
1     你叫李丽,是张英的同学,到她家通知她一件事,恰巧她不在家,你给她留一便条,内容为:

(1)明天下午在教学楼三楼会议室听讲座( lecture ),北京大学英语系的史密斯教授做有关英美词汇( vocabularies )差别的讲座。




注意:用便条格式,不可逐句翻译,80 ~ 100 词左右。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords:  _______________________________________________

( B )







2     你是王海,昨天你在家时有人告诉你说你的弟弟在和他的朋友们玩篮球时将李华家的一块玻璃打破了。你带弟弟去赔礼道歉,可是李华还没有回来。现在你写留言条给李华,包括一下内容:




( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords:  _______________________________________________

( B )







3     你(赵垒)到大卫处通知他去听关于中国历史的报告。不巧,大卫不在。请你给他留个便条,要求按活动日程表间述活动内容,并按所给路线图写明如何到达少年宫( Children’s Palace )

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B )







4     你是名导游,请就下列事宜写个通知:

(1)到乡村的旅游因为大雨将推迟( put off )到明天。



( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B )







5     Jenny Lake 在你学校任教期间,工作出色,获得你校“从事教学十年”奖章(medal)一枚。请根据下列提供的信息,为校报写篇文章,简要介绍她的情况。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords:  _______________________________________________

( B )






6     你在因特网上结识了一位笔友Jack。他正在学习中文,经常从网上了解中国。他将于下周参观你校。请根据下表所提供的信息,用英语向你的同学介绍Jack。

要求:内容详尽,书写工整;文中不要出现你真实姓名和校名;词数60 ~ 80;开头已给出,不计入总数。

Jack is my good penfriend on the Internet. He will visit our school next week.---

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





7      你叫李晨,是北京四中的学生。刚刚在因特网上认识了美国的笔友贝蒂。请你写信向她简单介绍一下自己的情况。




要求:字数在80 ~ 100 之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






8             下面是一家公司在报纸上刊登的一则招聘文秘广告( ad )。你(张苒)认为自身的条件很符合广告中提出的招聘要求,请你写封自荐信。文字要求在80 ~ 100字。

通信地址:上海市745信箱(P.O.Box 745)。


(1)       身体健康,年龄在20 ~ 30 岁之间。

(2)       有一定的英语基础,尤其在英语听、说方面。

(3)       懂电脑操作。

(4)       有一定的工作经验( experience )

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






9 看图写话

要求:根据图画所提供的情境,写出结构完整、语句精彩、意思连贯、语言流畅、语法准确、符合逻辑的短文。短文必须包括所有画面的内容,可稍增加细节。至少使用两种时态,字数在70 以上。

( 提示词:希望工程: the Hope Project   零花钱: pocket money )

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






10         下面的三幅画描绘了一位盲人和小孩相互帮助的情景。请根据图画内容和所给文字提示,用英语写一篇短文描述此事并写出自己对此事的看法。



(3)生词提示:拐杖 walking stick    香蕉皮 banana skin

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






11    请根据下面五幅画用英语写一篇小故事。描写小汤姆上学的路上所发生的事。故事须包含所有图画内容,可适当增加细节,使故事连贯。全篇80 ~ 100 字左右。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





12         我们每个青少年都有一个五彩缤纷的梦想。请以 “I want to be a / an --- ” 为题,

写一写你的梦想。   要求字数在80 ~ 100 之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





13         某中学生英语报拟在某期头版介绍一位外籍人士,请你就下面的简历表写一篇介绍性的短文。

注意:1 情况介绍必须采用短文形式。

2 词数100个左右。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






14     假如你是David,你与White家是一墙之隔的邻居.一天下午,你看见两个男人从他们家出来,行迹很可疑,便拨通了报警电话------



Details of crime:  Type of crime:  theft(偷窃)       Date of crime:  17 August

Location:     20 East Street         Time of crime:  2:30 p.m.

Description of crime:  Broke into the house of the Whites (away on holiday )

Took a big suitcase out of the house.

Got into a black car and drove away.

Description of suspects:

Sex    Height   Weight    Age     Hair       Other details

M / F   tall      fat     30 ~ 40  short, brown   grey T-shirt

M / F  short     thin    25 ~ 30   short,black    black man with sunglasses


Name: David   Tel: 8297630   Address: 22 East Street

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






15     在临近毕业的一次英语班会上,老师请同学们做主题发言。请你根据学校的具体情况以及你在学校三年的学习感受,以 “Proud of My School” 为主题写一篇发言稿。

字数在80 ~ 100 之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





16     假设你是赵凯,是一位中学生志愿者(volunteer),请你用英语写一篇短文,向校刊“英文习作园地”投稿,介绍你上周末去一家孤儿院(an orphanage)参加志愿者活动的经历。

要求:(1) 使用正确的时态;

(2) 内容充实,意思连贯,语言通顺书写规范;

