尽管他很有才华,但我不想雇用他。


此外,表示“虽然”,还有while, as。as必须用倒装结构,把从句的表语、状语或谓语动词放在句首。

While I understand your viewpoint, I don’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的观点,但我还是不同意。


1)Though he is a boy, he knows a lot.

2)Though Paul was disabled, he tried his best to serve the people.

3)Though I admire his courage very much, I don’t think he acts wisely.

2.even if / even though(即使)

Even though I fail, I will keep on trying. 即使我失败,我仍会继续尝试下去。

3.Whether…or …,however / no matter how …

1)Whether…or …引导让步状语,意为“不管…还是…”

All matter, whether it is a gas, a liquid or a solid, expands as the temperature rises.


I will study abroad whether my parents agree or not.


2)however / no matter how …“无论怎么…”。

句子结构However adj / adv S + V;However S + V

However coldit is, she always go swimming. 无论天有多冷,她总是去游泳。

W’ll have to finish it, however long it takes. 不管花多长时间,我们必须把它做完。

HoweverI tried to explain, he wouldn’t listen. 无论我怎么解释,他就是不听。

类似的句子还有:Whatever / No matter what may happen, we won’t change our plan.




1)S + V + where从句

You should put the book where it was. 你应该把书放在原来的地方。

Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions. 有疑问的地方可以做个记号。

2)where S + V,(there)S + V,译“哪里…,那里…”

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竞成。

Where water resources are plentiful,(there)hydroelectric power stations will be built.


Wherever he went, he was warmly welcome. 无论他走到哪里,都受到热烈欢迎。


引导原因状语从句的连词,有because, as, since和now that。

1)     I haven’t seen the film, I can’t tell you what I think of it.

A.As    B.For    C.With    D.Because

2)     you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A.Now that    B.After    C.Though    D.As soon as

3)It must have rained last night,      the ground is wet this morning.

A.for    B.because    C.therefore    D.yet

1.because, as, since“因为”,都可以引导原因状语从句。


He didn’t go out because it was raining.(全句中心)

—— Why were you late ?

—— Because the traffic was too heavy.

It was because he was careless that he failed.

since, as引导的原因状语从句,语气比because弱,表述已为大家所知的明显的原因,经常在句首,主句是全句中心。

As / Since he is working hard, he is likely to succeed.(全句中心)


2.表示“既然”,用连词since或now that

Since / Now that John has arrived, we can begin. 既然John已经到



I believe her, for surely she will not lie to me.

It is morning, for the birds are singing. 天亮了,因鸟儿在鸣叫。


It must have rained last night, for the ground is still wet.

答案:1)A  2)A  本句句义为:既然得了一个机会,你最好充分利用它。3)A


1.由so that, in order that引导目的状语从句。

从句中谓语通常用may / might, can / could, will / would,

in order that引导的从句可置于句首,也可置于句末。so that引导的从句只能放在主句之后。

In order that he could make money, he did anything.

→ In order to make money, he did anything.

He told us to keep quiet so that we might not disturb others.

→ He told us to keep quiet not to disturb others.

2.由in case, for fear that引导的目的状语从句

in case, for fear that“以防,以免”。应特别注意从句动词的形式

Take an umbrella in case it rains. 带把伞,以防下雨(从句用一般时)

I hid the book for fear that she would see it. 我把书藏起来,以免被她看见。(从句用将来时)



表达方式:such +n  that…;so adj /advthat…

so adj + a / an + n  that…;so many / much / few / little + n that…

It was such a bad accident that dozens of people were killed.

So fierce was their dog that no one dared to come near. 他们的狗真凶恶,没有人敢走近它。


2.so, so that引导的结果状语从句

He made a wrong decision, so(that)half of his lifetime was wasted.




I will do as you advice. 我会照你的忠告去做。

Leave it as it is. 把它维持原状好了。




On Friday, ason Monday, the meeting will be at 3:30.

Jim is very much like his father.    It looks like rain.



When     doing

If             ,        S + V

Though   done


第十章    定语从句


1.who, whom引导的定语从句

who, whom用于代替人。who在定语从句中作主语;whom在定语从句中作动词或介词的宾语,在限制性定语中可以省略,在口语中可用who代替whom。

The man who wrote this book is a friend of mine.

Is that the boy(whom / who)you spoke of the other day ?



He is driving a car which can travel 150 miles an hour.

