六年级英语作文 ——自我介绍


参考题目:(1)Myself 我自己

(2)Talking about myself 介绍自己

(3)Introduce myself 介绍自己


提示词:年龄 来自哪里 爱好(喜欢什么) 性格特征(友好、善良等)




Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 by bike/on foot 骑自行车/步行 primary school 小学 study hard 努力学习 after school 放学后 get up 起床 班 help others 帮助别人 play basketball/football 打篮球/踢足球 there be句型

like doing something 喜欢做某事 kind (善良) friendly(友好)


Talking about myself

My name is Liu Fang. I’吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’第一小学). I can speak a little English. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too like doing something喜欢做某事) with friends after school. (护士). I love them very much.




Introduce Myself

My name is Yang Xinxin. My English name is Mary. I’学生的) colour is green. My favourite number is six. My favourite day is Sunday. My favourite pet is a dog.

I like English,Chisene and maths. I like to eat chichen, eggs, hot dogs, and sandwiches.I don’t like meat and chocolates. I like coke and milk. I don’t like tea. I like swimming, reading, taking a trip and watching TV..






每个需要找工作的人都要面临面试这个环节,那么面试之前我们该做哪些准备才能给主考官留下好的映象呢,在这里我谈谈我自己的看法。1首先,要尽可能多的了解你要面试的公司的情况 ,以防面试官问你你对该公司的了解的时候,你能很自信的回答出来,也可以让面试官知道你为这场面试所做的准备。2.准备一套面试用的职业装,主考官对面试者的第一映像就是面试着的着装,如果你穿的不够得体,那么考官会对你的基本映象扣分。3,准备一份自我介绍的稿子,尽量去多了解主考官可能会问道的问题,做到心中有数,不至于在面试的时候过于紧张。4,在做自我介绍是要注意语言简洁,突出重点,不要侃侃而谈,让主考官认为你是拖沓的人。还有要表现的自信,不要被现场的气氛吓的六神无主,要礼貌,让主考官认为你是个识大体的人。如果能到以上的几点,面试者就能给考官打来好映象。Each need to find work people all want to face interview this link, so what should we do before the interview to leave a good image to interviewer? And here I talk about my own view.1 above all, you need to know As many of the information about the company, in case the interviewer will ask you to tell what you know about the company, you can be confident answer out, also can let the interviewer to knowFor the way you do an interview to prepare.2. Prepare a uniform for interview ,the interviewee's first image is the dress, if you wear poor, so the interviewer will Buckle image points.3, prepare a self introduction material, as far as possible to know I may asked question, and not feel too nervous in the interview.4, you need to pay attention to in simple language, to highlight the importance and don't talk too much , And to be confident, to polite, let interviewer think you are a whys.If you can above some, you can give the interviewer good image.