(3) 词数80左右。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





17     你是一名中学生,假期曾在一家McDonald当服务员,有一段打工的经历(working experience)。开学初在英语课上,你用英语向同学们讲述你的打工体会,写一篇100 字左右的短文。


Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs. This past winter holiday, I once worked as a waiter at a McDonald’s.---

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






18     去年暑假,你和你的父母去了一个叫Beautyland的景色优美四季如春的小镇游玩了两天。小镇的美景给你留下了深深的印象。请充分发挥自己的想像,写一篇短文,描述一下小镇的美景和你的感受。

要求:字数在80 ~ 100 之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






19     用日记形式记一次有意义的旅行。

(1)时间:2009,6,28,星期日;  (2)天气:晴;  (3)人员:班全体人员;


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






20    根据下面所给的图,写一篇短文,可适当增加内容细节,使文章语句通顺完整。字数在100 左右。



提示词:垃圾箱 (dustbin)

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






21     你叫袁泉。你校门前有许多小商贩摆摊,严重影响(affect) 学校的正常教学环境。请你根据下列要点给市长(mayor) 写封信,请市长关心过问一下,并能让有关部门按规定禁止小商贩在校门前摆摊。



注意:词数100 左右; 信的开头已给出,不记入总词数。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






22     英语是中学的一门重要的课程。但是,有的同学因学习方法不当而学习效果不佳;有的同学因畏惧困难而放弃了英语学习。为此,你班英语老师组织全班学生展开“怎样学好英语”的大讨论。请你以 “Talking about learning English” 为题,用英语写一篇征文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语的成功经验,并给学习英语有困难的同学提几条好的建议。



(3)字数在80 ~ 100 之间。


 ( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

2 _____________________________________________

3 _____________________________________________

Keywords: _______________________________________________

Talking about English learning

( B ) English is spoken by many people in the world. __________________________________







23      你校为了提高学生的学习英语的兴趣在校内组织和开展了英语角活动。英语角的活动之一是广泛听取同学们在日常学习生活中所遇到的各种各样的问题,并进行归纳整理,就一些共同的问题定时组织学生用英语进行讨论。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





24 请你根据所给的信息介绍一下香港。



( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________





25 请根据所提供的信息介绍一下台湾。




台湾自然资源(natural resources)丰富,旅游业发达,每年吸引大量世界各地的游客。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B )







26     奥运会会旗和联合国会旗是大家非常熟悉的旗帜。白色的奥运会会旗和中间的五环以及五色(蓝,黄,黑,绿,红)代表世界人民的友谊;蓝色的联合国会旗中间的世界地图以及地图两侧的橄榄枝代表着世界人民对和平的期望。


要求:短文内容要包含提供的所有信息。字数在80 ~ 100 之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B )








27     足球运动是世界上最受欢迎的体育运动之一。请你根据足球比赛的规则,简要介绍一下足球的玩法。




( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






28      下面是一块加油站的警示牌(如下图)。请你根据牌上的提示谈论一下在加油站中所应注意的事项。



(3)词数在80 ~ 100之间。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________                                 


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






29      你是一名手机厂商的推销员。最近工厂推出一款新式手机(TMC)。请你根据下面的信息为这新款手机做一简要的介绍和说明。

1 TMC 是本厂一款最新产品( the latest product )。

2 本厂生产手机已有50年历史,TMC是历经10年研究的最新技术成果。

3 机身为轻金属,由先进电脑控制,可上网等。轻巧方便,便于携带。

4 拥有TMC手机,是你明智的选择。

注意:1 介绍必须包括所有要点,不可逐条翻译。

2 词数100个左右。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






30     6月6日是“全国爱眼日”,请根据一下提示写出一份宣传稿,让全校的学生关爱自己的眼睛。题目已给出。

要求:1 词数 80 ~ 100。

2 书写规范,语句通顺,行文流畅,结构完整,语法正确。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






31     看图,并以We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter为题写一篇短文,字数 80 ~ 100,包括一下要点:

1 简单描述漫画内容;

2 学生作业负担过重(be overburdened with);

3 希望老师精讲,学生精练;

4 参加体育锻炼和社会活动。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






32     据调查中国人中有大约45%抽烟,其中甚至有一些“烟民”就是中学生和未成年人。有些人认为抽烟是一种享受,而更多的未成年人则把抽烟作为自己成熟的象征和表现。而我们都知道抽烟对人的身体十分有害(harm),可能会导致许多疾病的发生。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






33     水是生命之本。人类的生活和生产以及动物和植物都需要水。但是我们必须认识到现在水正在变得越来越缺乏,更严重的是许多河流和湖泊里的水资源正在或已经受到严重的污染,不仅对人们的身体健康产生了严重的危害,而且对生态环境造成了严重的破坏。




( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






34     俗话说的好“寸金难买寸光阴”。但有些同学经常浪费时间,不知道如何充分利用时间。为此,你班级组织了一次以珍惜时间为主题的班会活动。请你根据以下要点写一篇短文,号召同学们珍惜时间。字数 80 ~ 100 之间。