The clock(which)my grandfather bought 20 years ago is still in good order.



He is a man that / who means what he says. 他是个说话算数的人。

The pictures(that / which)I had taken won the first prize.

He doesn’t seem to be the man that he was. 他似乎和过去大不一样。(that代替the man作was的表语)


whose指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作定语。指物时可与of which互换使用。

I have a classmate whose father is a mayor.

I live in the house whose windows face south.

I live in the house the windows of which face south. = of which the windows face south

We looked at the tower whose tip / the tip of which was golden.

5.关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句

when, where, why引导的定语从句,分别修饰表示时间、地点、原因的先行词,并分别在从句中作时间、地点、原因状语。关系副词也可以根据在句中的搭配关系,转换成“介词+which”的结构。

I shall never forget the daywhen / on which I entered the university.

Is that the factorywhere / in which you worked two years ago ?

That is the reasonwhy(that / for which)I’m in favour of the plan.

For six or seven months in the year no work can be done      the rainy season makes it impossible.

A.until    B.because    C.when    D.why

when / where引导的定语从句若过长,为了保持句子平衡,可将其定语从句移至句末。

6.“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句

用在介词后面关系代词是whom, which, whose。

He is telling a story of Lei Feng of whom every one of us is proud.

They tired to think of a plan, by which they could complete the task ahead of time.

Please tell the chief manager from whose room his secretary took away all the important papers.


in which I worked

The company(which / that)I worked in is going from bad to worse.

Your rudeness, which we have put up with too long, is beginning. to annoy our customers.


(put up with“忍受”,是固定短语,不可将with与put up拆开)



a)先行词为all;先行词被形容词最高级,序数词,only, very修饰

All(that)we want is peace and freedom. 我们要的是和平和自由。

This is the very book that I have been longing to get. 这正是我一直渴望得到的书。


In his speech he talked of his experiences and his kind mother that impressed us deeply.


The modern plane is no longer the machine(that)it was when first invented.

现代飞机不是刚发明的那种飞机了。(that代替the machine,作was的表语)


a)that不能引导非限制定语    b)介词后面不能用that

Susan is a man for that I have the greatest respect.(that错,改为whom)

My brother, that had been on a visit to Pairs, returned last week.(that改为who)


She introduced me to her husband, whom I hadn’t met before.


1)在非限制性定语从句中,as / which均可代替前示或后续的整个句子。

The man was a teacher, as / which was abvious from his way of speaking.



As was expected, he performed the task successfully.


2)as作关系代词可用于the same…as, such…as,so +adj. + a(n) + n. as句型中,as在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。

Can you give such lectures as will interest us ? 你能不能作使我们感兴趣那样的讲座?

= Can you give the lectures which will interest us.(as代替lectures,作主语)

Such people as you describe are rare nowdays.你描绘的这种人现在已很少见了。(as代替people,作decribe宾语)

We are facing the same problems as we did years ago. 我们正面临与几年前相同的问题。

= We are facing the problems which we face years ago.(as代替problems,作宾语)

在以上句型中,as不能被which, who, whom替换。


1)Don’t you think those have made contributions to the people are worth respecting ?

A            B                      C                     D

2)The computer, itI think is a 20th century important invention has createdsurprising

               A  B                                      C      D

technological progress.                                              

3)Living on that island for three years seem to be an unforgettable experience for me.

A                            B       C                     D

4)The woman we met withher in the street holds an important position in the government              A     B            C                     D


5)I will make great efforts to finish all what you require of me.

A                 B      C            D

6)The Red Gross is one of the volunteer (自愿者) organizationswhich purpose is to help the

                            A                            B         C

sick and the needy.


7)Is this the musaum where you paid a visit to the other day ?

A          B       C       D

8)Is this hotelin which you said we were to stay in your latter ?

A     B               C       D

关于7,8小题注:在this后名词无冠词句子中,若关系在定语从句中作宾语,用the one(which)引导;若从句动词不及物,用where。

Is this hotel the one(which)you stayed in ?

Is this hotel where you stayed ?


This hotel is the one(which)I stayed in.

