

您好。一年一度的教师节就要来临了。在此,作为您的学生,我们向您表示深深的感谢,并祝您节日快乐,工作顺利! 老师,您辛苦了。为了让我们掌握更多的知识,您披星戴月,不辞辛苦。老师,您就像蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了我们。老师,您就像参天的大树,张开双臂,为我们遮风挡雨。 敬爱的老师,您总是教导我们要学会感恩,要学会感谢帮助过我们的每一个人。今天,我们要谢谢您,今天我们要感恩您。老师,是您教给我们做人的道理;老师,是您传授给我们科学文化知识老师;老师,是您为我们悄悄盖上滑落床底的被子,帮我们盛好香甜可口的饭菜。在我们最需要帮助的时候,您总能及时出现在我们的眼前;当我们伤心失望时,是您给我们擦去脸上的泪水;当我们调皮犯错时,是您一遍又一遍的给我们举例子讲道理;当我们取得一点点成绩时,又是您给了我们最热烈的掌声。




You are required to write a letter of congratulations based on the information below.

1. XX是你高中的同班同学。

2. 获悉他(她)考上XX大学,攻读XX专业,特此祝贺。

3. 他(她)的成绩是他(她)刻苦努力的结果,希望他(她)在新的环境里取得更好成绩。

4. 再次表示祝贺。

Sample writing

29th October, 2013

Dear Xiao Ma,

I am writing to congratulate you on having been admitted to Southeast University and majoring in electronic engineering.

All that you have gained is the result of your hard work. I wish you would continue your efforts and gain further success in the new environment. Although we live in different cities, we still feel close to each other. Please keep in touch with me. I often recall our life in high school. In those days, we stayed, played and studied together. We enjoyed each other’s company so much that we have maintained our friendship till now. Besides, I have learnt a lot from you, and even today I often remember how hard you studied. You told me that you were determined to be an expert in Double E, and now you are beginning to realize your dream. Your success tells me that hard work will pay off in the end.

Congratulations again.

Sincerely yours Tang Jinguo

You and your best friend Ming went to different universities after graduation from high school. Write a letter to Ming. Ask about his university life and write some news about your campus life. Also discuss about how to spend the coming holiday.

Sample writing

Dear Ming,

It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only been several weeks, but I miss you so much. Life’s just not that much fun without you. At least we can still write letters to each other!

Do you like your new school? Is it beautiful? Have you made any new friend yet? Have you got any military training? Have you seen any good movie lately?

How are you going with that computer game I gave you? Have you beaten my record yet? I bet you can’t! I’m so eager to know about your life in Beijing. Just tell me!

As for me, I am quite busy these days with the English speech contest sponsored by the campus English Association. I have won the first round of the contest, and I’m going to compete against eleven other speakers in the second round. Only three of us can enter the final round. The competition is so fierce! I am enjoying it so far.

The National Day holiday is coming. How are you going to spend this week-long holiday? Will you come back to Nanjing? In fact, I am planning to spend my vacation here. And I am looking forward to seeing you. I am excited to share with you my university life.

I can’t wait for the holidays. Let me know when you will be back. Write back soon, okay?



P.S. What do you want for your birthday? Make sure it’s something I can post or you’ll have to wait for the holidays.
