
3. Children in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think that’s a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Today watching news, a means of learning what is happening around the world, has become a way of life to many people. When the value of news is undisputed, whether it is necessary to include international news as part of school curriculum. I am of the opinion that it will be an enheartening/exciting change.

The first point to support the importance of international news is that In today’s world, businesses operated beyond borders and countries are closely connected with each other. Any country that fails to recognise this would miss out on(错失了) the benefits of globalisation. To young people, watching international news leads them to develop a global perspective and world vision. They learn to elicit(抽出) information from news and use it in decision making, for example, studying abroad,career option, and so forth. It is of critical importance as

Another benefit obtained from studying international news is enhancing young people’s capabilities and skills, such as critical thinking skills. Living in , many people have become lost in search for useful information and unable to understand and absorb information. Studying international news drives them to explore perspectives and get a view of every aspect of an international event. Reading editorials allow them to

Despite those benefits, integrating international news into curriculum requires educators to address several issues in advance. First, students might be distracted by a great variety of conflicting arguments produced by different experts. However, as mentioned above, it is immensely conducive to the development of their analytical skills. Meanwhile, it could be time-consuming for students to read those new stories that are identical with each other in essence, although they appear in different papers. It, therefore, requires teachers to select news in advance and play an active role.

In conclusion, one has reasons to believe that international news deserves a place in school curriculum. By reading, watching and analysing international news, future generations will acquire knowledge of the whole world and enrich a variety of skills.