This hotel is where I stayed. 这个旅馆我曾在那里住过。(where引导表语从句)

第十一章    名词从句



1)连词代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever等

连词副词when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however

2)连接词 whether 若一个名词从句,用连词表达的含义为“是否”,用whether

3)连接词that若一个句子表达含义和句子结构均完整,用连词that。 “that”在从句中不充当任何成分,没有任何含义。


What is the most important in life isn’t money. 人生最重要的并非金钱。

Whoever wants to see the film may get a free ticket. 凡是想看这部电影的人可免费得到一张票。

It doesn’t matter to me whether she is content or not. 她是否满意对我而言并不重要。

(whether she is content or not作主语,it在句中作形式主语)

That he survived the accident is a miracle. = It is a miracle that he survived the accident.


It is natural that she mourned over his son’s death. 她为儿子的死而感到悲痛是理所当然的。

It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing. 据报导非洲野生动物的数量正在减少。


(1)It is a fact that… 事实是…

It is common knowledge that…    …是常识

It is a pity that…    遗憾的是…

It is a shame that…    …真是可耻

It is a wonder / miracle that …    …真是个奇迹

(2)It is clear / obvious that …    很清楚…

It is natural that …    …很自然

(3)It is said that…    据说…

It is reported that …    据报导…

It is believed that …    据认为…

(4)It seems that…    好像是…

It happened that…    碰巧…

It matters that…    要紧的是…


其结构为:主语 + 系动词 + 表语从句

That is why he was late for school. 那就是他上学迟到的原因。

This is where I was born 20 years ago. 这就是我20年前出生的地点。

It may be because I didn’t have a good sleep last night. 那可能因为我昨天晚上没睡好。

The problem is whether he can stick to his promise(or not).问题是他是否能信守诺言。

The trouble is that I have lost my key. 麻烦的是我把钥匙丢了。


同位语从句作用是对名词,如fact, idea, hope等,作进一步解释,具体说明名词的实际内容。


You have to face the factthat you have been laid off. 你必须面对下岗这一事实。

The fact remains that the waste gases from factories pollute the environment seriously.



Word came that the mayor would come to inspect our school the next week.


The questionwho can take over his job is worth considering. 谁能接替他的工作值得考虑。

We are faced with the problemwhether we can hold out to the end. 我们面临着能否坚持到底的问题。



The teacher taught us(that)we should aim high. 老师教导我们要志向崇高。

She didn’t admit(that)she had helped the criminal and that she had kept in touch with him all along. 她不承认曾帮助过那个罪犯,并且一直与他保持联系。



Your success will depend on what you do and how you do it.


I doubt whether / if he will come to our help. 他是否能来帮助我们,我感到怀疑。



1)I thought that Mr. Li was to blamefor the accident, but now I see how I was

                          A    B                        C

completely mistaken.                                                   


2)I will see tothat the engine doesn’t get out of order.

A    B            C          D

3)Itmakes no difference if my brother knows the details of the plan for tomorrow’s picnic.

A  B             C                                  D

4)It remains a question as toif he can face his mistake and determine to correct it.

A             B   C                                    D

5)—— Will you invite all your classmates to your birthday ?

A                          B

—— Certainly. No matter who comes will be welcome.

C                    D

6)A man can’t be really happy ifthat he makes great efforts to do is thought of as of no value.

A        B  C                             D

7)After it seemed to be a long time, the patient came to himselfin the end.

A        B                               C      D


第一题C错。how—that 本句句义为:我当初认为李先生应对这次事故负责,现在我明白了,我当初的看法错了。


例:It all depends onwhether we can get their cooperation.


I know nothing about him exceptthat he lives next door to us.


第二题A错。see to—see to it  介词后若接that引导的宾语从句,可在介词后加形式宾语it或the fact。



第三题C错。if—whether  whether引导的是主语从句

第四题C错。If—whether  as to “至于”是介词短语。

注4:whoever与no matter who,whenever与no matter when等词义相同。但在名词从句中只能用whoever, whenever等;在让步状语从句,两者均可。

例:Whoever comes will be welcome. 不管谁来,都表示欢迎。 Whoever引导主语从句。

Whenever / No matter when you come, we will receive you warmly.


