
Saturday. Jan. 2nd, 2016 Sunny

Today is the second day of the New Year's day holiday. I had been taken a travel to Beijing. In fact, the aim of this trip is not enjoy the scenery but meeting a good friend Qingjing studied in the university together and in the Chinese Academy of Science now.

She was so happy after meeting me at Huairou Railway station, and hugged me with her warm arms. We memorized the time at the university together, cared about each other individual circumstances lately. I talked about the weather, it’s sunny in Beijing and in Tianjin. But Tianjin had been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze, though, it’s amazing the sun has shone brightly in blue sky for me in Beijing. So, I joked that weather had been a turn for such beautiful without haze in Beijing because of my arrical here.

I had been begin of haze to ponder. How long haze in China will keep? How should we solve to haze better? I believed that the tomorrow will be nice, but we must invest the more time, energy and money,the more control we have our our life.





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1. 电影

2. 吃喜酒

3. 英文老师的生日

4. 考试前夕

5. 情人节

6. 春雨


8. 新年回顾

9. 红包


11. 生病

12. 发脾气


14. 流行新装

15. 大廉价

16. 妇女节

17. 韩国烤肉

18. 花季

19. 春暖

20. 又是晴天

21. 摄影之乐

22. 看画展

23. 运动竞赛

初春手稿 Spring

Pippa's song

Robert Browning

The year's at the spring;

And day's at the morn;

Morning's at seven;

The lark's on the wing;

The snail's on the thorn;

God's in His heaven -

All's right with the world! 精选英文日记










--录自勃朗宁。(英国诗人;1812 - 1889)

二月 February

Wed., Feb. 3 Clear


Today was very clear with no wind.

I practiced basketball in the morning. Then I went to the movies with Sandy. We saw "White Nights". It was a very nice movie! I liked "Say you, say me" best of all the songs. I'm fond of seeing musicals. The dancing is very beautiful and the music is pretty.

二月三日 星期三 晴

电 影




be fond of 喜欢

musical 以音乐为主的电影片或舞台剧


Fri., Fed. 5 Fine

My cousin got married

Cousin Jenny has finally tied the knot with john. I don't think she's doing the right thing. I don't like her husband, he is rich but very immature. I think jenny is going to be a mother more than a wife to John. At least she'll be rich. So I felt the marriage party is both boring and uncheerful.

二月五日 星期五 晴

吃 喜 酒



immature 未成熟的

uncheerful 不快乐的

tie the kont 结婚

more than 远超过


Sat., Feb. 6 Fine later cloudy

The birthday of our English teacher

It was our English teacher's birthday today. Although English is a hard subject, I like my English teacher a lot, and so do my classmates. Unlike other English teachers we've had before, our English teacher was nicer to us. She always told us stories of her days when she was like us. She would even stay in school sometimes to teach us some points in our lessons that we didn't understand. She always encouraged us and told us to do our best. She is one teacher who is really dedicated to her work. We all admire her a lot.

Today, all of us pooled in our money to buy her a cake and a gift. It was a surprise for her. We even had a big card made that had all our names on it. She said that she'll always remember us. After we sang the Birthday Song we cut the cake and ate it. That day our English teacher had a big smile on her face during class. There is no other teacher like our teacher. Because of her, I am now more confident of my English.

二月六日 星期六 晴时多云


今天是我们英文老师的生日。虽然英文这一科很难念,但是我很喜欢英文老师,同学们也是。不像以前教我们的那些英文老师同,她对我们要好多了。她常常告诉我们她在我们这个年纪时的事情。有时她甚至愿意待在学校指导我们对课外有不懂的地方。她总是鼓励我们, 并要我们尽力而为。她是一位真正献身于工作的老师。我们都很钦佩她。




encourage 鼓励; 激励

do one's best 尽最大努力; 尽力而为

dedicate 献身; 致力

admire 钦佩

pool 将钱或物放在一起共同使用


May the joy and peace of Christmas always be with you!


Happy holidays to you!


May good fortune always be yours!


Happy birthday to you, and many happy returns!



