





Nanshan travel experience

Play is a happy life, is an accumulation of experience, it is a life learning and training.

Nanshan on this tour, in more than relaxing, made me realize the deeper is the power of solidarity and the need to learn. Play to enrich their knowledge, understand life is like mountain climbing, as more time to the peak, feeling tired, the more you want to give up, that is so, some people choose to give up, but also gave up the climb to the peak can be enjoy the beautiful scene, and some people choose to adhere to, but he saw other people do not see the beauty. Life from natural, naturally, comes from life, we want to live a natural, but also natural life. As the heart will be wider, more magnanimous, to better

understand the life and work. Work is also true in the work will inevitably have some disappointments, but a good attitude to face everything, accept everything. Pressure from life, is a booster. As we feel the same as when climbing, the more courageous climb higher.

I remember playing a game, Nanshan "trust Wall" Now think of memories, I want to trust the word comes from this bar. In our work, we have to trust their partners, partners will trust you, have trust, we work together, will be relaxed and happy, the work will be more excellent, the team will be more powerful, pull together , play a greater role.

This is my travel experiences and Nanshan quite some experience, willing to work with my partners to share my feelings, getting us a better, more smiles, work better.







