

个人简历,Personal Statement 是艺术留学申请过程中必须要和留学作品集一起提交的东西。相比作品集而言,简历的内容通常比较固定,但要注意Resume和Curriculum Vitae之间细微的差别。二者翻译过来都是简历,但前者更强调与求职有关的教育背景、工作经历和经验技巧,CV则更偏向强调那些与学术直接相关的学习、教育和研究经历。因此还是建议根据自己的教育和专业背景,选择相应的形式。比如要申请建筑学的同学,除了学习成绩,如果实习经验和团队合作能力、领导力也都搬得上台面,用Resume可能更适合。而若个人的实习经历较少,更多的是一些深入的调研和总结,就应该采用CV的形式。



2、教育背景。就读的大学和专业,个人成绩。 通常都是从大学开始说,对我们这些艺术生来说,如果在大学前就已经学习了多年的绘画或设计,那么可以从对艺术/设计产生兴趣那会说起,但还是要注意言简意赅。

3、荣誉。通常都是紧跟教育背景之后, 而且是简历中很重要的一部分,要吧学校以及社会活动方面的奖励都写进去,发表了什么论文,作品被XXXX刊载等则要标注ISBN号码!

4、重要的经历。重中之重,所探讨的内容方向并没有什么限制,可以是工作经历、学术经历、校园活动甚至是表面上和专业不相关的故事。但最终一定要归总到个人的优势上面去,用具体故事诠释和明确你是怎样的一个学生,对专业的看法和对自己未来的规划。 简历最忌讳长,理想情况是A4两页以内,1000字。除非申请者确实有极其极其丰富的研究经历和工作经验,否则超过一页的个人简历通常不讨考官喜欢。

关于简历里该不该放照片。各种观点,各有各的道理,我个人的观点是西方社会比较开放,歧视这种东西很少见。同时面向也是区分留学生和本土学生的好工具, 一张亚洲人的照片放上去,考官会倾向于理解为是留学生,这样有较大几率可以使考官放低对语言能力和写作能力方面的要求(有人可能会说,是否留学生在申请资料中有多处都会提及。但那些地方都是通过文字进行辨识,考官并非每个都是按照流程先看这个然后看那个。目录肯定在正文之前,但看书不看目录的人有的是)。另外照片通常可以传达出一些难于用文字表达的信息,如个人气质、自信等等。




说这个问题,我想应该从为什么写个人简历难说起。我在本科的时候就选择了出国,那会是07年,刚踏上海外好山好水的大地没多久,我突然发自肺腑的懊悔当年为什么不好好写日记。国外的大学要写的东西挺多(虽然艺术生以创作为主,但总还是逃不开论文、短评、写作的魔爪),小到10字的图片命名,50字的课题概述, 几百字的答辩草稿, 大到上千上万字的毕业论文。 语言问题倒是还好, 真正折磨我的反而是发自肺腑的对写这件事的抵触。


不太多。个人认为这是个人简历难写的主要原因, 我们自身的惰性。毫无疑问,老师喜欢勤奋刻苦的孩子,个人简历(当然留学作品集也是一样)是否经过深思熟虑,反复修改还是很容易辨识的,被筛选出去的首先是准备不充分的孩纸。


首先,要明确一件事情,就是为什么西方大学非得在录取过程中要求一份个人简历。尤其是对我们这些学设计,学艺术的人来说,一个学生是什么样,基础好不好,看作品集不就行了?更何况这之后还有面试。那干嘛还要这份个人简历?这要从西方大学本身的价值观说起。多数大学认为,分数只是体现一个学生在某特定方面的成就的衡量指标,不能全面的体现一个人,录取委员会还需要一个足够个性化的标准,以此来综合评判学生是否适合院校的教学课程。于是个人简历诞生了, 足够个性化,所有的内容都围绕学生自身的经历和背景,而且包含学生对自己的评价和定位。评审们会将个人简历作为参考,他们可以更好的对你的作品集进行准确的评估。这也是为什么在日前的文章中,建议大家将一份精简的个人简历纳入到作品集之中去。


介绍了大学的评审委员会对个人简历的看法之后,下面我们讨论如何撰写这份个人简历。首先简历包括两部分,个人陈述和个人简历。 个人陈述是你对自己的定位和描述,相当于你自己的广告语; 简历是列举你的人生经历及成就。个人简历的写法没有固定风模板,有人通过故事体现自己的品质,有的则按时间顺序描述自己的经历,也有用穿插式跳跃思维来回在过去和将来之间切换。各种写法,各显神通,最终的结果也是各种各样,有的满堂红,有的『全聚德』——一个录取都没有。 为什么最后结果差这么多?


