







I have so many friends; and I’d like to go shopping or see a movie with them. Sandy is my best friend who is just like my sister. She is a very generous and

thoughtful person. I remembered once I went to her city for holiday. She invited me to live in her apartment. And of course I’d like to live with her. When I asked her do I need to bring something like shampoo and tower. She said, no no , just bring your empty stomach. She even bought me a weekly travel pass .So I can take a bus to go anywhere in the city for free! Actually she was very busy those days. But she tried her best to guide me around the city. She also bought me a city guide, just in case she can’t jump out of her work. That city guide is still on my bookshelf. Every time I saw it, I would remember that wonderful holiday and my best friend.


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很多同学包括这位同学后来也都问我要背诵些什么文章。我的建议是你不用刻意背一篇整的文章,因为你的口语中不会整篇整篇的运用,重要的是其中的某些好的句式,平时可以摘录一些在本子上随时翻看。还有就是可以看一些好的英语访谈节目,其中会有嘉宾对人生的看法,讲到生活方方面面的内容会对我们的口语有很大帮助。平时可以多看些美剧,国外好的电视节目,CCTV-9也是比较推荐的,虽然英语不是很纯正,但内容丰富而且随时可及。第二点就是,看电影电视要反复看,我喜欢第一遍看剧情练听力学语音语调,第二遍看语言点,练口语,遇到好的词句记得要摘抄下来,还是那句话,好记性不如烂笔头,写下来说不定哪天就用上了,你就可以说,as the saying goes, that reminds me a line from a film , 又好用又时尚。另外把听力的东西用来做完dictation 后还可以用来做复述训练的材料,就是重复每句你听到的话,包括语音语调都极力模仿,等你说的和原文一样了还愁听力不好吗?

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Describe a school friend you remember well.

You should say:

who this person was

what he/she looked like

how you became friends

and explain why you remember this person so well. Sample Answer:

The school friend I remember well is Sara. She’s not only my school friend, but also my best friend. I’ve known her since we were in middle school.

She is of the same height with me, but thinner. With beautiful eyes and straight black hair, she’s really a pretty


We became friends because we were born on exactly the same day and we happened to hold the birthday party at the same KFC when we were 14. That day, we became friends.

We’ve been friends for 7 years. I remember her so well because she is someone who is the exact personal mirror image of myself. We understand each other like soul mates. We were all young and rebellious and she understood my madness. She knows me better than I know myself at times, at the most critical times. She is who I want to call first when I feel I'm in crisis. Now, though we are in different cities, we still keep in touch with each by phone and email.

Part 3

Are there any differences between childhood friends and friends in adulthood?

Actually yes. First, a childhood friendship has innocence and there are easier ties to make with someone when you are younger. There are also easier ways to find things in common with another person when you are younger. When you’re older it’s

kind of like having the safety net removed. Then, you can do something as a kid in a friendship and it’s either cute or brushed off. As an adult it’s a little harder because if something is misconstrued then even the most rational person can get upset.

Which do you think is better, to have a large group of friends or just a few close friends?

Definitely a few good friends. Less worry and problems to deal with. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to close friends. I feel more comfortable hanging out with my small band of pals, and I know I can be myself and I trust them all implicitly.

How is the way people make friends today different to the way people made friends years ago?

Well, the way people make friends today is not much different from the way people used to. You meet someone and hang out with them and see if your personality clicks.

Do you think it’s important (or necessary) to keep in contact with childhood friends?

All I could think of is the song: ‘make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver but the other gold.’ Keeping old friends has shown to be a good stress reducer. Talking with an old friend and laughing at how things were is always great fun. When I talk with old friends, it feels so comfortable and great and it makes me feel warm all over. So I think it’s important to maintain childhood friends.

Do most people change their friends when they grow up? I don’t think so. Like that cheesy saying “Make new friends, but keep the old." People maintain their childhood friend and at the same time, make new friends. With today’s advancements especially, it's so convenient to keep in touch. All of my best friends have moved away-- some as far as across the country. Yet we can still talk via e-mail and Instant Messenger and it doesn't seem like we're quite as far away. Some adults think that childhood was the best part of their lives. Why do they think that way?

As a child, one can live, play, act, dream as he or she wants to and there are no responsibilities and worries. While being an adult, there’s so much pressure and less freedom, one can't

do everything a kid can. Besides, memory is always sweet than reality, especially when the adults know that they would never go back to childhood, childhood seems more priceless. What methods do most people use to memorize things?

The best way to memorize something depends on how you learn. If you are an auditory learner (learn by hearing) you might try doing flash cards or reciting things out loud. If you are a visual leaner (learn by seeing or doing) you might try writing what you need to memorize over and over.

What do you think is the value of teaching history in school? History always helps us to understand the present about a person, society or nation. For example, history of the Egyptian, Indian and Chinese civilizations gives us a good idea of how people lived, worked or fought in wars in the past and how the world has progressed over the centuries. Take a passion to study history you will discover that many countries have so many amazing secrets, stories and knowledge to offer. And the past can in some way help us to predict about the future.


