


一、 毕业论文的基本要求

1. 论文应用英语撰写。

2. 论文中采用的术语、符号、代号必须统一,并符合规范化的要求。使用新的专业术语、缩略语、习惯用语等,应加以注释。

3. 论文一律用 A4纸双面打印,左侧装订。每一页面的边距分别留边3 cm。

4. 论文中的附表应有对应的表题及编号。



5. 页码:中英文封面及承诺书不排页码。中英文摘要、目录均单独起页、单面打印(目录页若内容过多需占两页,可将目录页双面打印),依中文摘要、英文摘要、目录的次序排出页码:i, ii, iii, 等,位于页下端右侧(目录有两页的,需将目录页页码位置定于“外侧”)。同理,注释页、参考文献页和致谢页照此排出页码,分别为i, ii, iii, 等。



1.中文封面 (学校统一模版)

2.英文封面 (统一模版)

3.承诺书 (统一模版)






9.参考文献 按所使用的语言(中文、日文、英文)分别排列。


11. 致谢

二、 毕业论文各组成部分的要求


1、论文封面 ( Cover )

一律采用统一格式的封面。严格按照给定的模板打印。其中英文封面的论文题目:2号Times New Roman字体,加粗。


(1) 题目准确得体并能准确表达论文的中心内容,恰当反映研究的范围和深度,不能使用笼统的、泛指性很强的词语和华丽不实的词藻;

(2) 题目应简明,使读者印象鲜明,便于记忆和引用。题目一般不宜超过20字;

(3) 题目所用词语必须有助于选定关键词和编制题录、索引等二次文献,以便为检索提供特定的实用信息;

(4) 题目应避免使用非共知共用的缩略词、字符、代号等。

2、目录 ( Contents )

目录标题即 “Contents”字样:2号Times New Roman字体,居中。目录内容小4


3、摘要 ( Abstract )


a. 中文摘要:

格,居中。 摘 要”二字用2号楷体,加粗。两个字中间空4个


b. 英文摘要:

标题 “


摘要正文用小4号、Times New Roman字体,1.5倍行距。

4、关键词 ( Key words )

关键词是为了满足文献标引或检索工作的需要而从论文中选取出的用以表示全文主题Abstract”为二号、Times New Roman字体,加粗,



a. 中文关键词:


b. 英文关键词:

“Key words:” 用 Times New Roman字体,小四号字,加粗。

5、引言(或前言)( Introduction )


从Contents至Introduction之前,页码设置为小写罗马数字i, ii, iii, iv等,从Introduction开始至Conclusion文末页码为阿拉伯数字。

注意:Introduction不编号(即不要出现“0. Introduction” 或 “1. Introduction” 等形式),字号为三号,居中。



(1) 主题的要求

(2) 主题有新意,有科学研究或实际应用价值;

(3) 主题集中,一篇论文只有一个中心,要使主题集中,凡与本文主题无关或关系不大的内容不应涉及,不过多阐述,否则会使问题繁杂,脉络不清,主题淡化;

(4) 主题鲜明,论文的中心思想地位突出,除了在论文的题目、摘要、前言、结论部分明确地点出主题外,在正文部分更要注意突出主题。

a) 结构的要求

A. 章、节、小节格式如下:



B. 正文写作时要注意抓住基本观点。数据的采集、记录、整理、表达等均不应出现技术性的错误;分析论证和讨论问题时,避免含混不清,模棱两可,词不达意 ;不弄虚作假。

C. 正文内如有引用,用文末注,注释号采用右上标。如:

They also argue that “other things being equal, the greater the contextual effects, the greater the relevance”2.

Generalizations that are presented as accepting exceptions are very difficult if

not impossible to refute because any counter-example can be dismissed as

an … testing of relevance theory claims, but no test so far has come near

falsifying the theory, quite the opposite5.


(3)正文标题字体均为Times New Roman加粗。一级标题:3号,居中;二级标题:4号,不居中;三级标题: 小4号,不居中。

(1) 正文: 小4号Times New Roman字体,1.5倍行距,两端对齐。

7、结论 ( Conclusion )


注意:1. 以下部分单独起排页码,不顺延论文正文页码。

2. 字体格式同“正文”部分。

8.注释 (Notes)



Unless otherwise indicated, all selections are quoted from The Old Man and the

Sea. (Charles Scribner’s Sons Edition), New York 1980.