1 时间对我们很宝贵,失去的时间不会再来。

2 有的同学常常抱怨没有时间做功课,但他们在看电视、玩电脑等娱乐活动上花费了大量时间。

3 光阴似箭,应该充分利用时间,当天事当天完成。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






35     现在学生进网吧上网成风。针对这种情况,你班举行了班会,谈论关于上网的问题。请你根据表格中提供的内容用英语写一篇80 ~ 100字左右的演讲稿。注意演讲的内容要包含所提供的全部信息。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






36     现在许多中学生发现和父母沟通起来越来越困难了。父母同时也发现很难了解青春期阶段的孩子的心理。由于沟通方面的不畅,父母和孩子之间很容易发生误解甚至矛盾。


提示:1 在合适的时间谈论共同感兴趣的话题。

2 要认真倾听并尊重(respect)、理解父母。

3 要诚实(honest)并学会感恩。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






37     随着生活水平的不断提高以及不健康的饮食习惯,越来越多的人开始变胖并引发多种疾病。人们开始追求健康的生活和饮食习惯。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






38     睡眠是我们人体每天所必须的。据研究表明,一个人特别是青少年每天至少需要7 ~8 小时的睡眠时间才能满足身体和生理的需要。但是由于学习压力的增大以及其它原因,很多青少年学生几乎每天都是睡眠不足,严重地影响了他们的身心健康。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






39     某学校就是否应该给学生留家庭作业的问题在教师和家长之间进行了调查。下面是调查结果,请你把结果整理出来。不少于80词。


① 家庭作业可以使学生及时巩固课堂学过的知识。

② 家庭作业有助于家长了解孩子在学校的学习情况。

③ 帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯。


① 孩子需要放松和休息。

② 作业太多使学生产生心理负担。

( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________






40     随着工业技术的不断发展,人们的生活水平也在不断提高。而由于人们的盲目开发导致的对自然环境的污染和破坏也在不断地加剧,生存环境受到严重的威胁。

在每周一次的班会上,老师让你用英语写一篇短文(字数在80 ~ 100之间),谈论一下你对环境污染的认识。


( A ) Outlines:  1 _____________________________________________

             2 _____________________________________________

             3 _____________________________________________


Keywords: _______________________________________________

( B ) _________________________________________________________________________








( A ) Outlines:  1 Time and place of the lecture

2 Activities after the lecture.

3 Things for the lecture.

Keywords:  lecture    teaching building    differences   vocabularies    talk about


( B )

Dear Zhang Ying,

Tomorrow afternoon we’ll have ( there will be ) a lecture in the meeting room on the third floor of the teaching building. Prof Smith from Beijing University will be there. He will give us a talk on the differeces between American and British vocabularies.

The lecture will begin at 2 o’clock, and there will be an English film after the lecture.

We’ll have a talk about the lecture at our classmeeting this Friday afternoon, so do bring your notebook and take full notes while listening.

Please be there on time.


Li Li


( A ) Outlines  1  What happened.

2  The way of dealing with the problem.

3  Say sorry to Li Hua.

Keywords:  break    play football    sorry    buy    careful

( B )

My dear Li Hua,

I am sorry to hear that my younger brother broke one of your window glasses while he was playing football with his friends near the building just now. I have brought my younger brother here to say sorry to you. But you happened to be out. We have decided to buy a new piece of glass for your window.

I am really sorry that the accident happened. And my younger brother told me that all of his friends had promised to be more careful in the future while playing balls.


Wang Hai


( A ) Outlines  1  Time and place of the talk.

2  Make an invitation

3  How to get to the Children’s Palace.

Keywords:  talk    Chinese history    interested    turn left / right     crossing

( B )


There will be a talk about Chinese history given by Mr Wang in the Children’s Palace at 8 o’clock tomrrow morning. Would you like to come? If you are interested in the talk, please get to the Children’s Palace before 8 o’clock.

The Children’s Palace is not far from your home. You may walk there. It’ll take you only a few minutes. When you go out of your home, turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light. Take a right turn there, walk two crossings and you’ll see a post office on your right. The Children’s Palace is next to it.

See you tomorrow morning.

Yours truly

Zhao Lei


( A ) Outlines  1  Explanation for old plan

2  Talking about the new plan

3  Things need doing

Keywords:  visit    put off    plan    middle school    musuem

( B )

Ladies and Gentlemen::

I’m sorry to tell you that the visit to the countryside which we planned for this morning will be put off to tomorrow because of the heavy rain.

This morning we will visit a middle school, which has a history of 85 years. This afternoon we will visit a musuem, in which you can see lots of old things on show.

The bus will wait for us at the gate outside the hotel at half past eight. Please be there on time. Don’t forget to take the things you need with you. If you have any questions, you can ask me.

Thank you!


