

Do you agree or disagree:All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal.





In general, all university courses can be divided into two kinds: liberal arts and science, which both serve as an impetus to the development of society. Lately, an interesting discussion has arisen about whether all university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal. From my perspective, I am a big fan of science and I fully advocate that basic science courses are a necessity for every university student. My reasons and examples are as follows. (86 words)


Firstly, it is no denying that science is the primary productive force. From the past to present, numerous cases have proved that our world’s rapid development is based on the remarkable progress of science and technology. University students, whatever their majors are, will benefit a lot from the basic science courses they have taken. Students of science can certainly enhance their foundation of scientific knowledge and those who study liberal arts will be

advantageous in job market if they also have a basic understanding of science. In modern society, almost all individuals who change the world have been under the influence of science and technology in university, such as Steve jobs, Zuckerberg and Jack Ma. (115 words)


Besides, what students learned in basic science courses will exert positive influence on their future careers. These valuable assets they can amass in science courses are logical thinking, analytical skills, the spirit to question authority and the emphasis on experiments. In fact, these qualities are an essential guarantee of high working efficiency,

whatever the work is. Look at this counter example. If one has never been exposed to any science courses, he must lack the awareness of doing experiments. Thus, in the work, he is likely to put any idea he thinks of into practice without testing its feasibility, which will obviously bring harms to his work. (107 words)

让步段:诚然,题目中的说法确实显得有些绝对,因为有一部分文科学生,学习能力差,本专业课还没有学到家的,强硬让他们学习科学课,是不合适的。但可以加适量的基础科学课到教学计划中。(承认漏洞+堵漏) Admittedly, the statement that all students should be required to study basic science courses appears arbitrary and unilateral, because it is not appropriate to make basic science courses mandatory for some liberal-arts students who even have difficulties in their own majors. However, in light of the significance of scientific literacy, school authorities can add a proper number of basic science courses into the teaching schedule and make them optional for those weak in study. (74)


In conclusion, basic science courses are the foundation of anyone who wants to survive in this highly competitive modern world. If you do not want to regret in the future, seize the present and participate in some basic science courses in university because you never know something you have learnt in the course will be a great helper to your future career. (62 words)




2014-11-24 谢侃 Kevin英语课堂 文/谢侃(公众号: kevinenglishclass)


【题】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Yourjob has more effect on your happiness than social life does.





It is one of human beings’ basic rights to be in pursuit of happiness. Among all factors that can affect our happiness, jobs and social life are the most talked about ones. Thus, an interesting discussion arises on which one of them on earth exerts more influence on our wellbeing. As far as I am concerned, jobs have more correlation with our happiness instead of social life. My reasons and examples are given below. (74words)

中间段1:工作能让人实现自我,充满有成就感。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子) Firstly, jobs make us feel valuable and fulfilled, which is an important reflection of happiness. It is because everyone is born to this world with a mission. Apart from rudimentary physical demands like eating and sleeping, we also need to seek the meaning of life, and working plays a critical role in helping us to find the answers, from which their happiness is derived. For example, Steve Jobs, as we all know, is a workaholic who almost devoted all the time to his career without much social life.

However, from his biography I can feel that it is his career that defined his happiness. (102 words)

中间段2:工作带来财富,而财富是幸福感的物质保证。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子) Secondly, jobs provide a stable income that is the material guarantee of happiness. We have to admit that happiness without the material foundation is not a real one. In other word, a happy life should be based on a decent financial strength that can be achieved through working hard. A good case in point is my uncle who built up a

renowned enterprise from scratch in my hometown. My uncle and his family now live in an extravagant villa and own a limousine, he supports my cousin to study overseas financially, andmy auntie appears stunning everyday by wearing expensive cosmetics and ornaments.It is money that brings them a sense of happiness. (113 words)


In some extent, it is true that social life can boost our wellbeing. For instance, one advantage of having a social life is to make our life more enriched and enjoyable because we can hang out with friends, exchange ideas or help each other. However, we cannot depend our wellbeing on others. Only by working can we feel a real and solid sense of happiness. (65words)


In conclusion, compared with social life, jobs play a more important role in influencing our wellbeing. They not only enable usto enjoy a sense of achievement, but also provide a stable source of finance that lays the groundwork for our wellbeing. (42 words)
