toefl 独立写作范文

An effective leader should always make members feel that they are part of decision-making process.

An effective leader should be someone who can make everybody in the team contribute the best that he or she can do. | Some people suppose that being such a leader only requires strong leadership. However, I think this oversimplifies the situation. | Actually, besides leadership, a successful leader should also have a way to make members feel that they are part of decision-making process, and this will benefit the whole team in different ways. team is more likely to see things in perspective and come up with better solutions to problems and issues. leaders act as bossy dictators, members are unlikely to let them know that they have good ideas they are asked to share. | My father is a very successful manager and he often asks advice and suggestions from each and every members of his and my father always gets enough references that he needs.

Cooperation is always a necessary condition for victory, they are concerned are more likely to carry out the plan that is partly made by themselves. | The French national football team here can serve as a good example to prove that members will not cooperate if they are not respected. They did poorly in 2010 world cup their internal home without scoring.

A leader who allows everyone to talk can even make the team stronger than it is supposed to team members will even contribute their social connections to help their own team succeed. Different jobs require various resources and skills, and team members cannot handle they may need assistance outside the friends or family members of the team members may come in handy. | There was a boy who worked as an intern in my father’s department. asked him for advice from time to time, the boy finally surprised my father by asking his uncle, a government officer, to authorize a project that my father had attempted to involved for a long time. more devoted and will contribute their best to the team. the leader will become an effective and successful one even if he or she is not the most skillful one.


1 The passage, the author, reading material

2 The professor, listening material, the lecturer,

3 However, on the contrary, while, but, yet

4 According to, suggest, claim, indicate, point out, believe, argue, state, contend, say, assert 5 To begin with, on top of that, lastly

6 This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

This is entirely oppose to writer’s opinion.

This is where the speaker disagree with the writer.

The government should spend more money on young children’s education than on university education. Education has many stages, including young children’s education and university education. |These days, many believe that the government should spend more funds on the former one. However, I think this is a misunderstanding. with different knowledge and skills that we need in the future, they are equally important and they deserve equal money.

Young children’s education teaches students how to learn and what they are supposed to it lays ground work for students’ further education. |Take myself for example. references helped me a lot with my further study in high school and college. we go to university, we pick out majors I recently realized that my learning experience in primary school is a convincing reference for me to make the right choice. I clearly remembered any major that relates to math and prefer to get involved with any career that requires English skills.

University education prepares students for the competitive job market by equipping them with knowledge and skills for both working and communicating. | My sister here can serve as a good example. She is now a university student and she takes specialized courses in which she learns how to operate certain equipment and how to use specific software that may her with her job hunting, and internships also help her and her classmates get exposure to the real participations in their further careers. Besides studying hard, she attends many club activities in her leisure time as well, and she admits that she ran for the class president because she wanted to practice her public speaking skill, aiming to get some advantages when having job interviews. Only students in colleges and universities enjoy the opportunities to get involved in such a wild range of preparation for careers.

Young children’s education and universities education are two necessary stages of our life-long education. They cannot replace each other. It would be rigid to say that the government should spend more money on any of them.








A:通常有护照的人直接拿护照就可以进场了;没有护照的话,拿身份证外加一份第二证件例如: 驾驶证、带钢印的工作证、往来港澳通行证、外国人居留证、外国人工作许可证、港澳居民回乡证,或由正规大专院校颁发的学生证,学生证需要注册过


A:没有的话,可以准备身份证明信(此类证明必须有本人的照片,签字,身份证号码,以及个人体貌特征描述和经办单位人事部门的有效直线电话,经办人签字,并且在照片上封盖两个章介绍单位的公章和人事章)--- 1,学生从所在学校和档案存放人事部开具证明信 2,个人人事档案在本公司存档的职工从人事部开具证明信,并骑缝盖2个章:所在单位的公章和人事章3,个人人事档案不在本公司存档的职工,除了开具本公司证明信(照片上骑缝盖公司章),务必在档案所在地加盖人事部骑缝章。(人才交流中心或街道办事处存档处)4,不属于以上情形的考生,可以到户籍所在地派出所开具证明信,应该有照片并以在照片上骑缝加盖户籍章的格式打印户籍证明










择右上角的continue,开始考试,不过这之前还要有考试要求,如果不想听直接跳过,开始考试 *Q:考试顺序是怎样的呢?





















A: 利用好休息的时间,上个洗手间,吃点东西,喝点水,最好回座位上,这样就可以听到旁边别人说的口语内容,会比只用15~20秒的准备时间去思考该说什么有优势多了 *Q:通常中场休息该补充些什么东西呢?














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