( A ) Outlines  1  Introduction about Jenny Lake.

2  good work she has done.

3  respect and love she has got

Keywords:  teacher    work    lively and interesting    restect and love    model

( B )

Jenny Lake is a teacher of English in our school. She is given a medal for having completed ten years of teaching in our school.

Jenny Lake was born in the Unite States in 1965. She graduated from a university in 1988 and in 1998 came to work in China as an English teacher in our school. She has worked here since then.

Jenny Lake loves her teaching. In the past ten years,she has put her heart into her work. She makes her lessons so lively and interesting that they are not easily forgotten.

Jenny Lake has won the respect and love of the teachers and students. She has won “Model Teacher” many times.


( A ) Outlines  1  Something about Jack himself.

2  Something about his study.

3  Something about his interests.

Keywords:  penfriend    London    favorite    surf    Internet

( B )

Jack is my good penfriend on the Internet. He will visit our school next week. He is 16 years old. He lives in the city of London, England.

There are four people in his family. He is studying at Park School which is not far from his home. His favorite subject is maths because he thinks maths is very interesting. And he likes music and football very much.

He is learning Chinese now. In his free time, he often surfs the Internet and he tells me that he has known much about China from the Internet.

I hope you will all be his good friends, too.


( A ) Outlines  1  Showing the happy feeling

2  Introducing oneself

3  Showing interest in American life

Keywords:  happy    penpal    student    swimming    interested    life

( B )

Dear Betty:

I’m very happy to write to you for the first time. I am very glad to meet you because I wanted to have a penpal in your country. I hope we’ll be good friends for a long time.

My name is Li Chen, a student of No. 4 Middle School of Beijing. I shall be fifteen years old in June this year. My school life is very interesting and I like English very much. I also like collecting stamps, playing tabletennis, swimming and so on.

I am very interested in American school life. How do they live at home? What do they think? What kind of music do they enjoy? And what books do they like reading,etc?

I’ll be waiting to hear from you soon.

Yours truly

Li Chen


( A ) Outlines  1  Say you are interested in the job.

2  Talk about yourself.

3  Hope to be accepted.

Keywords:  ad    job    health    English    computer    reply

( B )

P.O.Box 745

The city of Shanghai


I have read your ad in yesterday’s newspaper. I feel I am the right one for the job which you needed in your company.

I’m 25 years old this year and I’m in good health. After graduation from university I worked for two years in a middle-school as an English teacher. I am good at English in speaking and listening and I can operate computers very well, too. I’m interested in the job very much.

I do want to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member of your company. So I’m expecting a reply from you.

Best wishes to you.

Your sincerely

Zhang Ran


( A ) Outlines  1  Introduction about the Hope Project.

2  What I did for the Hope Project.

3  My wish

Keywords:  Hope Project    children    afford     money box     post office

( B )

Yesterday, our teacher told us something about the Hope Project in class. It is for helping the children in the countryside who can not afford to go to school.

After school, I came home. I was wondering if I could do something for the project, when I saw my money collecting box on the table. Then I made up my mind to send my pocket money which I had saved for nearly one year to the children who want to go to school.

I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, I posted the money and sent my best wishes to them.

I do hope that all the people work together to help the children who can’t go to school.


( A ) Outlines  1  How the story happened.

2  What did they do.

3  What can we learn from the story.

Keywords:  blind man    walking stick   boy    banana skin    help    happily  

( B )

One day, a blind man was walking slowly on the road with a walking stick. Suddenly he heard a boy crying behind him. That boy fell on the ground because he stepped on a banana skin.

The blind man turned to the boy and said: “ Don’t cry. Let me help you.” Then he helped the boy up and carried him on his back. The boy stopped crying and began to tell the blind man the way. They help each other happily.

The story shows us that all of us should help each other and maybe we can learn more from the story.


( A ) Outlines  1  The happening of the story

2  The development of the story.

3  The end of the story.

Keywords:  purse    money    owner    ask    catch up with    thank    happy

( B )

One day, Tom was on his way to school. Suddenly he saw a purse on the ground. He picked it up and found a lot of money in it.

“Whose is it? he thought to himself. After asking several people nearby, he still cound not find the owner. Suddenly he saw an old man walking far in front of him. He hurriedly caught up with the old man and asked if he had lost anything. The old man put his hand into his pocket, then cried, “Oh,I have lost my purse. Have you found it?” “Yes,” Tom said and handed it to him. The grandpa thanked the boy, but Tom answered “Not at all. This is what I should do.”

Tom was late for school that day, but he felt very happy.


( A ) Outlines  1  What do you want to be?

2  Why do you want to be a / an ---?

3  How can you make it come true?

Keywords:  dream    inventor    change    life    work hard

( B )

I want to be an inventor.

Everyone has his dream. Many people want to make their new ideas and wishes come true. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them.

I just want to be an inventor. Inventions can change the world. They can bring fun and happiness to our life. And our life can become better and better.