Sun., Feb. 7 Overcast

The night before the examination

The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked gloomily before me at a huge pile of that disgusting stuff they call "books".

I was going to have my examination the next day. "When can I go to bed?" I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not.

The clock struck 12. "Oh, dear!" cried I, "Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!" We students are the most wretched creatures in the world.

二月七日 星期日 多云




钟敲了十二点了,我大叫:"天啊! 还要念十本书才能上床睡觉!"我们学生真是世界上最可怜的东西。


gloomily 忧愁地

disgusting 令人厌恶的

wretched 可怜的,不幸的


Sun., Feb. 14 Rainy

St. Valentine's Day

The boys were happy, because today was St. Valentine's Day. I saw "Y" early in the

morning at school. I like "Y" more than any other boy student. I took chocolate with me to give to him, but…

At dinner I gave the chocolate to Father. He said, "They don't have the same custom in Europe and America. In Europe and America, boys give chocolate to girls."

Ta - ming got several pieces of chocolate from Father. How funny!

二月十四日 星期日 雨






St. Valentine's Day 情人节

custom 习俗; 风俗

chocolate 巧克力糖


Mon., Feb. 15 Rainy

The spring rain

The spring rain has been falling gently since morning. Some swallows were busily flying about to and fro amidst the rain. The peach blossoms in the garden were beaten by the rain

and fell off.

二月十五日 星期一 雨

春 雨

从清晨开始,春雨就轻轻柔柔地落了下来; 一些燕了来来去去地忙着在雨中穿梭。花园里开了的桃花被雨击伤,纷纷坠地。


to and fro 往复;来回

gently 轻轻地;逐渐地

swallow 燕

amidst 在其中


Tues., Feb. 16 Overcast all day

The Spring Cold

The Central Meteorological Observatory has announced that the cold season is over, but it is still cold. In the morning stayed in bed having nothing to do. Mother grew anxious and asked me whether I was sick, but I was all right except for a slight sentiment of melancholy.

In the afternoon finished reading the magazine I had bought from Caves Bookstore the other day.

Judging from the look of the sky, the warm spring does not seen likely to visit us so soon.

二月十六日 星期二 多云

寒 冷





meteorological 气象的;气象学的

observatory 天文台;气象台;瞭望台

announce 预知;广播;通知


Wed., Feb. 17 Clear

New Year's review

Another year has gone by. Every year seems to go by faster than the last one. We had our annual feast at Aunty Joan's house. She made a wonderful Peiping duck this time.

二月十七日 星期三 晴




go by 过去;结束

annual 一年一次的

feast 餐宴;节日

Peiping 北平


Thurs., Feb. 18 Fine

Lucky money

I'm so happy today because I got $ 3,000 in "Lucky Money." Grandpa alone gave me $ 1,000. I must try to save this for college though and not waste it. But I think I'll allow myself to use part of it to buy a new dress tomorrow and then I'll put the rest in the bank.

二月十八日 星期四 晴

红 包



waste 浪费

allow 容许


Tues., Feb. 23 Fine

The leap year

As it is a leap year this year which comes once in four years, we have one additional day this month. To those who are born or die on this day, their birthdays or the anniversaries of

their death come round only once every four years.

二月二十三日 星期二 晴

闰 年



additional 加添的;补充的


Thurs., Feb. 25 Cloudy later a little rain

Being ill

I was confined to my bed the whole day today as by doctor's order. My teacher called up this morning to see what was wrong with me. My mother said that I was sick and was not going to school. My teacher said, that she will be sending over some of the homework for today so that I won't have to miss anything in class. There's no escape from schoolwork, even if you're sick. Maybe the only time I can get away from it is when I'm already buried six feet underground. My teacher said that I should get well soon and then said goodbye.

So, what else did I do today, aside from just sitting on my bed? Nothing really much. I drank a lot of juice that mother made and could eat nothing but rice gruel all day. I also slept a lot because of the medicine I took.