1、写的东西必须是你自己,且必须是真实的。虚构内容相信大家都不会干,但『包装』这件事估计多数人都干过。包装可以,但要搞准方向。西方的院校重视学术,任何不能同时和专业能力以及个人特性同时紧密挂钩的经历,都不建议拿出来在个人简历中说。以建筑学为例,施工经验确实有用,但和学术基本没有关系,见过一份简历说在某某工地做过监工的助理。 姑且不说这个经历的真实性,做助理所得到的经验和建筑设计之间关系本就微乎其微,还不如说自己在敬老院做过义工, 熟悉且了解老人们以及工作人员对建筑空间的使用习惯和倾向性,并在后来的设计作业中进行了应用,来的实在。









Richard Anderson

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

Academic Background

Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics with specialization Business

Management from the Iona College, Iona, NY, in the year 1992.

Computer Programming Skills

Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access,

Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows2000, Windows ME,

Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Knowing IBM PC, Lotus 1-2-3, MS-Dos, WordStar, JERSEYPRO and Lotus Macros. Other Skills

Effectively completed CAD Financial Advisor Sales Education and achieved Advanced Training Diploma Program certificates from Princeton, NJ.

Professional Background

Since 2004 working as a Financial Consultant in the Consumer Markets of CAD FINANCIAL Advisors, Princeton, NJ and is responsible for the following:

Generate $10 million client base with the help of aggressive and consistent

prospecting campaign.

Successfully set up portfolios including inventory, bonds, mutual funds and

insurance products for an exceeding 250 clientele.

Formulated and applied financial policies, plans and operations through account

organization and development.

From 2000-2003 worked as a Sales Associate and efficiently handled the following operations:


Directly got involved with the company's top financers, high profile net value

individuals for future business associations.

Procured $25,000 as commissions for the best producer all the way through new

account openings.

Scrutinized on hand portfolios, supporting in advancement of accounts.

From 1995-1999 worked as a Customer Account Representative and efficiently handled the following duties and responsibilities:

Organized, supervised and maintained more than 25,000 accounts in the areas

of business settlement and commercialization, NASD policies and rules, and customer inquiries.

Recommended upper management authorities about the performance of


Acted as connection between sales strength and New York operations. 留学生个人简历范文


1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


Seeking a position using my extensive knowledge and successful experience within the Healthcare Industry.


Extensive experience in the Healthcare sector ranging from clinical care to

administrative responsibility.

Self-motivated, efficient, resourceful and reliable under pressure.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Confident and poised in interactions with individuals at all levels.


Detail oriented and resourceful in the completion of tasks with ability to

multi-task effectively.

Demonstrated ability to function effectively as a team player as well as working

independently to achieve objectives.

Possess strong problem resolution skills.

Dedicated individual achieving a reputation for consistently going beyond what

is required.

Fluent in German and Spanish.


Wrentham Health Centre, Wrentham, MA 03/01 – Present

Back office Nurse

Responsible for the admission of patients and the filling of patient prescriptions. Performed minor biopsies and administered patient injections.

Collected, stored and retrieved patient data.

Maintained and ordered medical supplies.

Conducted patient interviews to elicit registration information.

Implemented effective system for the sterilization of surgical instruments.

Dalek Commercial Group, Cambridge, MA 08/99 – 02/01 Administrative Assistant

Scheduled appointments and maintained up to date client files.

Managed incoming and outgoing correspondence and maintained contractor


Liased with external contractors completing tenant improvements to ensure

adherence to external schedules.

Performed administrative duties and provided support to the Property Manager. Oversaw the maintenance and purchase of office supplies and equipment.


Maintained and updated client information on the company database.

Quincy Medical Group, Quincy, MA

01/96 – 8/99

Ward Clerk

Scheduled patient appointments and support roster for physicians.

Registered incoming patients and assisted with prescription fulfilment.

Demonstrated ability to maintain composure and work efficiently, preserving

patient confidentiality in this environment.

Performed administrative duties.

Troubleshot and resolved problems. Effective at dealing with complaints. St. Andrews, Boston, MA

01/95 – 01/96

LVN / Scrub Tech

Undertook a floating role for the Nursing office performing duties in the following

departments: Post-partum, Labour and Delivery, the Emergency

Department, Intensive Care and Paediatrics.

Served as a Scrub Technician over a five-year period in the Labour and Delivery


Relate well to people from a variety of cultures and social backgrounds.

Remain calm and professional during periods of critical need.

Readily develop rapport with patients, staff, families and physicians.

Assist with registration of new patients.


College of Massachusetts Medical Affiliates

08/90 –09/94

Graduated as an LVN


In my free time I have assisted at the Boston Unified School District as a Teachers helper. I have also volunteered at the Massachusetts Police department in the


Emergency response department. My hobbies include water-skiing, snow skiing, going to the gym and hiking.