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. Penguin Books, New York 1982.

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. Penguin Books,

New York 1982, pp.40-41.

3. 王诺. 欧美生态文学. 北京大学出版社, 北京 2003, p.165.

4. Allen Josephs. Hemingway’s Spanish Sensibility. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Shanghai 2000, p.241.

6. 陈剑澜. 生态主义话语: 生态哲学与文学批评7. ibid.

8. John Simons. Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation. New York Palgrave, 2002, p.52.

9. ibid. p.32.


9、参考文献 ( Bibliography )



引注参考资料的顺序是:作者(姓,名. 名.). 文章名. 刊期名, 年份, 卷号(期号):页数.(标点如上所示)。 其中文章题目不用斜体,期刊名用斜体。



Kember, D.Orientations to enrolment of part-time students: A classification system based upon students’ perceived lifelong learning. Higher Education Research & Development, 2001,20(3):265-280.



Zhang, W. Y. & Shin, N. M. Imported or indigenous? A comparative study of three open and distance education models in Mainland China, India and Hong Kong. Open Learning, 2002,Vol. 12(2):167-176.



Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993,(65):1190-1204.



Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al. (). Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film and Writing, 2001,20(3):213-245.

注:以上的“et al.”是“等等”的意思。


引注参考资料的顺序是:作者(姓,名. 名.). 书名(斜体). 出版地点(城市): 出版社, 出版年份. (标点如上所示)


Josephs, Allen. Hemingway’s Spanish Sensibility. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language

Education Press, 2000.

Lowery, G. & Stover, T. Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2000. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.

注:“Ed.” 或“Eds.”的意思是主编的书,如果只有一位主编,用“Ed.”,如果是两位或以上主编,则用“Eds.”.


引注参考资料的顺序是:作者(姓,名. 名.).章节的名. 书的作者,书名(斜体),出版地点(城市): 出版社,出版年份. 章节页数. (标点如上所示)


Zhang, W. Y. & Kirk, P. A profile of online education in selected open universities in Asia. In D. Murphy, N. M. Shin, & W. Y. Zhang (Eds.), Advancing Online Learning in Asia. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, 2002. pp. 1-15.



引注参考资料的顺序是:作者(姓,名. 名.).年份. 文章题目. (期刊名, 期刊号,)读取日期. 网址. (标点如上所示)


Zhang, W. Y., Niu, J. & Jiang, G. Z. (2002). Web-Based education at conventional universities in China: a case study. (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 2, No.

2.) Retrieved on 15 October 2002. < /iuicode?>




[1] Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. New York

Penguin Books, 1982.

[2] Josephs, Allen. Hemingway’s Spanish Sensibility. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign

Language Education Press, 2000.

[3] Keegan, Bridget, and Mckusick, James C, ed. Literature and Nature, 1600-2000:

Four Centuries of nature writing: an anthology. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2001.

[4] Nagel, James. The Hunting Story in the Garden of Eden. Michigan: UMI Research

Press, 1989.

[5] Schauffler,F. Marina. Turning to Earth: Stories of Ecological Conversation.

Chalottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003.

[6] Simons, John. Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation. New

York: Palgrave, 2002.

[7] 陈剑澜. 生态主义话语:生态哲学与文学批评. http:.cn[8] 陈茂林.从自然的价值到自然的本体—论海明威自然观的形成与发展. 零陵

学院学报, 2004,(4).

[9] 鲁枢元. 生态批评的知识空间. 文艺研究, 2002, (5): 146-147.

[10] 王诺. 欧美生态文学. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2003.

[11] 朱新福. 美国生态文学批评述略. 当代外国文学, 2003,(1).