Now I’m still a middle school student. I must try my best to work hard at my lessons and learn what my teachers teach me and get everything ready for being an inventor.

I will use my inventions to make our country become stronger and stronger.


( A ) Outlines  1  Introducion about Bill Smith.

2  Good deeds of Bill Smith.

3  Love for Bill Smith

Keywords:  teacher    kind    lively and interesting    popular    talk    adviser

( B )

Bill Smith works in No.1 Middle School as a teacher of English. He was born in Australia in December,1965. He graduated from a university in 1987 and then in 1995 he came to China together with his wife and child.

Bill Smith loves teaching and is very kind to his students. He is always ready to help his students when they have trouble. He has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting, so he is popular with his students.

Bill Smith often gives talks to middle school students on how to learn English well. He is also an adviser of our English paper and with his help, we are doing better and better.

Bill Smith is an excellent teacher. He is loved not only by his students but also by his workmates and other teachers.


( A ) Outlines  1  Description of the crime.

2  Description of suspects.

3  end of the crime.

Keywords:  break    suitcase    drive away    call police    catch the thieves

( B )

I’m David, a student. On 17th August, I was at home. At 2:30 p.m. I saw two men break into the White’s house and very soon they came out of the house with a big suitcase. Then they got into a black car and drove away as fast as possible.

One of them was tall and fat. He was between 30 and 40 years old. He had short and brown hair. He was wearing a grey T-shirt. And the other was short. He was thin. He was between 25 and 30 years old. He had short and black hair. He was a black man with a pair of sunglasses.

I called the police at once and soon the police came and stopped their car on their way and caught the thieves..


( A ) Outlines  1  What does my school look like?

2  What fun do I have at school?

3  Why do I like my school?

Keywords:  school    big    trees    flowers    fun    family   proud    best

( B )

My school is very big with several tall buildings. There are 1,500 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it. There are plenty of flowers everywhere.

We have a lot of fun at school. After class we play games and do much sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. They are very interesting.

I love my school because it is like a big family. The teachers in my school are as kind as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is the best school in my heart.


( A ) Outlines  1  Going to the orphanage.

2  What we did in the orphanage.

3  Feeling about the activities.

Keywords:  volunteer    orphanage    presents    stories    games    happy    excited    proud

( B )

I am Zhao Kai, a velunteer. Last Sunday morning after a quick breakfast, I went to an orphanage with my classmates by bus. We got there We got there at 8:30.

After getting there, first we gave the children some presents which we bought ourselves. Then we sang and danced with them. We also told them some interesting stories. After lunch,we played games together. The children felt very happy. At 15:30, we said goodbye to them and went back home.

On our way home, all of us were still excited though we felt a little tired. I am very proud of being a volunteer and I hope more and more students will join us.


( A ) Outlines  1  Working at a McDonald’s

2  What I learned from the working experience

3  Having a good holiday

Keywords:  part-time job    waiter    earn money    excited    working experience    future

( B )

Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs. This past winter holiday, I once worked as a waiter at a McDonald’s.

I used to keep asking my parents for money. It’s the first time that I’ve earned money, so I was quite excited. Now I can buy whatever I need without asking others for money. From my working experience, I found it’s good preparation for the world outside schools. I understood not only the difficulty in making money but also the way of getting along with others.

What’s more, I’ve got some (a little bit) working and social experience. It’s good for my future work.

In a word, I’ve had a wonderful holiday.


( A ) Outlines  1  The beauty of the town.

2  My enjoyment of the town.

3  The wish for the town.

Keywords:  beautiful    warm    song of birds    gardens    surprises

( B )

Beautyland is a beautiful town. The town is famous for its blue sky and fresh air. The weather there is nice and warm all the year, so trees and flowers grow well in all seasons.

I went to Beautyland with my parents last summer holiday and stayed there for two days. Every morning I woke up to the songs of birds. Then I would take a walk or ride a bicycle along the country road. Gardens could be seen everywhere. Every night from my window I could see bright stars in the sky, and I would go to sleep with the smell of grass.

The two-day holiday in Beautyland gave me a lot of surprises. I hope it can always be like this and I also hope that I can go there again some day and spend more time there.


( A ) Outlines  1  A trip to a forest

2  Activities during the trip.

3  Feeling about the trip.

Keywords:  trip    forest    wildlife    notes    water    pollute    enjoy

( B )

June 28, 2009, Sunday                                Fine

Last Sunday our class had a trip to a forest. We travelled by bus and it took us two hours to get to the forest.

As soon as we arrived we began to travel through the forest. While travelling, we made some notes in our notebooks about all the wildlife and plants that we could see in the forest.

At lunch time we made a fire in the open and cooked a meal over it. After lunch, we came to a river and tested the water in it to see if it was polluted. It was not at alll polluted. Later in afternoon we returned.

To our joy, we not only learned about wildlife and plants but also enjoyed ourselves very much. We hope we’ll hava another chance to go out for a more interesting trip.


