



四、再写再练、自由写作 介绍自己熟悉的一处建筑、名胜;介绍自己有兴趣的动物植物;说明一种或一项科学现象。 板块 3、师:提出要求,给出数据。 3、教学楼。 教师给出数据,用药盒制作教学楼。 生:按老师要求, 4、师:提出要求,给出数据。 4、办公楼。 教师给出数据,用药盒制作办公楼。 生:按老师要求, 5、师:提出要求,给出数据。 5、艺体楼。 教师给出数据,用药盒制作一体楼。 生:按老师要求, 6、师:提出要求,给出数据。 6、操场。 教师给出数据,用彩笔画出跑道、沙坑、健身器材场地、篮球场。 生:按老师要求,划分操场 二、合理安排顺序、有条不紊讲解说明模型 1、生:介绍时可以用自己的写作 小提示 1、模型展示、介绍作品、注意顺序 三、完成写作、介绍学校、注意语言运用 生:写作练笔,添枝加叶 四、自由写作、艺海徜徉 生:发散思维、自由写作。




Exposition of comparison and contrast

Nature of exposition of comparison and contrast

Take any two people, objects, events, ideas or take two periods of time, places of interest, works of art into consideration, you are getting yourself engaged in a comparative analysis. When you compare, you point out the ways that two persons, places, or things are similar; when you contrast, you discuss how they differ. More often than not, you need to treat both, but with different emphasis. Thesis of exposition of comparison and contrast

The formulation of the thesis depends on whether you treat the similarities alone or you treat both similarities and differences. Normally, you may resort to such expressions as “like”, “similar to”, “as”, etc. to show

similarities; and “unlike”, “in spite of”, “while”, etc. to establish contrast.

Structure of expository comparison and contrast

There are several forms into which comparison and contrast essays may be

conveniently organized. There are also many variations within each form, for the forms are flexible, giving you ample freedom to shape your essay as you wish. What is important is that the essay has a shape ---- a definite plan of development --- so that it does not shift back and forth randomly from A to B; back to part of A; then more about B; back to another part of A; and so on.

Sample 1

Both (Japan and America), for example, have transplanted cultures. Each has a

“mother” society --- China and Great Britain --- that has influenced the daughter in

countless ways: in language, religion, social

organization, art, literature, and national ideals. Japan, of course, has had more time than the United States to work out its unique

interpretation of this older culture. But even today the debt to China is perceivable and gracefully acknowledged. It has produced in some artists and philosophers the same kind of ambivalence and self-consciousness

dominating American cultural nationalities. Sample 2

Even body language has a cultural accent. Chinese stamp their feet to show anger; Americans interpret this as impatience. Chinese clap for themselves after a speech. Americans may see this as immodest. When giving or receiving a gift, Chinese use two hands to denote respect. Americans never even notice. Americans may pat other adults on the head to show sympathy, affection or

encouragement. This behavior could insult Chinese. Americans point to their chest to

signify “me”, but think it is funny when Chinese point to their nose.

Patterns of organization and model texts

1) Subject-by-subject comparison and contrast

All the characteristics or subdivisions of the first subject are dealt with in the first half of the essay; all the rest of the characteristics of the other in the second half. Parallel structure is to be strictly observed. In both parts of the essay, the items for comparison and contrast should be treated in the same order.

Model 1 (subject-by-subject contrast) Text

Two Science Fiction Books

1. When science fiction discusses another world, it is actually discussing our world, and when science fiction discusses the future, it is actually discussing the present. Both Robert

Heinlein's Starship Troopers and John

Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar(桑给巴尔) are near-future science fiction - supposedly set fifty years from the time they were written. Although these books are alike in some ways, they differ in other ways that reflect the moods of the times in which they were written.

2. Starship Troopers takes place in a world that is substantially different from ours. Earth is the center of an empire that

encompasses several of the outer planets. Space exploration has led to the colonization of a number of worlds and the inevitable alien encounter. Earth is looked in mortal combat with buglike aliens who are bent on

appropriating(占用) the living space that people on earth need to survive. The result of this struggle is that the military has assumed great power. In order to obtain leadership, a person must first serve in the armed forces. The vote is achieved only by those who have fought the bugs and survived.

3. In many ways, Starship Troopers

reflects the times in which it was written. The 1950s was a decade in which the United States still had faith in military power and in its ability to police the world. Despite the

example of Korea, America viewed its atomic arsenal(兵工厂,军火库) as an umbrella that would protect it from harm. The world of Starship Troopers is one which faces alien challenge. War is seen as an inevitable result of man's expansion and only through struggle can man establish his right to survive. In this light, the bugs can be seen as symbols of all that threatened the United States throughout the 1950.

4. The world of Stand on Zanzibar is very much like ours today. The story takes place in the near future, and the first half of the book is set in New York City. Many of the problems that beset New York today are still present in the future, but they are even more severe.

Because of overpopulation, living space is at a

premium, and people can afford apartments only by sharing the expense with others. Corporations have assumed great power and virtually run the government. Every facet of life seems to be permeated by television and advertising. People are encouraged to buy as mush as they can whenever they can - in spite of the fact that earth's resources seem to be declining at an alarming rate. In order to try to cope with this suicidal way of life, most states have passed laws strictly limiting people's right to bear children.