Whenever / No matter when引导让步状语从句。

第五题C错。No matter who—Whoever


1)  thing(s)which “…的东西”

2)  the place which“…的地方”

3)the time which“…时间”,what在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。

第六题C错。that—what(…东西)  本句句义:若一个人尽力所做的事情被认为毫无价值,他是不可能高兴的。

第七题A错。it—what(…的时间)  本句句义:那个病人在通过一段似乎很时间后,终于苏醒过来。




第一节  完全倒装

    前置部分 + V + S


    1.以here, there, now, then等开头的句子。

    There standsa table in the middle of the room. 房子中间放着一张书桌。

          谓语  主语

    There camea cry for help from a river nearby. 从附近小河那边传来呼救声。

         谓语 主语

    Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

    Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们期盼的那个时刻终于来到了。



    There he comes. 他来了。    Here it is. 这是给你的。

    2.表示方位的副词in, out , away, off, down, up等开头的句子。


    Up went the rocket into the air. 嗖地一声火箭上了天。

    Down jumped the thief from the house. 小偷从房子上跳下来。


    Back they came. 他们回来了。



    Behind himhunghis photo, taken on the Great Wall.

       状语   谓语  主语          定语

    (To the)north of the village stands a high mountain, covered with snow all the year round.

     4.在“Doing / Done(分词) + 状语 + be + 主语”的结构中。该句型实际上就是“主语+be + doing / done(分词)”结构,为了句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,实行倒装。

    Gone forever are the days when we Chinese people used foreign oil.

    Seated in the front is an old man in his fifties.

    Walking above the crowded streets on top of a building ten storeys high was Philippe Petit.

第二节  部分倒装

    前置部分 + 助动词或情态动词 + S + V


    1.以neither / nor或so开头的句子

    以neither / nor或so开头的句子,用于表示相同的看法,要用部分倒装结构。

    so用于肯定句,neither / nor用于否定句。

    They can afford to buy a car, so can we(= we can, too).


    I have never been abroad. Neither has he(= She hasn’t, either).


    I know nothing about it, nor do I care(= I don’t care, either).



    —— He is a good student.

    —— So he is.(= Indeed he is a good student.)


    具有否定意义的副词有:hardly, never, little, seldom, rarely(很少), scarcely, hardly, not until, no longer, no where, no sooner…than…等

    具有否定意义的介词短语有:at no time, under no conditions, by no means等

    Never in all my lifehave I met such a determined person.

    Not until many years laterdid I know the whole truth.

    Hardlyhad he arrived home when his wife started complaining. 他刚到家,他的妻子就唠唠叨叨地抱怨起来。

    No soonerhad he finished his talk than a man stood up and put a question to him. 他的讲话刚结束,就有人站起来向他提出一个问题。

    At no timewill China first use unclear weapons. 在任何时候中国决不会首先使用核武器。


    Only thendid I realize that I was wrong. 到那时我才意识到我错了。

    Only in this waycan we control the environmental pollution.

    Onlywhen you have read the book, can you answer these questions.


    Onlyyou understand me. 只有你了解我。

    4.not only  在句首

    由并列连词not only…but also…连接的句子,若not only放在句首,则not only所在的句子部分倒装,but also连接的句子用正常语序。

    Not onlydid he teach school, but(also)he wrote novels. 他不但在学校里教书,而且还写小说。

    注:若not only…but also…连接的是主语,句子用正常语序。

    Not only you but also she has to attend today’s meeting.

    5.当so…that…和such…that…句中的so adj. / adv.和such + n位于句首

    That dog was so fierce that no one dared come near.

    = So fiercewas that dog that no one dared come near.

    It was such a bad accident that many people were killed.

    = Such a bad accidentwas it that many people were killed.

第三节  倒装结构在其他句型中的用法

    1.在if引导的虚拟条件状语中,如果从句中有had, were或should可省去if,将这些词提到句首。


    If I were you, I would not let him off lightly.

    = Were I you, I would not let him off lightly. 我要是你,就不会轻易放过他。


    If he had had time, he would certainly have come to lend you a hand.

    = Had he had time, he would certainly have come to lend you a hand.


    If there should be a fire, please raise the alarm at once.

    = Should there be a fire, please raise the alarm at once. 若万一发生火灾,请立即发警报。


    Though he is a boy, he knows a lot.= Boyas he is, he knows a lot.

    Though he worked hard, he made little progress.

    = Hardas he worked, he made little progress.


    Though they fought bravely, they had no chance of winning.

    = Bravelythough they fought, they had no chance of winning.


    —— I’d like to invite you to the concert this evening.

    —— Thank you, but I’m not sure whether I’ll have time at that moment(宾语).

    = Thank you, but whether I’ll have time I’m not sure at that moment.
