


朋友是容易交的,保持友谊却很难,小事也能破坏友谊,所以我们要细心呵护友谊之花。 其一,真心相待、诚信与共。同学之间的交往,真是一块试金石。有人说,同学之间的友谊是天底下最纯洁、最珍贵的情谊。但这种友谊并非一天两天就能建立起来的,它好比温室中的鲜花,需要我们用“真诚”之水用心浇灌、呵护,稍有不慎,它就有可能立即失去光彩,枯萎凋谢。真诚是朴实的,它不需要慷慨激昂,也不需要华丽的辞藻,那它是什么?它是多年以后你我收到友人的明信片时的那份激动。












母亲,多么让天下儿女敬仰的字眼;母爱,多么像哺育我们成长的宁静港湾。 母爱是纯洁的;母爱是无私的;母爱是伟大的;母爱是只知道给予而不企求回报的。 母爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心;母爱像绵绵细雨,轻轻拍打着你的脸面,滋润着你的心田;母爱像冬天的火炉,给你在严冬中营造暖人心意的阳光。 人世间的儿女们,望着两鬓斑白的母亲,哪一个不辛酸至极呢?







突然,看到了你的身影。我呆了,我以为我的眼花了,但我错了。那明明是你,是你的身影。你慢慢走了过来,也没有开灯。黑忽忽的,看不清你的脸上那时的表情,但我知道,你在怪我,怪我这时生病,害的你摸黑起来为我压肚子。你想怪就怪吧!不要憋在心里,这样会得病的。我感到你得手冰凉凉的。我知道你很冷,而我 …… 我哭了,你看不到我此时精光闪闪的泪珠,它上面夹杂着我的热。






第二篇:中学生高考英语必备材料6 任务型写作句型拓展及两篇例文



1. 表示赞成的句型

1) the view of the author that reading newspaper is of great benefit.

2) products(有利于环境保护的产品).

2. 表示反对的句型 students bring cell phones to school.

3. 说明理由的句型

赞成:First of all, … What’s more…, Furthermore, …

反对:To begin with, … To make things worse, … Worse of all,…


1. 利弊对比句型

1) pressureit can encourage us,inspire us and promote us.too much pressure will certainly do harm to us students, which may influence our health and study.

2) some people say it is an excellent practice. they can earn some money from this. they may lose time needed for sleep, rest and study. you as well as what your employer has the right to expect.

2. 得出结论

(1) suggest that we should wear school uniform at school.

(2) college entrance examination , still carry on this policy.


1)…is of great importance /significance /value/help. To begin with, it can …Besides, it strengthens

the tie between… Finally, it helps to…

2) … has a great impact on… First,… Secondly,… Thirdly, …

3) … plays an important/ significant role in … For one thing, … For another, …



2. only 1

honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.life easier and more harmonious. honesty can make our society more stable.



1) traditional books 传统的书本和电子书本有相同之处

2) e-books are more environmentally friendly with more information available.但是传统的书难以携带,但对眼睛的伤害很少,而电子书本很环保,而且可以得到更多的信息。




(1) during my summer vacation too. 在暑假期间,我曾有也一次难忘的经历,从那次经历中,我意识到耐心很重要。

(2 studying calligraphy. 这个故事让我想起了我学习书法的经历。



1) life would be meaningful if we have a vision or ambition.


3) appearance.


1. 对现在情况假设的句型 (If I were……, I would do…….) 2. 对过去情况的假设的句型(If I had done……, I would have done…….)

If we had foreseen the result, we would have taken action earlier.

3. 对将来情况的假设(If I were to do……, I would do…….)

If it were to rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.


1. Different people hold different views on the question. Some believe that …Others argue that… Still others maintain that … 在这个问题上不同的人持有不同的观点.有些人相信…… 其他人辩驳说…还有其他人坚持认为…….

2. 他们的观点大相径庭

They are quite different form each other in their opinions.

3. 大部分学生认为….The majority of students believe that …….

The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills.


把计划或方式、经过有条理地写出来,同时运用一些合适的表示先后或递进关系的过渡词, 如:First, Next, Then, Finally. / Firstly, secondly, finally等。


Eg: 你如何安排你高三毕业这个暑假?