5. Stand on Zanzibar was published in 1968 and very accurately expresses the mood of those times. Possibly because of the joint effects of the war in Vietnam and the Johnson presidency, Americans were examining their personal and national goals. The population explosion, ecology, and corporate power

became topics of great interest. Brunner takes these problems and examines what would happen if Americans continued their present

course of action. The result is the world of Stand on Zanzibar where the United States consumes most of the earth's resources and continually searches our overextended planet for more.

6. Although Starship Troopers and Stand on Zanzibar were written only nine years apart, they differ greatly in concept. Great changes took place in the United States between 1959 and 1968, and these books reflect the shifts in priorities and consciousness that occurred. Using the near future as settings for their

works, Heinlein and Brunner create interesting and subtle works which nonetheless are as different as the volatile(易变的) times in which they were written.


The two science fiction books reflect the different moods of the times when they were written.


I. Introduction (para. 1): containing the thesis

II. Body

1. (para. 2-3): content and concept in Starship Troopers

2. (para. 4-5): content and concept in Stand on Zanzibar

III. Conclusion (para. 6): restatement of the theme

Writing techniques

parallel structure

① the settings (different vs. similar) ② the center (the earth vs. New York) ③ in combat with (aliens vs. problems on earth)

④ the living place (taken up vs. shared) ⑤ problem solved (by force vs. through corporation/by law)

⑥ concept in US (faith in military power vs. reflection)

⑦ prospect of survival (by war vs. by expansion and pillage抢劫,掠夺)

2) Point-to-point comparison and contrast Instead of focusing on each of the subject separately, the specifics of both subjects are put together one by one for direct and

immediate comparison and contrast. The essay should be structured point by point for

comparison or contrast instead of subject by subject.

Model 2 (point-to-point comparison) Text

Beethoven and Lennon

1. Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the 19th century. John Lennon was one of the greatest musicians in the 20th century. Although there is a period of about 200 years between them, they are quite similar in certain ways.

2. Both men expressed the spirit of their time in their music. Beethoven lived in the period of rising capitalism. At that time, people were trying to break the shackles of feudalism, and they were pursuing freedom, equality, and universal love. This social trend, especially the French revolution, greatly

inspired Beethoven. His music was very active, passionate, and vigorous. Some of his works praised heroism, some conveyed the love for nature, and some extolled赞颂 harmony among people. Similarly, Lennon's music

revealed his time. In the 60s and 70s, the youth in America were deeply frustrated by the discrimination and injustice in the society and were longing to build a new one. Most of Lennon's songs expressed the ideas of the youth. In one of his songs entitled “Imagine”, he sings, “Imagine all the people, living under peace”, and “The world will together as one”. These words show his anti-war attitude and his hope for peace, and reflect the spirit of the 60s

and 70s.

3. Both men were social rebels to some extent. They refused to bow to social conventions and power. Beethoven was a devoted republican. When Napoleon I was in power, who claimed to be a defender of republicanism, Beethoven admired him so much that he dedicated his Symphony No. 5, the theme of which is heroism, to him. But then Napoleon crowned himself and became an emperor. Beethoven was so angry that he openly declared he took back what he had said about him, regardless of possible persecution. Lennon was also considered a troublemaker by the authorities because of his support for youth movements. For a time he was not even allowed to give public performances. But he ignored all this and stuck to his belief.

4. As musicians, both men led to great leaps in the history of music. Beethoven's main contribution to music was his

symphonies. It was he who clearly defined the

form of symphony and fully developed it, which marked the end of the classical period and the beginning of the romantic period. His nine symphonies, especially No. 5, No. 6, and No. 9, are as highly regarded today as they were 100 years ago. Lennon's achievement was his rock-and-roll music. He and his band, the Beetles, successfully combined rhythm and blues with rock music, which laid the

foundation for modern rock-and-roll music.

5. Although they had many things in common, Beethoven and Lennon belonged to different ages and thus were different in many ways. Beethoven's life was full of disaster and struggle. At the age of 29, when he was at the climax of his career, he lost his hearing, which was not very different from death penalty to a musician. But Beethoven managed to

overcome this barrier, and miraculously he composed most of his masterpieces after he became deaf. What amazing willpower!

Lennon's life was easier. He was able to live in

comparative comfort, for he earned a lot from his discs and concerts. His way to success was not so hard as Beethoven's.

6. Their endings were also very different. Beethoven died a natural death at the age of 57. But Lennon was shot in 1980 by one of his fans, which shocked the world.

7. The names of both Beethoven and Lennon are inscribed on the monument to the history of music. They will always be remembered for their unique styles, great productivity, and indomitable坚韧不拔的 personalities.


There are many similarities between the two famous musicians: Beethoven and Lennon.


I. Introduction (para. 1): similarities between the two musicians

II. Body

1) (para. 2-4): similarities

a) embodiment of the spirit of the time b) social rebels

c) contributions to music

2) (para. 5-6): dissimilarities

a) difference in life

b) difference in ending

III. Conclusion (para. 7): the fame and greatness of the two musicians

Writing techniques

1) point-to-point comparison

2) parallelism (Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians… John Lennon was one of the greatest

musicians …; …be remembered for their unique styles, great productivity, and indomitable personalities.)