( A ) Outlines  1  Going into the park.

2  Littering in the park.

3  thinking about the problem.

Keywords:  park    beautiful    litter    dustbin   rubbish    sorry    habit

( B )

One Sunday morning, it was fine and the air was fresh. My parents and I went to a park. After showing the tickets, we went in.

Everything in the park was beautiful, so we felt very happy. However, half an hour later, we were about to take some photos when suddenly we saw a well-dressed girl litter. I went to pick the waste up and threw it into the dustbin nearby. But on our way down, I was surprised to see that so many people littered and there were waste paper, plastic bags, half eaten-foods,--- here and there. It seemed as if I were walking in a world of rubbish. This made me feel very sorry and angry.

When we left the park in the afternoon, I kept wondering why so many people have bad habits. What will our city, our country and our people be like if we don’t do something about it and if some people don’t stop the bad habits?


( A ) Outlines  1  The market affects our learning environment.

2  How the market affects our learning environment.

3  Hope for the porblem

Keywords:  market    affect    noise    unhealthy    dan    difficult

( B )

Mr. Mayor,

We strongly ask the small market in front of our school to be forbidden. It has badly affectedthe teaching environment in our school.

First it has brought out too much noise, which makes us unable to listen clearly in class. Second, some students buy foods in the market and the foods are unhealthy. Third, the market has made it hard for us to go out of or into school, because there are many people and cars around our school gate. And we don’t feel safe since many sellers go into and out of our school freely and wouldn’t obey anyone.

So we really hope something must be done to stop such things and give us students a quiet environment to study. And we are looking forward to your reply.

Yuan Quan


( A ) Outlines  1  Why do you learn English?

2  How do you learn English?

3  Your advice on learning English.

Keywords  English    useful    listen    speak    watch    read    advice    use

( B )

Talking about English learning.

English is spoken by many people in the world. It is becoming more and more useful in our life.

I have learnt English for many years. In class, I try to listen to the teacher carefully and speak English more. After class, first I go over the lessons, then, listen to tapes, watch English programmes on TV, read English, join the English corner and so on. I study hard so I am good at it now.

By the way here are some advice for you. First, believe yourself, try to read or speak English loudly. Second, learn English words and useful phrases or sentences by heart. Third, try to use English as much as possible. At last you may learn it well.


( A ) Outlines  1  Problems from students.

2  Examples of the problems.

3  My advice

Keywords:  problems    family rules    pet dogs    talk    exchange thoughts    successful

( B )

We’ve got many problems from students. They have met different problems.

A boy named David said there were many rules in his family. For example, he had to do much work after school. A girl called Kate felt worried because the pet dogs in her neighbourhood made the ground dirty.

Here I have some advice for David. From your problem, I know you have different ideas about your family rules. I think you had better have an honest talk with your parents because you can exchange opinions and then understand each other better. Or why not consider writing a letter? Maybe that’s a good way. I guess you must be a good boy and they just want you to be successful. I believe they may feel proud of you. Good luck!


( A ) Outlines  1  The location and population of Hong Kong.

2  The natural environment of Hong Kong.

3  The future of Hong Kong.

Keywords:  Hong Kong    southeast    temperature    pearl    richer and stronger.

( B )

Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China. It has an area of 1000 sqaure kilometers and over 6 million people.

It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. The temperature is 15℃ in February and 28℃ in July. It often rains during the months between May and September.

Hong Kong is a beautiful city. It is known as “Pearl in the East.” It’s also one of the largest trade centers in the world.

Hong Kong has changed a lot since it returned back. The Chinese government and Chinese people are sure that they will make Hong Kong richer and stronger than before.


( A ) Outlines  1  The location and population of Taiwan.

2  The natural resources of Taiwan.

3  The history of Taiwan.

Keywords:  Taiwan    southeast    biggest    resources    traveller    unite    come true.

( B )

Taiwan is in the southeast of China and to the east of Fujian Province. There are many islands in China, but Taiwan is the biggest of all. It has an area of about 36,000square kilometers and it has over 32,000,000 people.

Taiwan is rich in natural resources, such as the Ali Mountain. It is famous for its bananas,rice, tea and so on all over the world. It’s so beautiful and the weather is so warm that it attracts a lot of travellers from across the world.

Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong. The people on both sides of the straits have a strong wish to unite our motherland.

We believe that our dream will come true in the near future.


( A ) Outlines  1  Kinds of flags.

2  The Olympic Flag.

3  The United Nation Flag.

Keywords:  flag    Olympic Flag    rings    color    friendship   

United Nation Flag      world    oliver    peace

( B )

You know that every country has a flag. But do you know that some flags stand for many countries?

At the Olympics, you see the Olympic Flag. It is white and there are five rings in the middle. The rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. You can see at least one of these colours in every national flag in the world. These rings are locked together to show the friendship of the people at the games.

