





独立写作最近几年在中国大陆地区的考题基本上是以支持/反对型为主的,理论上来说考生同意或者反对题目的表述,然后展开进一步论证都是可以的,但是小马过河专家们发现有些考题并非考生可以“随心所欲”的“自由发挥”,比如当题目中包括了一些“绝对”含义的词,如only, must, fully以及形容词或者副词最高级的时候,考生在答卷时就不能采用“完全同意”的立场。




1. 体育活动对学生的学习和健康非常重要。

2. 体育活动有助于培养学生的团队精神和人生态度。

3. 体育活动能给学校带来好声誉,好的运动队能够提高学校的名气。


1. 诚然,体育活动对学生的学习和健康非常重要。

2. 虽然学生的健康对于他们的学术成功极为重要,但是学校需要为确保学生身体健康的投资是相对较少的。

3. 鉴于学校的主要任务是发展学生的心智而不是体魄,学校应当将其有限的资源更多地投入图书馆而不是体育设施中去。





但是倘若考生的文章是组织有序的,那么阅卷者从头看到尾也不会感到糊涂。可是文章结构的有序,并不是单纯地使用了诸如first, second之类的连词就可以达成的。文章中所有的句子必须服务于你的论述主题,一旦脱离了主题,那么再精辟的连词也是徒劳的。此外,在独立写作的评分标准里提到了“unity”, “progression”, “coherence”, 这就意味着考生需要将自己的观点通过合理的句型表达出来,做到统一,层层递进,连贯,以期让阅卷者能够“一目了然”文章的意图。


这段话的主题句显然是第一句,根据评分要求里对于段落一致性的要求,主题句后面的支持句都必须围绕“不同的人在大使馆里申请不同的签证”这个话题展开论述。仔细分析后我们发现上面这段话里多了一个不相干的句子:“Applying for resident visas is very difficult; one has to meet a lot of requirement.”, 这句话虽然也在谈签证,但是它谈论的是“申请签证很困难”这个论点,这样的话和段落主题就不相同了。因此考生在写文章时,一定要做到一个段落只讲一个话题,主题句的论点必须贯穿这个段落,后面的每一个支持句都朝一个方向前进,只有这样才能写出条理分明的文章。



在审题时,考生必须首先把题目通读1-3遍,彻底把握题目主旨后,方可进行段落布局。在这里,笔者结合自己的经验给考生们一些建议:首先,判断题目是否包含“绝对”含义的词,若有,则按照上篇讲过的建议布局,若没有,则对于同意或者反对的理由进行快速的brain storming, 然后根据分论点的数量及论点的可延展性来敲定立场:

Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


1) Endangered animals are valuable because of their limited quantities

2) Environment balance

3) Endangered animals sometimes stand for the country, so they are more valuable than farmlands Agree:

1) life quality is the top priority

2) endangered animals can be raised in the zoos



1) Most people are common, so they want to know something about famous ones

2) Famous people stand for some fashion

3) Constrain the public figures

4) Celebrities can improve the national cohesion and unity


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Agree: Parents make decision for children.

1) Parents have more experience

2) 15-18 years old children are not adults, so they can't take responsibility







1. 首段

重复他人观点 ( 下定义) + 自己观点 + 自己观点分支观点

1. 重复他人观点:

? It has been frequently remarked that

? It cannot be doubted that

? It is a known fact in human nature that

? It is not a new observation that

? It has more than once happened that

? It is not difficult to discover that

? It’s well known to us that ...

? It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore that

? It maybe asked, perhaps,…? The answer is obvious:

? History informed us that

? History teaches us that

? Experience has instructed us that

? We have heard...

? To those who…, it could not appear surprising that

? This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

? In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for ? In the history of …, X has been thought of as a key factor in ? In recent years , thee has been an increasing interest in ? Recently, people have shown an increased interest in

? The past decade has seen a rapid increase in

? Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in ? There was a time when we were told that

? One of the most significant current discussions in X is

? Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in believing that ? X deserves to be considered as ( the most influential … ) ? Disputes have been all time been found….

? Fruitful source of contention/ fertile resource of debate has proved that ? There are dissimilar views among …, some of them…, others …

1.1 下定义

? It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by

? There is a need to explicit about exactly what is meant by the word X

? The term X has come to be used to refer to

? The term X is generally understood to mean

? The term X has been applied to situations where

? Generally, X can be defined as any stimulus that is

? The broad use of the term X is sometimes equated with

? In…, the term tends to be used to refer to

? X can be defined as

2. 自己观点


? In my view

? As far as I am concerned

? Nothing is more evident than that

? Nothing can be more evident than that

? Many people think that, and I am in the same position

? I am persuaded in my own mind that

? I am clearly of opinion that

? I cam convinced that

? I believe, it may sagely be asserted that

? It is worthy of remark that

? To me it appears evident that

? My argument will be open to all and may be judged of by all, that is

? Referring the examination of…,it will be sufficient here to remark that

? A mature consideration of the objects will justify a belief that


? I think it is in vain to say that

? But it is not realistic that

? Others like me, however, don’t think so

? It is a matter both of wonder and regret that

? It seems that X is questionable

? One major drawback of this argument is that

? How ever, when we think about in larger picture, it is clear that… can be damaging in

some cases.