10、附录 ( Appendix / Appendices)



A. 比正文更为详尽的理论根据、研究方法和技术要点,建议可以阅读的参考文献的题录,对了解正文内容有用的补充信息等;

B. 由于篇幅过长或取材于复制品而不宜写入正文的材料;

C. 一般读者并非必要阅读,但对本专业同行很有参考价值的资料;

D. 某些重要的原始数据、统计表、调查问卷或访谈题目等。

附录段置于参考文献表之后,附录中的插图、表格、公式、参考文献等的序号与正文分开,另行编制,如编为“图一”、“图二”;“表一”、“表二”; “文献[一]”、“文献[二]”等。


11、致谢 ( Acknowledgements )







1、学生 在导师 的指导下独立完成本毕业论文。尽本人所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文的研究成果不包含任何他人享有著作权的内容,对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明,保证不抄袭、剽窃他人成果,不请人代做。坚持学术操守、维护学术纯洁、恪守学术道德、遵守学校论文管理条例、维护学校名誉。若在毕业论文的各种审查、评比中被发现有任何学术不端行为,愿按学校有关规定接受处理,并承担相应责任,包括接受相关处分、取消毕业资格、取消学位及至承担相应法律责任。


学 生(签名):


20 年 月 日





********和*******生活在各自******,却*********。前者受到……的深刻影响,为*************************张目,后者处于*****************,****思想正处于痛苦的挣扎之下。在*****************的时代,*****的中心地位已经动摇,******的中心地位逐渐确立,代表了历史前进的方向;而在……时代,先进的……文化遭到了********文化的冲击,…… 到处可见,并在文学领域得以充分展现;而*****如********一样的*****用传统的儒学思想、依靠*********政治试图反映社会黑暗现实、进行一定的抗争。两******都具有鲜明的时代特色、对后世产生巨大的影响。西方******至今仍然与*******有明显的传承关系,而********却在********开始逐渐走向消亡。*********意识及********方法的使用、****文学的不同的因与果的观照、对其发展规律的探寻,可以使……。

关键词:**主义;**** i



Key words: ***-ism; culture; influence; comparison



Abstract in Chinese

Abstract in English


Chapter One Social Status: Heaven and Hell.........................................................5

A. *********---Pet of the ******………............................................................5

B. *********---of Yuan dynasty...........................................................................6

Chapter Two Social Ideologies: Brightness and Darkness...................................8

A. The Flower of Humanism.................................................................................8

B. Dark Night of Confucius Culture....................................................................13

Chapter Three Philosophical Status: Modern and Tradition.............................17

A. The Development of Modren Thought...........................................................17

B. The Expression of Traditional Thought..........................................................21

Conclusion..................................................................................................................27 Notes..............................................................................................................................i Bibliography................................................................................................................iii Acknowledgements......................................................................................................v




Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s famous tragedies and one of the most popular and praised plays in English literature. It is a play that is highly appreciated and loved by lovers of literature. The one who wants to understand Hamlet must read Shakespeare.

Reading the essays or comments written in different years, different times, by different people, we all get some hints. Some works written focus on its tragic reasons, while some on his characteristics. A thousand people read Hamlet have a thousand ideas.

In an essay of A Study of Romanticist Appeal in the Tragedy of Hamlet1, the authors, Duan Donghua and Jiang Yujiao, focus on Hamlet’s Romanticism. They say Hamlet is rich in romantic features which find its strong expression of humanist ideal vivid portrayal of idealized images, sharp contrast of beauty and ugliness and fantastic setting of plot. In fact, from other side, it is an essay of studying Hamlet’s humanism. In another essay, A Critical History of Hamlet2, the author discusses the criticism of Shakespeare’ Hamlet, such as character criticism by the Romantics and

A.C.Bradley and so on, from a historical angle. In an essay of On the Inheritance and Development of Hamlet to the Ancient Greek Tragedy3, the author from the cultural root to analyze different people have different ideas about Hamlet, so does Dou Er Yuan, a Chinese

The one who wants to know the changes of China’s traditional idea, lifestyle, culture in Yuan dynasty, he can not missed Dou E Yuan.

It is clear that both the two plays are tragedies; however, their backgrounds are far different. This paper will study these factors which are worth studying. Through the study, this paper will clearly show the culture thoughts in different countries, which supply another kind of study method and angel to analyze the two plays. Meanwhile, it will give other studies a kind of hints to study these two plays.


Chapter One

The Harmony between Man and Nature

Hemingway loved the great nature and his yearning towards the harmonious relationship between man and nature is reflected in The Old Man and the Sea first through the vivid description on the sea’s beauty and Santiago’s unity with all the sea creatures. Personal experiences in many civilized places of natural beauty provided the great writer with plentiful materials on the writing of the beauty of nature. Just as the beautiful scenery Hemingway depicted in his other works as The Snow of Kilimanjaro, Big Two-Hearted River, Green Hills of Africa and Farewell to Arms, all the creatures are full of beauty and vitality in The Old Man and the Sea.