At the United Nations, you see another flag that stands for many countries. It is a flag for the people of the world. It is a blue flag with a map of the world in the middle. On each side of the map is an olive branch. The olive branches stand for peace.


( A ) Outlines  1  A popular sport in the world

2  The time of a football match.

3  The most competition.

Keywords:  football    popular    score goals    goalkeeper    half-time   

the World Cup

( B )

Football, or soccer, is one of the very popular sports in the world. There are eleven players on a football team. Players try to score goals. You score a goal if you kick or head the ball into the goal. The goalkeeper tries to stop the ball from going into the goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who can stop the ball with his or her hands. And he or she is also the only player who is allowed to pick up the ball.

A football game lasts for ninety minutes. After forty-five minutes, the players take a rest. This is called half-time. Then they play another forty-five minutes.

The most important football competition is the World Cup. Teams from almost every country in the world play in the World Cup.


( A ) Outlines  1  Rules for a gas station.

2  Explaining the rules.

3  The importance of keeping the rules.

Keywords:  gas station    smoking   mobile phone    litter    obey    serious

( B )

Here is a gas station. Before we come into the gas station, we must read the sign of the station and we must know some do’s and some don’ts because it is a dangerous place.

First of all, the sign tells us that smoking is not allowed at the station. Next, we must shut off our mobile phones and never toot a horn. In order to keep the station clean and tidy, we shouldn’t spit on the ground and littering should be stopped. What’s more, we should drive carefully and slowly in the statino.

We must obey the rules stickly because it is very important. Any little accident would cause serious results.


( A ) Outlines  1  TMC, the latest product

2  Good things about TMC

3  A wise choice

Keywords:  mobile phone    latest product    computer    light    comfortable    colourful life    wise choice

( B )

The TMC mobile phone, which the result of our factory’s ten—year research, is the latest product of our factory. Our factory has a history of over 50 years’ mobile phone making.

The TMC moblie phone is controlled by computer. You can use it to do lots of things, besides making calls, sending messages, listening to music and taking pictures, you can even get on line with it. The mobile phone is very light because the body of which is made of light metal. So it is not only comfortable to hold but also easy to carry and operate as well.

TMC will bring you a more colourful life if you have it. And it is certainly a wise choice to buy a good mobile phone like TMC.


( A ) Outlines  1  The topic of National Eyes Caring Day.

2  The importance of good eyesight.

3  Taking care of eyesight

Keywords:  eyesight    important    difficulties    glasses    care    bright

( B )

June 6th is National Eyes Caring Day. The topic is Caring for Eyesight.

It is believed to have good eyesight is very important to everyone especially to us students during our growth time. Poor eyesight may result in many difficulties on our daily life and study. Unfortunately, most of us studnets are having problems of short sight because of much work or something else. And many of the students have worn thick glasses already. We do hope every student can from now on have good habits when using eyes.

We must take good care of our eyesight. Remember, a clear world is only for bright eyes.


( A ) Outlines  1  Introduction of the picture.

2  Problems with students.

3  Hopes from students.

Keywords:  girl    heavy    schoolbag    lessons and howework    exercise    activities    stronger and healthier

( B )                   We Want Our Schoolbag Lighter

This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman. The girl is wearing a pair of glasses and carrying a large and heavy schoolbag. The woman is doing some exercise to keep fit. The girl is saying to the woman, “If you carry the schoolbag for me, I’m sure you will lose some weight.”

Nowadays, it is quite common that most of us students are overburdened with lessons and homework. Everyday we have to listen to the teacher, take notes and do our homework which seems to be endless. And on Saturdays and Sundays,we have to take more other lessons instead of having a good rest.

We do hope our teacher will help us get more knowledge with fewer lessons and less homework. We want to have more time to do more physical exercise and take part in some social activities to make us stronger and healthier.


( A ) Outlines  1  The number of smokers in China.

2  The harm in smoking.

3  The call for giving up smoking.

Keywords:  smokers    young people    bad habit    disease    waste    fire    give up

( B )

If you take notice in some public places, you will see the fact that most smokers are young people and even middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 45%.

Why do so many people smoke? Some think smoking is a pleasure. Some even think that smoking can make them relax.

In fact, smoking is a bad habit that does great harm to peoplel’s health. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of diseases have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waste, which costs one so much money. Besides, many fires are often caused by careless smokers.

Today, more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you are not a smoker, NEVER start!


( A ) Outlines  1  The importance of water.

2  The problem of water.

3  Fighting against water pollution.

Keywords:  water    life    polluted    harm    fight    pollution

( B )

As we all know, plants and animals need water. So do the people’s life. Life couldn’t go on without water.

Nowadays more and more water is needed. However, water is becoming less and less. What’s more, a lot of rivers and lakes are beginning to be polluted by the waste water from factories. Fish can’t live in them any longer. At the same time, the waste water does great harm to people’s health.

In order to keep rivers and lakes clean and keep rivers and lakes from being polluted. We must do something to stop it and fight against all kinds of pollution.


