
杨 X

(+86)137-0000-0000 yangx 湖北省武汉市洪山区民族大道708号 求职意向

财会会计 中南民族大学(国家民委直属重点高校) 会计专业(毕业将取得管理学学士学位) 主干课程 会计学原理(82分) 成本会计(87分) 税法(81分) 财务管理(89分) 社会实践

2011.11—今 办公室助理 中南民族大学财务处

? 整理会计凭证, 并且分册装订编号,半年来查出错漏凭证56张,大大提高了我的细致程度。

? 引导教职工查询资料,工作效率、耐性明显改善。

2011.10 店长 武汉销品茂天伦天户外运动专柜

? 负责店内总体管理,开销售单据,每日盘点工作。工作期间无一笔罚单。

? 和另外两个店员一起7天总销售额47667元,创下了湖北30多家店的销售冠军。受到了经理的亲自接见。 ? 领导协调5 人的项目团队搜集和分析企业信息,按照相应的分析框架制作针对湖北省武汉市中小型会计师事务


? 建立QQ 群和公共邮箱,及时与导师和队友沟通,监督活动进程,协调整体人员及时间安排。 2011.03—2011.10 团队负责人 武汉市中小型会计师事务所发展状况社会调研项目


20011.09—今 班主任助理 中南民族大学11级工商20班

? 协助新生辅导员完成新生入学工作,包括开学前信息咨询、报道及新生军训入学考试等。为新生提前适应大学生 活提供了指导和帮助,提高了自身解决问题的能力。

? 不定期组织班级开展活动,有效地增强了班级凝聚力,得到了院领导和同学们的一致认可。

2011.06—今 学生会副主席 中南民族大学管理学院分团委学生会

? 制定学生会规章制度,与主席一起召开学生会各项会议。协调各部门的工作,分管学生会勤工部和文艺部。 ? 是学院运动会、南湖杯等赛事的主要负责人,在任期间各项赛事名次前进了3个名次以上。

2010.09—2011.06 策划部部长 中南民族大学管理学院青年志愿者协会

? 领导部门12个人完成策划部工作,策划了“阳光义卖”、“阳光义诊“等活动,其中阳光义卖共筹集善款6450


? 在管理好部门内部的同时,协助会长,倡导部门间团结协作,团结进取的良好氛围。


国家励志奖学金 (奖励发奋图强、成绩优异的学生,奖励比例3%)

校专业奖学金(连续两次) (奖励品学兼优、刻苦钻研前10%的学生) 校级优秀学生干部 (奖励工作突出、认真负责的8%学生)

第一期职业训练营优秀营员 (奖励主动性强、职场应变能力强的8%学生)

校优秀青年志愿者 (奖励在志愿服务中勇于奉献的优秀学生)


英语:通过英语六级,剑桥商务英语中级 ,能用英语流利交流


其他:考取了会计从业资格证书 证券从业资格证书

X Yang

Room 506,Building 5, No.708, Minyuan Road ,Hongshan District,Wuhan(430074)

Mobile:+86 137 0000 0000

Email: yangx123@163.com

A position in Corporate Accounting

2009.6-Present South-Central University For Nationalities Wuhan Majored in Accounting, GPA:3.39/4.0

2011.10- Present South-Central University For Nationalities Office Assistant General Accounting Department

● Assisted to sort and check accounting documents

● Competed the task every week and Found 45 error documents

● Created suitable solution for improving the documents searching speed

2011.9-2011.10 Telent Outdoor Sports Equipments Co.,Ltd Shop Manager(part-time) ● Telent once sponsored the Mountain Huangshan International Climbing Competition twice ● Established a work team and led discussion in meetings when needed

● Dealed with complaints from clients and suppliers,such as faulty goods and shortage of goods ● Mastered konwledge of the products and finally ranked 1st among the 30 stores in Hubei district,the sales reached 9000 yuan a day.

● Attained the ability to cooperate with people effectively and communication skills

2011.9-2012.3 Social Research?for Present Status of Development of the Accounting Firm Team


● Conducted a systematic research and analyzed date of 100 accounting firms in Hubei ● Ranked 1st in 120 teams from the Management College Social Practice

● Gave advices to accounting firms' sustainable development according to our research results

● The National Endeavourers Scholarship

(awarded by the Central Government, only top 3% students got it)

The Professional Scholarships

( only awarded to the top 10% excellent students )

Excellent Student Cadre ● ●

(only awarded to the top 8% responsible and outstanding student-cadre )

● Excellent Member of the Occupation Training Camp

( only awarded to the top 10% members with strain capacity and communication ability )

● Outstanding Youth Volunteer

(only awarded to the brilliant volunteers of helping people in trouble)

English: CET-6 BEC

●A good command of spoken and written English,especillycin business-related topics IT: Nationwide Computer Level Test Band 2(Visual FoxPro),

●Skilled in use of Microsoft Office

Others: Accounting Qualification Certificate Securities Qualification Certificate