A. A Sweet Dream about Africa

The old man has a sweet dream at the night before he sets out to the sea. He dreams of the ancient Africa with beautiful beaches, mountains and lions. The writer here first described the old man’s harmonious relationship with nature through the depiction below:(注意以下引文的格式)

He was asleep in a short time and he dreamed of Africa when he was a boy and

the long golden beaches and the white beaches, so white they hurt your eyes, and

the high capes and the great brown mountains. He lived along that … the native

boats come riding through it. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept

and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.

The old man loves the nature. He cherishes the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature.

B. The Old Man’s Love towards the Ocean

Unlike the other fishermen who take the ocean merely as a kind of object from which they are able to achieve a lot of economic benefits, Santiago looks at the ocean with love, respect and reverence. In the eyes of many other fishermen, the sea is of masculinity and therefore often considered as their opponent, rival, contestant or even an enemy. But as far as Santiago is concerned, the sea is just like a gentle female that is beautiful and elegant. What is more, the old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that give or withhold great favors. And if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them. Everything in the sea is also filled with beauty, energy and vitality, which can be also detected through one of the picturesque descriptions when Santiago gets to the sea:


Born in an age when Renaissance humanism was flourishing, Shakespeare takes in the essence of humanism, affirming the human entity. However, Shakespeare is perceptive and sober enough to sense the human vulnerability, which is caused by the dilemma between human individual and community. Human dilemma is best manifested in Antony and Cleopatra. The two have to choose between their love or their country, the common human dilemma, dilemma between individual and community. Shakespeare’s dialectically pondering over the issue of human transcends the limits of Renaissance humanism.

… This is a definition of humanism in Humanism-Wikipedia47. The significance of humanism lies in its guidance to human, Shakespeare’s humanism inspires people to explore and free human individual, and furthermore it guides people to seek a balance between individual and community.

Because immense materials should be collected and analyzed in finishing this thesis and the limits of the author’s learning and capability, there must be the leeway to perfect it.


Unless otherwise indicated, all selections are quoted from The Old Man and the Sea. (Charles Scribner’s Sons Edition), New York 1980.

1. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. Penguin Books, New York 1982.

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. Penguin Books,

New York 1982, pp.40-41.

3. 王诺. 欧美生态文学. 北京大学出版社, 北京 2003, p.165.

4. Allen Josephs. Hemingway’s Spanish Sensibility. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Shanghai 2000, p.241.

6. 陈剑澜. 生态主义话语: 生态哲学与文学批评7. ibid.

8. John Simons. Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation. New York Palgrave, 2002, p.52.

9. ibid. p.32.




[1] Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. New York

Penguin Books, 1982.

[2] Josephs, Allen. Hemingway’s Spanish Sensibility. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign

Language Education Press, 2000.

[3] Keegan, Bridget, and Mckusick, James C, ed. Literature and Nature, 1600-2000:

Four Centuries of nature writing: an anthology. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2001.

[4] Nagel, James. The Hunting Story in the Garden of Eden. Michigan: UMI Research

Press, 1989.

[5] Schauffler,F. Marina. Turning to Earth: Stories of Ecological Conversation.

Chalottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003.

[6] Simons, John. Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation. New

York: Palgrave, 2002.

[7] 陈剑澜. 生态主义话语:生态哲学与文学批评[8] 陈茂林.从自然的价值到自然的本体—论海明威自然观的形成与发展. 零陵

学院学报, 2004,(4).

[9] 鲁枢元. 生态批评的知识空间. 文艺研究, 2002, (5): 146-147.

[10] 王诺. 欧美生态文学. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2003.

[11] 朱新福. 美国生态文学批评述略. 当代外国文学, 2003,(1).



My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Mr. ******, my tutor, for his painstaking reading of this thesis, valuable suggestions and unwavering patients to help me accomplish this final draft.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. Sincere thanks are due to Prof.******* and Miss **********, for their helpful suggestions in the improvement of this thesis. I want to extend warm thanks to my classmates. Their diligence and perseverance have always been an uphill push to me.

Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and professors in the English departments for their help during my four years’ college life.