When the holiday comes, having a good rest and relaxing myself can not be overlooked. First, I will visit some friends I haven’t seen for months and share my joys and sorrows in high school with them. Then, if possible, a nice trip will be best. Finally, I should read some books to prepare myself for the coming university life.


第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)

This is a story that happened in a school campus. One day , after school was over, Peter was taking a walk in the school campus, singing very happily. When he passed by a water tap, he found that water was still running. Someone forgot to turn it off! Although it was the easiest thing for him to turn it off , and he should have done so, he seemed not to have noticed it and went on walking as if nothing was happening there.

Just then, Mary was passing by and noticed that. “Who left the water running after using it ?” she thought to herself She rushed to the tap and turned it off as quickly as possible. When Mary was doing that, Peter was right there, standing beside her with a cold look. Mary turned to him and scolded him for not having turned off the tap. “It is none of my business!” Peter said coldly, “Besides, it was not I who had turned it on”. Hearing this , Mary was very disappointed and she was at a great loss...



2.然后以约120词就Mary 或Peter的行为, 从“责任意思” 、“行为习惯” 或“节约资源”等方面 , 任选一个角度发表你的看法,内容包括:

(1). 简要评述Mary 或Peter的行为并说明你的理由;

(2). 叙述你或你身边所发生的类似的故事.;

(3). 谈谈你的感受与启发。


1.在作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 3. 标题自定。


Try to do the small things around you

Peter found water running out of a tap but turned a blind eye to it, while Mary, a girl of responsibilities, took a different attitude and rushed to turn it off.

As for me, Mary is really great, because she is ready to do something that seems very small. Maybe her behavior is very common in someone’s eyes, but it is playing and will continue to play an important part in our daily life.

We could see such kinds of small things around us every day. For example, when we leave the classroom, we just ignore the lights and computers and leave them on; when we have dinners, we often use the one time used chopsticks and plastic bags; when we finish some drinks and food, we throw the leftover very causally. Are you familiar with those occasions? Are you one of those people that we have mentioned above? Have you ever thought about those bad effects of our environment?

As the way I see it, we should take actions to do the small things around us and protect our environment, remember: every little contribution counts.




BEIJING-A 50-city quarterly survey conducted by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC)found that in the first quarter,49.2 percent of the20,000 respondents said

prices had become intolerable.While 47.5 percent of the respondents felt prices were rather high but still tolerable.Mr. Dou Lanqing, one respondent, said,"The goods in supermarket are apparently more expensive than before.In the meanwhile.I have to pay a bigger bill if my family go out for dinner now.”

The report also found that many families began to take different measures to reduce the stress from the increasing prices.It shows that 35.4 percent of those surveyed generally put their money into banks,and that 27.6 percent tended to invest

in stocks and mutual funds,down8.2 percentage points quarter-on—quarter.Besides,most people prefer to work out a family budget.Mr. Dou said,"With a reasonable budget,I can save more than 20%of my money every month,which used to be spent on unnecessary things.As long as we manage our money properly,the increasing prices,I think,should be not that terrible.”











Dear boys and girls,

It’s my great honour to make a speech here.Recently, the People’s Bank of China conducted a quarterly survey on prices in 50 cities.(概括) Nearly half of the respondents said they couldn’t tolerate(stand/bear/put) up with the increasing prices,while some others considered it OK although they acknowledged the truth.As a result,many families began to seek various ways to save money.

The survey does draw my attention to the rapidly increasing prices in my daily life. Take food as an example.The prices of pork,beef, fish,chicken,as well as various vegetables,have risen by at least 20%.It seems that money is flowing out of our pockets more quickly, but silently. Although we middle school students feel less stress than our parents do,we should also have a proper budget for our pocket money. For example,we can make the most of each exercise book and reuse some waste paper.Or we can also try to cut down our expenses on unnecessary magazines,CDs and so on.In a word, we can save money in many aspects in our daily life.

All in all,saving money is a great Chinese virtue and it is especially needed in this period.Thank you!

