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新疆大学研究生课程 2014 ——2015 学年 第 二 学期 《 专业英语 》 课程名称: 专业英语 任课教师:学 院: 资源与环境科学学院 专 业: 生态学 学 号: 姓 名:

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The first part is how to read maps, A map is a representation of a geographic area, usually a portion of the earth’s surface. It may be shown in many different ways, from a traditional map printed on paper to a digital map built pixel by pixel on the screen of a computer. Maps can show almost anything, from the electric supply grid of your community to the terrain of the Himalayas to the depths of the ocean floor. People make maps from data they collect with certain tools. The world is constantly changing both physically and culturally, so maps can become outdated, no longer showing the world accurately. Maps are biased. Because maps generally do not show every single feature of a chosen geographic area—every tree, house, and road—the cartographer must decide the projection and scale for the map and decide how much detail to present. Map has few types, such as roads, borders, vegetation, or statistical data. Maps can be divided by theme into three categories. Maps are made in many different forms. Computer maps are the most versatile. A mapping program can dynamically show many different views of the same subject, allow changes in scale, and incorporate animation, pictures, sound, and Internet links to sources of supplementary information. Map Elements include Projection, Legend.The surface of the earth is curved and maps are flat, whether they’re printed maps or computer screen pictures. This means that all maps except for globes and pictures of globes are distortions of how the earth really looks. Some maps have other special-purpose coordinate systems, such as the State Plane Coordinate System used on maps in the United States or the Universal Trans-Mercator (UTM) system used on many military maps. Maps use sets of symbols to indicate the placement of real objects. The legend is a block of text or a window in which the symbols used on the map are explained.

The Second part is Geomorphology, in this part; it introduces the content of geomorphology’s study, historical geomorphology, process geomorphology, under lying dynamics, weathering and erosion.

The Third part is Glaciation, Glacier, an enduring accumulation of ice, snow, water, rock, and sediment that moves under the influence of gravity. Glaciers form where the temperature is low enough to allow falling snow to accumulate and slowly transform into ice.The types of glaciers include Ice Sheets, Ice Caps, and Ice Fields; Valley, Alpine, and Piedmont Glaciers, Rock Glaciers. The glacial formation and movement include Transformation of Snow to Ice; The Anatomy of a Glacier;and Glacier Movement.The effects of glaciets on land include Glacial Erosion, Glacial Deposits,The glaciers and climate change Glaciers are very sensitive to climate change. Their size, life span, and history of growth and retreat all depend strongly on climate conditions. And Historical climate records generally do not go back more than 2,000 years, but past climates can be reconstructed from many different sources of evidence.

The Fourth part is Monsoons, tropical storms and tornadoes. Colliding cold and warm air masses create storms, resulting in high winds and heavy rains. The violence or duration of these storms can lead to extensive property damage and loss of life. The world’s most significant and disastrous climatic events are monsoons, tropical storms, and tornadoes. Monsoons, The monsoons are seasonal winds that bring torrential rains in the summer and sunny and dry weather in the winter. These winds blow in response to temperature differences between air over the land and air over the sea. Tropical

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storms are large rotating storm systems that form in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific

oceans. Hurricanes and typhoons form during the hottest months of the year as

moisture evaporates from warm oceans in the calm doldrums near the Equator. And

can be very damaging to low-lying coastal areas, causing widespread destruction from

surging seas, flooded rivers, and high winds. Tornadoes, although short-lived, are the

most violent storms on the planet.

The Fifth part is Mountains, this part include formation of mountains, uplift, volcanoes, erosion, elevation, humans and mountains. the highest mountain system in the world. During the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras—570 million to 65 million years ago—the rocks that form the Himalayas were

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being laid down as sediment on the floor of an ancient sea. A collision between plates triggers deformation and thickening of the crust, which in turn leads to crustal uplift and mountain formation.

A common process produced by horizontal compression is the deformation of layers into folds or wrinkles. Mountains formed by volcanic activity are well known because of their usually isolated occurrence and the danger they pose. Mountains are usually very temporary features in terms of geologic time. Many forces are constantly at work to erode them. Air, water, and ice cause the physical and chemical breakdown of mountain rocks that are exposed to the elements. Rain erodes weakened rock exposures, and streams carve deep gullies and ravines in mountainsides, mainly during flooding. The elevation of a mountain peak is the height of the summit above sea level. Yet the appearance of mountains can be deceiving. Some high mountains nestle among other high peaks, and their summits do not appear to be much higher than the surrounding topography. Mountains affect life in many ways. Apart from their obvious mineral, forest, agricultural, and recreational resource value, they exert a significant influence on climates and help determine the course of economic and historical trends.

The Sixth part is Seasons: Climate, Stars, and Earth Changes. This has two parts. One is it introduce the drama of the seasons, another is tell the cause of seasons. The reason of drama are day length, solstices and equinoxes, the tropics, star positions, climate, physical effects of seasonal climate, ocean currents, animal migration, temperature, moisture, air pressure, winds and currents storms, floods, droughts, and global warming.

The Seventh part is the hydrologic cycle. The hydrologic cycle is what is known as a closed system because there are no external inputs or outputs of water to or from the system. The same water has been continually circulating since the beginnings of life on Earth. The other main long-term storage mechanisms are aquifers. The Cycle :The Sun's heat drives the hydrologic cycle. As wind blows across the surface of the ocean, this heat causes water to evaporate from the sea and become absorbed into the air as water vapor—the amount absorbed depends on the temperature of the water. The water vapor in the atmosphere forms clouds.

The Eighth part is tides and waves. Include tidal energy, waves and tides. Mainly introduce these formation and use.

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