In the evening, Leni called to ask how I was. I told her that I'd probably be going back to school the day after tomorrow after I had some rest. She told me some things that went on in school today. She also gave me the assignments for the mathematics class. She said that the class was a little bit more quiet because I wasn't there. I didn't know whether this means they missed me or they were glad I wasn't there. Anyway I just shrugged off the thought.

二月二十五日 星期四 多云有雨

生 病





confine 监禁;卧病

underground 在地下

gruel 粥

shrug off 一笑置之;不理


*I recovered slowly after my long illness.


*He has recovered from his illness.


*I regained health quickly.


*Though the wound is cured, it is not healed.



Sat., Feb. 27 Fine

Losing my temper

I nearly got into a fist fight with someone today. It all started like this. I wasn't feeling very good this day because I had just flunked my History test. I was really angry with the boys at my back because they got high marks although they cheated. I was just going to leave it that but one of the boys started teasing me as a failure. They thought I was dumb because I didn't cheat like they did. Normally I would just leave them but they got to be too much this time. That's why I started arguing with them. But that didn't stop them until I got really mad and they challenged me to a duel. We were about to exchange blows when the

principal saw us and took us to the office. I didn't tell on them but I got punished like the rest of them. It was really unfair.

Someday, I'm going to have my revenge. I'll just laugh when the day comes when the tables are turned against them. Yes, in fact I don't have to do anything at all. I know that one day they'll be the ones who are going to fail because they don't study that much. Then on tat day, I'll get my sweet, sweet revenge.

二月二十七日 星期六 晴

发 脾 气




* He gave them an angry look. 他向他们怒目而视。

* Anger does no good. 愤怒无济于事。

* By their sins they provoked the wrath of God. 他们因犯罪而激起了上帝的愤怒。 * The atrocity caused widespread indignation. 那暴行引起了普遍的愤慨。 * She was in one of her wild furies. 她在一阵愤怒当中。


Sun., Feb. 28 Bright but windy

The Old Man and the Sea

Finished reading "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. This is one of Hemingway's best stories. Relatively easy to read, but very impressive, more impressive than Orwell's "Animal Farm".

This old fisherman gallantly fought against nature, but his human effort had its limit. Felt very sorry for him. This old man, however, learned the great truth in the end.

二月二十八日 星期日 晴朗有风





relatively 比较上;相对地

impressive 感人的;留给人深刻印象的

gallantly 英勇地

fought 战斗;抵抗


Mon., Feb. 29 Sunny

New fashions

A new fashion has arrived in Taipei. Young women now wear miniskirts.

Last Sunday I met a classmate wearing a miniskirt on the street. Her name was Lin Yi - ching. She looked cute. I said to Mom in the kitchen, "Will you buy a miniskirt for me? " She said, "You don't look nice in that kind of clothing."

I think her thinking is old - fashioned. I would like to buy a miniskirt with my own money. 二月二十九日 星期一 晴

一种最新流行的服装样式已经来到台北了,现在年轻的女孩们都穿迷你裙。 上个礼拜我在街上遇到一位穿着迷你裙的同学,她的名字是林宜静。她看起来好可爱。我告诉在厨房忙碌的妈妈:"你会不会买一件迷你裙给我?"她却说:"你穿那样不好看。"



Sun., Mar. 6 Fine

Bargain sale

I went to a bargain sale this morning. Most of the stuff there was junk. The only thing I liked was an old chair they had; it was too expensive though. I met Sandra there, she didn't find anything worth buying either.

三月六日 星期日 晴



bargain sale 大廉价



Tues., Mar. 8 Rainy

Women's Day

Today is "Women's Day." It made me think about being a woman. I like being a woman even though we have a harder life than men. When we come home from work we have to do the housework. Why must we do it? When men come home from work they fall on the couth and watch TV while we prepare dinner for them.

三月八日 星期二 雨


今天是妇女节。这使我想到当女人的事。我喜欢身为女人,即使女人的生活要比国;男 苦。当我们下班回家后,我们得做家事。我们为什幺要做家事?当男人下班回家坐在沙发上看电视时,我们却正为他们准备晚餐。


even though 即使

fall on 落在…上

couch 长沙发


Thurs., Mar. 10 Fine

Korean barbecue

New Year's atmosphere has completely disappeared. We no longer see little boys and girls in colorful costumes and adults exchanging lengthy New Year's greetings in the street. At supper went to a Korean restaurant with Li. and had Korean barbecue. There were only a few people in the restaurant. Probably because of the cold weather!

