
The Devil Wears Prada

(背景音乐Suddenly I See)

Hello my friends.Welcome to today’s Let’s Movie.I’m your old friend Kitty.Today let’s go together to the film The Devil Wears Prada to witness the growing of Andrea Sachs.

"What would you do if your heaven-sent job turned out to be a living hell ?" This is the very question put on the cover of the book The Devil Wears Prada. Then, what would you do? The movie to show in our library on this Wednesday which is shot according to the popular novel may give you some clue to the question.


影片《时尚女魔头》(The Devil Wears Prada)改编自同名畅销小说,原著作者劳伦·魏丝很大程度上在这部小说里在讲述自己曾经的亲身经历。她当年同样在大学毕业之后,便进入了美国著名的时尚杂志《Vogue》编辑部中担任主编助理,经过一年的工作“磨砺”之后辞职。随即便写出了这部关于自己工作经历的小说。在书中,她毫不隐讳了描写了自己所受到的种种不公正待遇,而书中写道的那个号称来自地狱的老板的形象,亦是直指现实生活中的前《Vogue》主编安娜·薇托尔。其实,普通人对于名人富豪的奢华生活总是存有猎奇心理,因此,这本书一经上市就引起不小的轰动,取得了空前热卖的成绩。在《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上一连持续了15个星期高居不下。如今,在曾经炮制过热播剧集《欲望城市》与《兄弟连》的导演大卫·弗兰克之手,此书成了被搬上好莱坞大银幕的绝好题材之一。相信,如此有美国风味的“现实主义 ”故事一定会受到大家的喜爱。该片也将再次点燃人们希望窥探时尚女编辑私人生活的欲望。

该影片由Miranda Priestly(梅丽尔·斯特里普)和Anne Hathaway(安妮·海瑟薇)联合主演。在其预告片中,便可以听到尖锐、风趣、个性且口音较重的对话,而且



(背景音乐 Vogue)

Since the film is not a completely "How to survive in the fashion world ", you may still not get the answer to the question "What would you do if your heaven-sent job turned out to be a living hell ?". But it does give its readers some guidance if he wants to get a job in the fashion industry. It is not easy to survive in the real world, especially the fashion world as introduced in the film. And if one day you become the person in charge, then DON'T BE MIRANDA!


After all, this film is just something entertaining and full of fun. As the author Lauren Weisberger said in an interview, "This is clearly not War & Peace, so I'd love to hear that people just enjoyed themselves with the story. That would be perfect."

好了,相信大家在了解这部影片的背景后,一定很想看看这部the devil wears prada,那么就请大家关注图书馆每周一周三在二楼报告厅免费为同学们播放的电影吧。

All right, thanks for your listening, i am Kitty, see you next time.
