

?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????. ?? ???? ? ? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ????. ?? ???? (什么部门)?(职务)??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ?? ??? ???, ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?????. ??????? ?? ?? ????? ????. 父母还非常重视培养的我性格和兴趣爱好。所以我的性格开朗,兴趣爱好比较广泛,特别是喜欢运动。在大学1年级和2年级,期间参加过跆拳道社团和舞蹈社团。另外我还喜欢收集,在父母的支持下,收集了许多邮票,钱币,字画等。

我上学比较早,6岁就上了小学, 在上小学这6年期间,因为父母总是调工作,转了很多次学校,因此我学会了如何更快的熟悉新环境,更好的融入到一个新的团体,同时也交到了许多朋友。2000?9?? ??? ??? ???3???? ??????. 20xx年,以优异成绩考进 吉林松花江中学,松花江中学的校规非常严格,除了周末,学生不能离开学校,晚上9点半之前不能进入学校宿舍。如此严格的校规,为我营造了更好的学习环境。毕业后,来到韩国留学。因为韩国的教育体系在亚洲最为完善,名列前茅。首先,韩国有发达的教育体系和教育制度,保持与欧美同步的教育水准,其特色是兼收并蓄了东方文化与西方教育的优势。其二是,韩国拥有众多国际名校,师资雄厚、设施一流、科目完善、高薪专业集中、课程设置注重实践,并为学生提供大量的实习机会,毕业的学生以高素质和实际操作能力强而著称。其三是,由于网络化教育应用非常普遍,大学内电脑随处可见,学生可随时免费上网,许多大学甚至以电子书代替书本授课。其四是,在韩国读世界名校不是梦想。韩国的众多院校都与欧美国家(特别是美国)保持有紧密的学术联系和业务联系,并结成姐妹院校,开展共同运营,取得双学位。另外,家乡是朝鲜族自治州,所以从小就对韩国产生了兴趣,对韩国的文化习俗也相对有些了解。因此高中毕业后放弃了(某某大学)的录取通知书,选择了来韩国留学。因为没有语言基础,所以20xx年中旬,来到韩国高丽大学语学院,开始学习的韩国语。韩国语5级后,申请了庆熙大学的社会学专业,并在20xx年9月入学。









Seoul National University

Form 2: Personal Statement & Study Plan

                     For Undergraduate Applicants

Please type or print in English or Korean.

Please feel free to attach additional sheets if necessary.


Secondary Schools

Current or most recent secondary school attended _______________________________________________                                                   

Entry Date ____________Graduation Date _____________

               mm/yyyy                                                                             mm/yyyy

School Address ____________________________________________________________________

Number & Street

______________________________________________________________________________                                          City/Town                                                                                                    State/Province                                                                                           Country ZIP/Postal Code

Applicant’s Name ______________________Birthdate ________ Department of your choice _____________                                                               



Short Answer

1.       Please describe any unique characteristics of your school or distinctive qualities to your secondary education. Give a brief account of the curriculum and mention any set of courses which were pedagogically significant in shaping your current academic interests.

2.       In relation to your academic interests and personal perspectives, please describe your aptitude and motivation for the department of your choice, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic achievement and commitment.

3.       Please briefly elaborate on any of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below.

Personal Essay

4.       This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. Given your personal background, evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken; or discuss an issue of personal, local, or international concern and its importance to you, or; describe a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that impact. We are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student.

Study Plan

5.       Please explain in some detail your purpose in studying at Seoul National University and your plans for study.  Be as specific as you can regarding your academic interests and the curriculum you expect to follow in achieving your goals.

Required Signature

I certify that all information submitted during the admissions process – including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials – is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation or expulsion, should the information I’ve certified be false. 

Signature ________________________________________________________ Date___________                                                                 