三月十日 星期四 晴





atmosphere 气氛;环境

barbecue 烤肉

costume 服装


Sun., Mar. 13 Fine

Cherry blossom viewers

According to the newspaper, nearly thirty thousand people visited Yang Ming shan. Viewing cherry blossoms is all right, but what can we see and appreciate among the jostling crowds? If flower - viewing is their purpose, there may be many other places quieter and less crowded.

It is foolish to have to go to a certain place just because others go. Stayed indoors all day except lunch - time when I took my dog for a short walk.

三月十三日 星期日 晴

花 季




view 观看;视察

appreciate 重视;赏识;欣赏

jostling 拥挤的

purpose 目的;用意


Mon., Mar. 14 Rainy later fine

A warm spring day

It was pretty warm today, but I prefer spring to autumn. It is chiefly because spring is the forerunner of happy summer. This coming Saturday we shall go on a spring excursion to Tam Shui. Very anxious to see Tam Shui as I have never been there. According to the weatherman, it will continue to be fine toward the weekend. But the weather forecast sometimes turns out to be wrong. I really hope it will be true this weekend.

三月十四日 星期一 雨后晴

春 暖



forerunner 预兆;先驱

excursion 远足;旅行

weatherman 担任天气预报的人或气象局之官员

forecast 预测;预报


Tues., Mar. 15 Fine

Another fine day

I got up early today. I had a fitful sleep last night. When I opened the window the sun was shining and a soft gentle breeze was blowing into my face. I could hear some birds chirping in a nearby tree also. Immediately, I cleaned up and got dressed. Mother was already cooking breakfast when I got down. She was listening to the early morning report on the radio. Somehow, I just felt so light and carefree today. After breakfast, I hurried to the bus depot and caught my bus in the nick of time.

Everything went smoothly at school. I was even commended by my teacher for the fine work I did with my homework. She read my composition aloud to the class. I was a bit embarrassed but at the same time very flattered. My classmates even teased me about it and congratulated me on it. At four in the afternoon, I was ready to go back home. I had dinner and finished all my lessons. I'm going to bed now and I'll be saying my prayers. Today wasn't bad at all.

三月十五日 星期二 晴





chirp 吱喳而鸣

commend 称赞

carefree 无忧无虑的;快乐的

depot 公共汽车站

tease 揶揄

in the nick of time 正是时候


It is fine. 天气很好。

There is not a speck of cloud in the sky. 天空没有一片云。

It's suddenly clears up. 天气突然转晴了。

The weather has settled at last. 天气终于稳定下来了。

It's a nice sunny day. 阳光普照的好日子。


Wed., Mar. 16 Fine

A camera

With brother took a walk in the suburbs with a camera in hand. It was very pleasant to walk among the trees which were flaming with fresh verdure. Took a few pictures at the rural scene.

三月十六日 星期三 晴




Thurs. Mar. 17 Rainy later fine

Salon's famous pictures

On my way home from school went to see the exhibition of Salon's famous pictures held at Taipei Art Museum. Most of the pictures were nude pictures and there were some which corrupt public morals. The discipline of the author it ies seems to have lately become lenient.

三月十七日 星期四 雨后晴




exhibition 展览会;陈列品

nude 裸体的;裸体画

morals 风气

corrupt 使腐败;败坏


Fri., Mar. 18 Fine

A sports competition

This afternoon we had some time off from our class. We went out to watch our school team take part in a basketball match with another school. We were supposed to cheer for our school team. When we got to the court the game was already in full heat. We cheered so loudly that my voice became hoarse from shouting. Although our team lost in the end we were still very happy because they tried their best. All in all it was a very exciting match.

三月十八日 星期五 晴




cheer 喝彩;为…加油

court 场

hoarse 嘶哑的

all in all 就整体而言
