speaking topic 雅思范文艺术与科技

Whether science and technology or arts and humanities deserve more attention in modern education programs and schools is a complex and controversial issues. Some people asserted that science and technology should take precedence over the latter since they are becoming more and more important to modern society, while others have an opposite opinion. In my point of view, education programs need to balance the teaching time for both of these two aspects rather than overstate the importance of any of these two. My point of view will be largely substantiated with the following discussion.

Admittedly, science and technology are becoming more and more essential in modern society as the foundation of innovation driven economy development. For example, one could hardly imagine how a great company like Microsoft or the Apple Company could survive without continuous technology innovation or upgrade to bring brand new experiences to consumers. Another example could help to substantiate my view will be the increased time and efforts for students to grasp necessary computer knowledge and skills to help them to work more efficiently in offices in future as a general trend. Meanwhile, new product based on break through technologies has been one of the key drivers that drive the growth of the revenue of a company. With the analysis stated above, therefore, there is no doubt that science and technology will be quite important in modern society.

However, this is not necessarily true that we should overstate the importance of science and technology, but spend less and little time to teach arts and humanities which will be helpful to establish a civilized and educated society. Arts and humanities teach us how to think, how to read, how to appreciate, how to communicate with others and how to express ourselves, all of which are important skills in modern society. For example, a lot of the top CEOs of the leading companies actually don't know much about the technologies which are developed by the engineers from the research and development departments, but they know more about the management skills which is more based on a good understanding of humanities and sensitive judgment of needs and wants of consumers. Advanced technology itself will not be the only important factor which leads to the success of an individual or a society.

What is more, the schools should not determine the time allocated to science and technology or arts and humanities without considering their own positioning and their students' interests. Common sense and our daily experiences inform us that different schools will have different strength as related to science and technology or arts and humanities. Meanwhile students are different from each other, not all of them will

have interests to learn science and technology. Therefore it is not recommended to ask the school to spend more time on science and technology as stated by the author.

In conclusion, both science and technology and arts and humanities will be important as to the development of a healthy and wealthy society. Each school should consider their own strength and the interests of their students to allocate the time of each aspect. It is unnecessary to extend the broad assertion to an irreversible extreme, each school could determine base on their judgment on a case-by-case basis. As a result, we should manage to strike a balance between teaching science and technology, and teaching arts and humanities both for the wellbeing of the society and the success of the individuals.


引出话题: In this age when everything is changing rapidly with the development of science and technology, arts are still playing and essential role in people’s daily livies. People appreciate the aesthetic feeling induced by arts, and even find more about themselves from arts.

Body 1: 艺术的好处一:给人带来美的享受,让人感受到生活中的美。

Arts create beauty and stimulate imagination, and therefore provide enjoyment in an aesthetic way.

【论据】:与科技(应付人们的实际需要)作比较,说明艺术更多的是给人带来心灵上的愉悦。可以电影及音乐为例说明艺术如何给人带来审美享受。 Body 2:艺术的好处二:一种万能的沟通方式

More importantly, art is a unique way of communication.

【分论点一】:艺术是真正的国际语言 (论据可以达芬奇的画以及泰坦尼克这部电影为例,说明艺术可以打动各地的人)


Body 3: 艺术的好处三:有一些实际用途

Further, arts also have many physical functions. For example, because of the good feelings created by arts, psycologists have found musical therapies which are useful for some metally disturbed patients.


To conclude, science and technology respond to our physical needs while arts show more care for our mind. It is from arts that we learn the beauty of life.




Topic 1 Describe the most unforgettable birthday party for you.You should say,

Who joined it. How it looks like. What presents you got.

Why it was hard to forget.

Discussion: Do you remember your parents' birthdays?When? How do your friends always celebrate for their birthdays? How would you read into a person if he keeps track of all his friends' birthdays and expresses his best wishes in time? Do you think it necessary for the students spend money and energy on exchanging birthday gifts? Have you imagined what you will be like ten years later on your birthday?What is it?

Topic 2 Describing an interesting building. You should say, Where it is located. What it looks like.

What services are provided? How you like it. Discussion: What role do old buildings and new buildings play in modern society? What changes have taken place in architecture in the past two decades?

Do you think it necessary to protect old buildings?
