


Nowadays, more modern technologies have been used in entertainment, which may lead to the decrease of human creative power. Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

With more advanced technologies applied widely in our entertainment, some people are quite worried about the possibility that human creative power will be hampered and we tend to be less innovative compared with that in the past. As for me, however, it is somewhat exaggerated. The wide technological applications have aroused great interests in modern technology, thereby boosting strong passion for science. In the past, lack of modern techniques, entertainment seemed rather monotonous, and people usually resorted to exercises in the open air to relax. At present, relaxation has been rendered more comfortable and convenient, such as playing on-line games, singing Karaoke, both diversifying people's after-work time. Meanwhile, people marvel at this dramatic change, and focus more on miraculous human wisdom, which partly accounts for an increasing number of youngsters choosing science and engineering as their majors. Moreover, modern people have gained easy access to recreational activities owing to strides. Computer or mobile phone, can realize the dream of entertainment whenever and we are. For example, electronic games, MP3 players, and e-books all help relax us after arduous work, so we can be more motivated next day. By contrast, if we are under constant pressure any interesting spare time, then working efficiency, not to mention creative power, is bound to be affected considerably.

While eulogizing benefits brought out by the combination between technology and entertainment, we should not be blind to its relevant detriments. For example, some on-line games rife with violence and smut are so poisonous but attractive that vulnerable kids tent to submit to them and accordingly abandon precious study. Moreover, heavily dependent on technological conveniences, we grow more indolent, which will lead to lack of creative power.

All in all, modernized entertainment is more beneficial to our life, so it will not decrease human creative power. Meanwhile, with the concerted efforts both from government and individuals, its potential dangers can be avoided.










  要评价一篇文章的优劣势,首先还是让我们熟悉一下Writing Task 2即大作文的评分标准。

  (1) Task response (TR)

  Whether all parts of the task are addressed

  Whether a viewpoint is clearly expressed, developed and supported.

  (2) Cohesion and coherence (CC)

  Whether the response has a suitable layout and logical ordering of points


  Correct and appropriate use of connectives


  (3) Lexical resources (LR)

  Range and accuracy of vocabulary (词汇丰富度和准确度)

  The correct form and spelling of the words (词汇形式和拼写正确)

  (4) Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA)

  The range and accuracy of tenses and sentence structure (时态和句式的丰富度和准确度)



  The internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive.

  What are your opinions on this?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.


  The internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the country, I personally believe that the benefits of the internet far outweigh its drawbacks. These benefits are twofold.

  First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. Despite the risk of social isolation—a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world—most of us have benefited greatly from e-mail and internet chat programs like MSN Messenger. These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade.

  Equally importantly, though, the internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. Now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of button. Admittedly, not all of the information available on the internet is reliable or helpful—there is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs. Nonetheless, I would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive development.

  By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that the internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influence on communication and the flow of information.

  (272 words)

  首先我们先从TR(Task response)方面分析一下:

  Whether all parts of the task are addressed:

  经过审题我们发现这是一个个人观点类的作文,即What are your opinions on this? 给出你自己的观点,其要求是Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience,根据自己的知识或经验给出相关的例子。其中如果用自己的知识论证那就是道理论证,如果根据自己的经验来论证那就涉及到了举例论证。


  Whether a viewpoint is clearly expressed, developed and supported:


  文章的第一个论点First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. 首先,互联网已经彻底改变了我们沟通的方式,这是一个不争的事实。关于这个论点作者是怎么来论证的呢?作者首先运用了让步的手法(尽管会有造成社会孤立的风险)。后面作者就用到了道理论证,但是我们还是受益于电子邮箱还有网络聊天工具和远处的亲朋好友聊天。这个论据就很有说服力地论证了互联网改变我们沟通方式这个论点。

  互联网的第二个优势是Equally importantly, though, the internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. 互联网已经把整个世界和所有的信息放在了我们的指尖。那我们来看一下作者又是怎么来论证的呢? 首先作者运用了今夕对比,即过去时候,大家都是花费大量时间在图书馆的书架上来搜索资料的,而现在呢,只要按一下按钮,所有信息都在眼前了。之后,作者又乐此不疲的采用了一个让步的写法(尽管很多信息是不可靠或者没帮助的),但是作者还是很满意于大量信息流是一个积极地发展。



  Cohesion and coherence (CC):


  让我们再来一起找一找段与段之间的连接词有哪些呢?很好发现,在每段的开头:First of all(首先),Equally importantly(同样重要地),By way of conclusion(通过总结),通过这些词来连接上下两段,起到了承上启下的作用,这样就不会过度的太突兀。

  Lexical resources (LR):


  valid arguments 有效的论点

  far outweigh 远大于

  its drawbacks 它的缺点

  has revolutionized 改革

  social isolation 社会孤立

  computer terminal 电脑终端

  faraway places 遥远的地方

  entailed long hours 花费长时间

  offensive or dangerous 有攻击性的或者危险的

  ranging from… to 从…到…

  reaffirm 重申


  Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA):

  语法也是考官考查的一个方面,所以语法也要在不错的基础上,尽量多用到不同的句式句型,不同的句子成分。首先这篇文章第一个亮眼的句子是there remains some disagreement as to whether…,这句话用到了there remain句型,实质就是there be句型,表示有,存在。表示在…存在了一个反对意见。

  其次第二段的开头句it is an indisputable fact that the internet…这句话运用了形式主句,真正的主语是后面的that 从句。第三段的开头Equally importantly, though, the internet has placed 是插入语的用法,我们看到作者真的很聪明,他把好的句式句型都放到了段落的开头显眼的位置,让考官能第一眼能看到,这是一个值得我们借鉴的小技巧。

  随后的一个句子In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. 在此句中conducting research 涉及到了非谓语做主语。There is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from,这里非谓语表示解释说明。总之这篇文章句式多样,运用正确,显示了作者强大的语法功底。


  1, 读懂文章题目,看懂题目要求,题目要求的所有问题都有涵盖。

  2, 论点要清晰明了,论据要有理有据有说服力,支持的论点要在两个及以上。

  3, 论据最好要运用多种论证方法比如:道理论证,举例论证,对比论点。

  4, 词汇要书面要正规要高级,切忌出现口语化词汇或者俚语。

  5, 文章条理要清晰,多使用连接词,段与段直接多加承上启下的句子。

  6, 语法要多样,多应用高分句式,比如:非谓语,强调句,同位语从句,形式主语等。