? However, far too little attention has been paid to

? The key problem with this statement is that

? One of the limitations with this issue is that

? Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of this method is that

? But if we analyze it carefully, we will find that … is not always good.

? It is sometimes asked.., it would be a full answer to this question to say that…, but,

unfortunately for us, this question admits of a more particular answer

3. 自己观点分论点:

? There are no less than three advantages / disadvantages in … rendered below ? So, in a very real sense, it would be wise to state/ argue/ claim that

? In this essay, I will give you an example of the …

? I prefer to think that... is the most important skill for almost every person; there are

many reasons to support my view.

? Wondering why? After thinking about the lifestyle of those people, the reason goes as


? There are several benefits of doing sth. First, … another benefit is that … and it also


2. 中间段

分支观点1 + 高调重复+ 理由+ 解释理由的原因 + 小总结1

1. 分支观点


? first, second, third

? first of all / to begin with, after…/ shortly after


? It would be of use to begin by examining that….

? X is the leading cause of

? Among the advantages promised by…, none deserves to be more.. than

? We may with propriety consider that



? A second observation to be made is that

? At the same time it is true to say that

? It should also be emphasized that

? It should also be noted that

? Mention should also be made to state that


? A third and still important consideration is that

? Another possibility is that

2. 高调重复





















It is not yet forgotten that It certainly would not be wise to … without It is well worthy of consideration that It cannot be doubted that It is not difficult to discover that Experience has instructed us that History has teaches us that There was a time when we were told that In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in In reviewing…, several of the most important principles fell of course under consideration Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in Nothing is more certain than the…, and it is equally undeniable that Nothing can be more evident than that If this remark is just, it becomes useful to inquire whether To those who…, it could not appear surprising that To reason from the past to the future, we shall have good ground to conclude that When we consider that…, we shall see no reason to doubt… Recent developments in X have heightened the need for Recent developments in the field of X have led to a renewed interest in The past decade have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of

3. 理由

? 陈述理由10种方法


? 原因:解释原因

? 引言:引用名人引言, 自己编的合理的话

? 举例:编一个支持SS的合理的小故事

? 假设:suppose/ imagine/ if…用一个相反的场面把论述的 观点描述出来

? 步骤:分析步骤, 时间顺序,从古到今

? 驳斥:直驳法。制造对手然后干掉对手

? 演绎:三段论

1. 列一个大前提( people will be getting old)

2. 列一个小前提 ( A is a person)

3. 得出结论 ( A will be old)

? 对比:用相反性质的B去说明A

? 类比:用相同本质的B去说明A

just like / just as

? 条件:列一个使论点成立的条件

owing to …A is able to …

? For example / for instance

? The reason for this is that

? X is a good example

? X is a good illustration of this

? X illustrates this point

? X shows this point clearly

? This can be illustrated briefly by

? A well-known example of this is

? The case of … would add great weight to this reasoning

? When we consider that… we shall see no reason to doubt

? There is abundant reason to suppose that

? By way of illustration, X shows that

? One important fact seems to be witnessed by all historians is that

? If more direct examples were wanting, X might not improperly be taken notice of. ? An example of this is the study carried out by X

? Another example of what is meant by X is

? Another reason why X is considered to be important is that

4. 逻辑连接词

? 并列

meanwhile, besides, again, equally important

? 递进

what’s more, in addition, furthermore, moreover, obviously, that is , indeed, in particular, surely

? 因果

cause/ lead to/ result in/ give rise to/ be stemmed from/

owing to / because of / as a result of / for sake of / for reason of

therefore / consequently / because of this / as a result / for this reason / thus / X is an important factor in doing

X is an important driving factor of B

X has an influent on

Another reason why A is considered to be important is that

A consequence of X is

Due to X, Y becomes … as it

The most likely cause of X is

X exerts a powerful effect upon B through

? 转折

Admittedly / it is true that / of course …, however

As a matter of fact

But/ yet/ however

Even so

Despite this




Although/though/despite of/even though While

? 目的

For fear that

In the hope that

So that / so as to

In order to

With this in mind

In view of

In search of

? 比较




So does


In the same way

Equally important




Far from

Apart from



On the contrary

In comparison

In contrast

While this is true

Not so much as

5. 总结

? all in all

? in summary

? all together ? on the whole ? Overall ? In brief ? as I stated ? to sum up ? to conclude ? In conclusion ? By and large ? As I have noted ? As I have noted ? As I stated ? As mentioned ? To put it briefly ? In other words ? That is to say ? Put another way ? Accordingly


















Hence, it is clear that My work has shown that May essay has investigated that My work has found that generally Hence, it clearly appears that The following conclusions can be drawn from my essay The results of my essay show that To judge from all the opinions I have listed above, we shall be led to conclude that From all I have listed above, we should be led to conclude that From all I have listed above, it would be wise to conclude that From the points listed above,it can be seen that .. From this view of the subject it may be concluded that From these and such like considerations, it is easy to see that I have given an account of and the reasons for the This essay has argues that X is the best … in Hence, it clearly appears that…The following conclusions can be drawn from my essay.
