
Book report of Pride and Prejudice

This summer vacation I read a novel called Pride and Prejudice which is famous all over the world for many years according to my English teacher Gloria’s recommendation. This type of novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, today, it still gives the readers unique art enjoyment. And I did really enjoy it.

Jane Austen, a British novelist, was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundingsin a small country town. Her father was a local vicar. Austin didn't go to regular schools, but she read many literary works at her parents' guidance. She started writing about the age of 20, and published six novels. Jane was unmarried all her life. For living in a small country town, contacting the medium and small landlords, pastor as well as their quiet and comfortable living environment, there were no significant social contradictions in her works. Actually,I find it interesting to see the love between men and women in the classical society of Britain from a woman‘s perspective. In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.

When it comes to my fresh feeling about the book, I felt it a little boring at first. Because I had not got access to such stories in paper, not single a Chinese word seen, in particular. In the chapter one, a sentence really made confused” It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” So I took it for granted that it was all about gentleman and fair lady. But afterwards I found I was wrong. What surprised me most in reading this book was how different the book was from what I had imagined.It made me think of a British opera named which I had watched called Downtown Abbey. I suddenly was aware of something related to British tradition with the renewal of the sentence in chapter one. I could safely conclude their life using two words, “upstairs” and “downstairs”. Besides the bell ring connects the two. With regard to the British tradition, it is quite different from ours. The similarity between the book and the opera give me an inclination to compare them in my own opinion. In the ancient society of China, it was hard to see the intimacy or so-called pursuit of morality or the courage of free love. In the process of the reading the book, it seemed as if I began to accept how they lived even tried to stand in every characters’ shoes to see how I would do. I called it “my own cognition of a different culture”.

As for the main plots,it was all around the love and marriage of Mr. Bennet’s five unmarried daughters of which Elizabeth (the second oldest daughter)’s story was the main emphasis. Why is it called pride and prejudice? Elizabeth and Darcy’s story can explain. Darcy loved Elizabeth at first sight at the ball. But the arrogant character caused by the growing environment stopped his initiatively close to Elizabeth. Elizabeth as anyone else believed he is haughty and stubborn. The more Darcy loved Elizabeth, the more he would not show on the surface instead of making apathy. He thought if Elizabeth would be proud after knowing he loved her, so his character of pride stopped this happening. Elizabeth prejudiced against Darcy deeper and deeper. In her eyes, he even became a sinister, hypocritical people. As Darcy more loved Elizabeth, he finally was unable to restrain to show his love to Elizabeth. He certainly thought Elizabeth would accept, but he didn't know how about his image in Elizabeth’s eyes. So he was surprised when Elizabeth refused him. His arrogance had suffered a blow. But from then on, they began to candid exchange, then misunderstandings gradually eliminated. Later, inadvertently knowing that Darcy properly handled her sister Lydia and Wickham’s elopement, Elizabeth’s attitude changed. Darcy was not arrogant as others thought. After Elizabeth’s rejection, he began to reflect on the

self-examination and treated people with more populist. Finally, regardless of his aunt’s strong objection and concept of family, Darcy proposed to Elizabeth again. Elizabeth willingly consented. She began to appear her lively side to Darcy. What a happy ending it is!

After closing the book, I began to recollect the whole story. It was not boring at all. For one thing, Jane’s description was vivid and a little humorous. What impressed me most was her description of Elizabeth’s mental activity. When Elizabeth received Darcy’s proposal, she was angry, surprised and proud.When she made everything clear and met Darcy again, I even could recall how awkward and subtle she was. This cannot help but reminds me of the sentence on the cover “How could I join them on to the little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush, as produces little effect after much labour?” by Jane.I searched for its various Chinese translations ,among which, “我怎么可能用我的那支精美的笔,把辛勤的劳动之后获得的成果雕刻在那小小的象牙上呢?” is the one I like best. For another, I was wondering if Jane wanted to reflect something more. It cannot be seen as a reflection of that society. Although I don’t know much about the real history, it still can be conjectured that the image of British gentleman wasn’t built in one day.

To conclude, I would like to mention the good virtues of the characters. As far as I am concerned, we all have shortcomings, what matters is that if we are willing to amend them for whom we love like Darcy. Besides, we should be brave to love who we love and reject who we don’t love and never obey your heart, just like Elizabeth. And I feel have fell in love with British culture, maybe it’s not a bad thing, who knows?




1. 每一个人,2+3+n活动都体现到表格中,需要至少7个表。 ⑴每人必体现,身边植物及植物学知识学习情况统计表


⑶每人必体现。提问题大赛情况统计表,有签名栏,签字确认。 ⑷选的人有体现,名词汇编研究性工作情况统计表




2. 个人情况总结表(每人必填,自己填),左边栏目是参与的项目,右边依次是班级,小组,以及具体情况,还包括谁给过帮助,小组长,组长,课代表,学委,班长,其他人,个人签名。背靠背个人填写,可以直接交给老师,老师会保证注意保密,绝对不外泄。

3. 个人文字总结类:(文字稿,或加电子稿)




4. 班长、学委、课代表、组长、小组长等等,从为同学们组织服务的角度总结,有则长,无则短,类似述职报告(会体现到分数中)。

5. 个人资料的汇编

5.1 封面、题目:20xx级植物生物学PPBL活动汇编,姓名,班级、所在小组(组长组员)、时间

5.2 清单、目录

5.3 按照活动顺序的总结文件等等,依次添加,补充

5.4 所有的思思写写,汇编。不可以遗失。如有遗失,什么情况都要注明(后期加工、后补、缺、等)
