
Nerver give up

-----The impressions after reading The Last Leaf

Recently, I read a book The Last Leaf. I really love this story.

In a city, many people infected with pneumonia. One of the poor student pneumonia Qiaoanxi. looked out of the window on the wall opposite the ivy leaves constantly ,with out the courage to live. She said when the last leaf falls on behalf of their death. In this city, have a great painter Behrman. After listening to sue easy to tell the story Qiaoanxi roommate really want to help her .So in a stormy night , he USES his mind to draw a piece of never-fallen leaf. Madea white lie, Let Qiaoanxi with confidence, but he suffering from pneumonia and died.

The last leaf of ivy leaf still stay in the ancient wall. The great painter Behrman will be remembered forever in the heart of the people.

Life is not as comfortable as we have thought. When we meet difficulties, we should face them bravely .Don’t give up confidence, if you smile to the world, the world will smile to you.









你大可将这个故事只当一个故事,当一个平凡的生活。可你不可能不注意到这人性中耀眼的光辉。苏和琼西只不过是一对才认识不久的朋友,而苏却可以冒着被传染的风险尽力保住琼西。老贝尔门则与这两个年轻人更没有关联了,而他却可以用他的画笔,他最完美的杰作以及他最高贵的生命去拯救她。 “落花不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。”老贝尔门是那常春藤上最后的一片叶子,他在那个风雨之夜无声无息的落下了。没有一个人察觉,就连一早拉开窗帘都没人发现他已飘然逝去,没有一个人听到一个灵魂陨落的声音。因为他们看到的是另一个鲜活的生命。老画家的生命落在春的泥土里,它滋养了另一个生命。