( A ) Outlines  1  The importance of time.

2  Wasting time means wasting life.

3  Making full use of time.

Keywords:  time    important    waste     life     make full use

( B )

It is said “Time is money”. But I think time is much more important than money. Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is gone, it will never come back again. That’s why we mustn’t waste time.

But there are still a lot of students who do not know the importance of time. They waste their time playing games, getting on line and something else. They don’t know that wasting time means wasting part of their own lives.

We often say: “How time flies!”. So even one second is very important. We must make full use of time to do something useful. In a word, we must save time, and we shouldn’t leave today’s work till tomorrow.


( A ) Outlines  1  Good things about getting on line.

2  Bad things about getting on line.

3  Advice for getting on line.

Keywords:  getting on line    knowledge    information    too much time   

worse in lessons    holidays

( B )

Good afternoon, class. Today let’s talk about getting on—line .

Many students in our class like getting on line very much. It’s not bad for us to learn how to use the modern machine — computer. We can learn more knowledge and get more information. Playing games can make us more clever.

But some of us spend too much time in playing games. Some even make friends on line, spend much time chatting to one another, or even talk about love. It takes the students too much time to play the games. So they don’t work hard at their lessons. They do worse and worse in their lessons.

I think we mustn’t get on line when we are studying at school. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. But we shouldn’t spend much time on it in holidays.


( A ) Outlines  1  Problems between students and their parents.

2  Right ways of talking with parents

3  Result of a good talk.

Keywords:  get on with    misunderstand    fun    respect    honest    successful

( B )

Nowadays, lots of middle school students find that it is hard to get on well with their parents, and on the other hand, parents also find it not easy to understand their children. This leads to many misunderstandings and even something worse.

Here are some ways to have a good talk with your parents.

First, find a good time to talk and try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier.

Second, show them respect by listening to them carefully. If your parents don’t understand, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you or they are not trying. Try to explain in a different way.

Third, be honest. Tell your parents what you really think. When you finish talk, say “Thank you for listening!” it will let them know this is important to you.

If you follow these ways, I am sure the talk between you and your parents will be a happy and successful one. And you and your parents will get on well with each other for ever.


( A ) Outlines  1  Problems from better life

2  Ways of keeping healthy.

3  Enjoying life and good health.

Keywords:  unhealthy    problems    fruit    vegetables    exercise    enjoy

( B )

With the development of the society, life is becoming better and better. More and more people are going fatter and fatter because of unhealthy life and eating habits. It has caused people a lot of problems even some serious diseases.

Here are some advice on how to keep healthy. You should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of food with much fat. Don’t eat too much sugar, either. It’s bad for your health. Have a sleeep of eight hours at least at night, don’t drink too much coffee before going to bed. Take more exercise and never work too hard or smoke.

If you follow the advice above, I’m sure you will enjoy your good health and have a good time every day.


( A )Outlines:   1  Time of sleep students need.

2  Importance of a good sleep.

3  Developing good habits.

Keywords:  sleep    enough    results    weaker    fall asleep    good habits

( B )

Scientists say that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night. But most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually happy to see their chidren studying late. They think their children work very hard and will get good results. But it is wrong. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work well.

A report shows that without a good night’s sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.

I think that students should develop good study habits. You can see that some clever students never study late, but they are able to work well in class and get good marks in many subjects.


( A )Outlines:   1  Good things about homework.

2  Bad things about homework.

3  My opinion about homework.

Keywords:  homework    help    good habits    relax    worried    interested    enjoy

( B )

The survey shows that fifty-one percent of the teachers and parents think that giving children homework is a good thing. Homework can help children go over what they have learned in class so that they won’t forget the knowledge easily. Homework also can help parents know what their children are learning at school. And doing homework can help children to form good habits.

But forty-nine percent of the teachers and parents don’t think so. They think children are very tired after a day at school and they need time to play and relax. What’s more, too much homework can make children feel worried and upset.

I think children should have some homework to do at home after school but not too much. So they can have enough time to do what they’re interested in in their spare time. In this way, children can enjoy themselves both at school and out of school.


( A )Outlines:   1  Serious pollution in the world.

2  Kinds of pollution.

3  Fighting against pollution

Keywords:  pollution    serious    air    water    noise     stop    better

( B )

Nowadays, all over the world, pollution is more and more serious. Our environments are getting worse and worse.

Because of the number of cars is becoming larger and larger, they give off more and more waste gas. The air is polluted. It causes a lot of illnesses. Because more and more trees have been cut down, forests are becoming smaller and smaller. The wind is becoming stronger and stronger. Lots of lands have been turned in deserts.Many rivers and lakes have been polluted. The water supply in cities can’t meet people’s needs. So we must save water. And there are now a lot of terrible noises around us. They make it impossible for people to have a quiet rest and sleep well.

Something must be done to stop the pollution. In this case, our life can become better and better.
